Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Flesh and Bone

Wow, half of July is gone and I'm trying to get my office organized and figure out how we're going to get my daughter moved into her dorm. If she can even move into the place. The clear out and organization is going better than expected. I ordered several types of smaller bookcases and some drawers to help corral all the crap I've had surrounding me for close to a decade. It's way past time.

I didn't get a ton of television watched this week but I do have a few updates. First, I'm still having feels about Arrow's final episode. There might be more coming about the series as a whole at some point.

Caught Roswell, New Mexico and honestly truly enjoyed the episode, "I'll Stand by You." The entire cast got some solid screen time and that makes me very happy. Special kudos for Michael and Isabel's arc and I loved Kyle telling Liz she's family because he gets what she means now. I'm starting to truly appreciate the complexities of the characters' interactions. So good.

Watched the penultimate episode of Strike Back and, damn, the cast brought their A games. Seriously, every single moment had me on the edge of my seat. The crazy fight between Coltrane and Wyatt topped the list because the size difference is almost comical but the entire point wasn't lost on me. The trio needed to clear the air and that was the best way to do it. And I'll freely admit I absolutely loved Chetri's journey. I love that she pretty gave a giant middle finger to her captors and that her end didn't happen before the team arrived. Another huge eff you to the antagonists. Excellent viewing. Seriously.

Started another new episode of Blue Heelers and this one is off the charts crazy. Different from the usual and I like that.

Began a rewatch of Hollywood Dirt, a Passionflix original. I love the chemistry between the actors and I also appreciate the fact that the casting department will go back to actors who are terrific.

Caught several episodes of Danger Man and both were ones I don't remember watching. Each ended up being terrific.

That's pretty much my week in a nutshell. Tonight's post is from Flesh and Bone, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

An AI that spouts philosophical mumbo jumbo, a past that may not be all it seems, and a link between both sends Peta Jones on quest to figure out the truth. It's a good thing she's got Abe Cantrell along to act as her voice of reason.

And a sneaky peek…

Abe Cantrell studied the interrogation footage. He shouldn't get involved, but one of the marines strongly suggested Abe needed to see what went down with the AI. Danvers also added—for Abe's ears only—that he should review the scenario before he went to see Peta in sickbay.
Abe let out a low whistle. "No shit. Glad he said something." Danvers had a soft spot for Peta because she reminded him of his little sister.
Abe's connection went deeper. He'd known Peta forever. Her grandfather and his met in basic training and remained close friends until Peta's lost his life in a car accident during peace time.
Directing his attention on the monitor again, he couldn't fault Peta's technique. "She's detached, but has to work at it." Which made sense, considering she'd never interrogated a prisoner before.
She even stayed composed when the progress stalled and harsher tactics had to be used but she wobbled a little.
Abe's gut clenched. He didn't blame her for the crack in her armor. She did her duty as ordered. But even he didn't like some of the forceful methods, which bordered on torture.
"Except we don't think of it as torture when it involves an AI."
The diplomats would be debating how to classify the artificial intelligence beings that looked and acted human. And, frankly, Abe would leave the discussions to them. He had opinions but the more he learned the more they changed.
"I want to talk to you and only you, lieutenant. If you make that happen, I'll tell you what you want to know."
Abe leaned closer to the screen. The Bensalem AI spoke quietly and directly to Peta. Peta motioned for the marines to leave after they got Bensalem seated across from her.
The discussion progressed rapidly and Peta got some solid information out of Bensalem.
Abe folded his arms. "But it's almost like it's playing her." Toying with its words until it could spring some kind of trap.
The male unit kept asking Peta nonsense questions—about her favorite foods, her preference for entertainment, and finally he asked something about her childhood.
The exact moment the snare caught. Well, fuck. Abe rewound and viewed the footage again.
The AI homed in on a random event in her childhood—and pulled a thread. Abe couldn't hear the details but he read Peta like a book. From her reaction, the AI hit a raw, jangly nerve. There were parts of Peta's past she didn't talk about and Abe rarely pushed her to do so.
"Maybe I should have…"
Peta covered with a flippant comment. "We're not here to talk about me." She set the hands on the table then folded them together, presenting a relaxed countenance.
But the male unit had broken through one of her walls and wormed its way into her psyche.
Abe clenched his fist. "God dammit, old man. You put her in there." A kick of guilt jabbed Abe.
He shared the blame. After all, he'd told the commander Peta wanted more responsibility and could handle the extra load of work. She'd more than proven she could tackle hard assignments.
But interrogating an AI?
None of them had a lot of experience trying to get information from the units.
Abe leaned in again—focusing all attention on the male—and caught the split-second warning before it made its move.
"Fuck!" He still jumped when the male slammed Peta against the wall.
His gut clawed up to his chest and even the knowledge she got out—somewhat worse for the experience—didn't calm the racing beat of his heart.
The attack—and the viciousness behind it—lingered, even after the marines blew the door.
"Glad Danvers told me to dig into this."
The pain and defeat in Peta's eyes would stay with Abe a long time. The stab of fear he could have lost her wouldn't go anywhere either. The depth of what he really felt for her caught him by the throat—the exact moment Bensalem grabbed hers. The knowledge wedged itself deep and he didn't know what to do with the realization … but he had a good idea what to do for Peta.
Shutting the monitor down, he got up. "Be there. For whatever she needs."

I need to really dig in and tear this story apart. The sages keep feeding me scenes but they're random and aren't meshing together yet. It's time to get out the storyboard and start shuffling the pieces to see where they work the best.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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