Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Wires Crossed

Man… another week full of crazy sauce. In all honesty, I could do with a bit of slowing down and a tiny amount of smooth sailing. That said… I won't hold my breath. And it's not like anything majorly negative is going on. It's only being busier than I normally am.

Not a bad week in television. My current obsession with Roswell, New Mexico continues and I rewatched the first nine episodes. This week's episode didn't disappoint and my conspiracy theory side is having a heyday about the fourth alien. I'm such a big fan of how… messy… the relationships are. Awkward interactions abound and I'm totally here for watching all that unfold. So far, I'm also a big fan of how those touchy moments are being portrayed. I love how the core characters are letting the subtext shine and mixing it with lots of snark and offbeat comments. This show… if you're not watching it, give it a whirl. You won't be disappointed.

Caught another episode of Murdoch Mysteries and loved how the show title got worked into the book William and Julia are writing. It makes me wonder if the twelfth season might be the last. If so, I'll fondly say goodbye and look forward to rewatching from the start.

Watched the Arrow "Unmasked" episode and thoroughly enjoyed. I should be to the point where I can catch up on the crossover event with The Flash and Supergirl. I'm behind on The Flash but, sadly, I don't miss it as much as I thought I would.

Caught a great episode of Painkiller Jane. I remembered this one and enjoyed the second viewing. I actually wouldn't mind a reboot or reimagining of this concept at some point.

Started from the beginning of Peter Gunn and watched the first two episodes. I finally found another streaming source that has all of the first season episodes. This is such a great show to watch when the mood to write noir strikes me.

Watched another episode of Underbelly: Razor. Things move fast in this series and I kind of enjoyed watching Kate get served even when she did the right thing. Communication would go a long way in her world. Tillie and Nellie are probably next and I'll look forward to seeing how the cracks and chips start showing in their armor too.

Caught one of my favorite episodes of The Sarah Conner Chronicles. I truly loved how Jessie's gambit finally got revealed and the sole purpose she brought Riley back to the past came into play. And I also liked how Derek is finally edging toward knowing they're working at cross purposes. Good stuff.

Watched the final episode of Birds of Prey and I'm glad I took the time to rewatch this single season show. The last scene is more than worth watching the entire series for.

Started the sixth episode of Strike Back's sixth season. Gotta say the Mac and Wyatt interactions are terrific in this episode. Also love Coltrane's bits so far. I really want to see him rip into the DEA agent for blowing their cover. He's too smart not to know she had a big ass hand in doing that.

And that's it for this television this week. Tonight's post is from Wires Crossed, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt of writing a scene where a training exercise goes wrong.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Vanessa Twill and Justin Hardwick don't always see eye to eye and the tension between them is thick and taut. When a training exercise goes bad, the duo is grounded until they get their act together. Forced to communicate, they work out some issues and realize they didn't have their wires crossed… a saboteur did. Literally.

And a sneaky peek…

Justin grabbed hold of Vanessa's shoulder. "Hold up, Twill. Care to explain why you were all over Red Hen's ass?" He tucked his helmet under his arm and braced his legs.
She sighed and jerked her head toward the briefing room. He didn't necessarily want to be alone with her. Not right now. Red-hot irritation chafed at him but he followed her inside the darkened room.
She turned and folded her arms across her chest. "Because I had the XO in my face as soon as I landed. His words were, and I quote, 'that was a little too close for comfort' and 'let's make sure it doesn't happen again.'" Her hard look underscored her next words. "Didn't have the heart, or frankly, the balls, to tell him Red Hen isn't mine, but he tagged me in front of everyone. Didn't have much choice but to tear Hernandez a new one." Her brow quirked upward, daring him to push back.
He couldn't. At least not on that point. But he did have an issue with a few things she'd berated the junior pilot over.
Setting his helmet in one of the chairs, he matched her cross-armed stance. "Did you have to tell him how much ejections cost?" Seriously? Not the thing pilots want to hear when they've just lost a plane.
She made a garbled choking sound. "Why the hell shouldn't I? You do realize it's part of our training budget, right?" Flinging an arm out, she started pacing back and forth. "I mean, you're a numbers guy, aren't you? Always pulling random statistics out of your ass to make a point." Her eyes rolled and she paused.
His face heated, but he gave a nod. "Statistics don't lie." They were the foundation the military built almost everything on.
Vanessa snorted. "Maybe not, but they can be manipulated. Which is why developing good instincts makes better pilots." A phrase she repeated almost ad nauseam.
Justin waved his hand. "Instinct only carries them so far. Practice, repeating the same exercises over and over, builds muscle memory and hones fine motor skill." And, yes, he had a stack of reports that backed his statement up.
Which Vanessa would know.
She sighed. "Look, you're awfully comfortable taking chances with multibillion-dollar space crafts, but I'm not as blasé about the bottom line." Dropping into one of the seats, she slumped down and kicked her feet out. "Or about training our pilots in the fine art of flying them correctly so they don't have to eject."
Okay, ouch. Vanessa didn't usually bring out the bitch card so early in a discussion. Then again, she rarely ended up on the XO's shit list either.
But… Justin had a semi-ready comeback. "The planes don't actually cost billions to make. The government factors in the lifetime of use, the pay grades of the flight crew and pilots, the officers in the comms, hell, everything it takes to fly in the price they list for public review." The planes cost maybe two million to source and produce, tops. "As for the fine art of training, we've surpassed our counterparts on five other ships. I think we're doing something right." Even if they argued incessantly about their methods.
Vanessa's lips quirked in a half-smile. "Okay, there is that." She got up and met his gaze. "Look, it got hairy out there today and I'm still processing everything. I stand by what I said to Red Hen but if you want to smooth things over, I don't have any objections."
As far as concessions went, he'd take the peace offering.
Shaking his head, he grabbed his helmet again. "Nah. You gave him a lot to think about. We'll start fresh tomorrow and see how he handles being back out there." He thrust his free hand forward. "Thanks for explaining."
She grasped his palm. "Sure. Let's hope today's fiasco is used by everyone when we get back out there."
He could've done without the reminder but she made a fair point. And he'd wisely keep his mouth shut for now.
With a quick lift of his chin, he stepped out of the briefing room. "They're doing some kind of buffet for dinner tonight. Wanna join me?" Maybe if they spent some downtime together, they'd make some headway and argue less often.
She tilted her head to one side. "I'd like that. But I have a sim session scheduled with Catnap. Can we meet afterward?"
He agreed and actually looked forward to seeing how they got along outside of their usual roles.

I'm enjoying how Vanessa and Justin are interacting and how both make good, solid arguments for their point of view.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Wings Get Clipped

Whew. Very long week where focus became a huge hurdle. Without getting into a whole too much information thing, hormones are a total pain in the ass and not a lot of fun to deal with. Bleh.

Decent viewing week in television. Caught another episode of Endeavour and it ended up being pretty terrific. Two more episodes of season five then a wait for season six.

Next up… Roswell, New Mexico. This show has been eating my brain in a really good way. I caught up on all the back episodes and started a rewatch already. Seriously, I haven't had a show do this to me since Battlestar Galactica and Arrow. I'm going to be so disappointed if Roswell, NM doesn't get a second season.

Started an episode of Midsomer Murders and it's rather interesting to see Jones sporting a beard. The character looks so different, especially when glasses are added to the mix.

Caught another episode of The Sarah Conner Chronicles and it's one I'd forgotten about. Only six or so more episodes before the end of the line. Also caught the next to last episode of Birds of Prey. I'll finish up that series and head back to Blade on CW Seed.

Watched the fifth episode of Strike Back and loved the twist and reveal of who Kingfisher actually is. Gotta say I didn't see it coming and loved not knowing. Things will get very tricky now, or more tricky because this show doesn't do anything else. With luck, the DEA agent will meet with a satisfying end. Just saying.

Caught an episode of Chicago Fire and have to comment how nice it is to not have the squirrely deputy commissioner in my face anymore. I'll keep saying that in the hopes he'll never grace the screen again. I'm still kind of "bleh" about Stella and Kelly's breakup. A little too contrived and disappointing.

Watched a Classic Roswell episode. I'd forgotten how much of an ass Kyle is in the first season. Geez.

Also caught a couple Classic Who episodes. Getting ready to watch the Time Meddler episodes, which should be fun.

And that's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Wings Get Clipped, a novella that started with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

In the middle of a war, a long-standing personal vendetta comes to light against Schuler Grace and Gren Gambolina's commanding officer and it puts the two soldiers directly in the line of fire. Fighting the enemy within, while doing battle with their adversaries on the warfront, Schuler and Gren form an unbreakable bond to see them through their biggest challenge.

And a sneaky peek…

Admiral Marcus Shellan sat before the joint council, ready to deliver his final demand. "You're going to put me in charge of the Andromeda theater." He'd already received concessions for several topics and he'd saved the most important for last.
The chairman leaned forward. "Shellan, we won't allow you to pursue a personal vendetta in the middle of a war. If that's your plan, you can stay in the Triangulum theater."
Shellan nodded slowly. "I assure you I'm not gunning for Wharton. I know the Andromeda theater and you need my knowledge." He paused, waiting several long beats. "If you want to win."
The members of council glanced back and forth between each other, two going so far as to bob their heads up and down. Shellan settled back in his seat. He'd won this round. The chairman wouldn't be able to refuse Shellan's demand to move his command to the outpost in Andromeda.
And Shellan would get his chance to take Wharton down, once and for all.
The chairman folded his hands on the table. "Admiral Shellan. You're hereby assigned as the supreme commander of the Andromeda theater. But… I caution you, on the record, about using this post to enact a personal vendetta against Commander Wharton. You'll be removed from command and stripped of all commendations if we get any kind of indication you're abusing your rank, are you perfectly clear on that topic?" Wizened eyes pinned Shellan with their gaze.
The admiral gave a curt nod. "I am." He didn't stand on ceremony and rose from his seat. "I'll leave immediately." He strode toward the exit and twisted the knob. "I'll get results. You can count on it." Yanking the door open, he walked out of the room, back straight and head high.
His aide fell into step beside him. "Sir? Everything went according to your plan?"
Shellan let a wide, slow smile grace his face. "Of course, Schwartz." He made a turn and strode down into the landing bay where his flagship waited to depart.
Schwartz leaned in closer to the admiral. "And Wharton? Did they question you about him?"
Shellan sent his aide a sideways glance. "Of course they did. They sputtered and spewed their usual ass-covering platitudes then gave me exactly what I wanted."
Schwartz followed Shellan onto the ship. "And that would be?"
Shellan turned and faced his aide. "The chance to kill two enemies in one go, Schwartz, what else?"

Shellan is definitely going to get his ass handed to him in a big way. He thinks he knows what he's doing, but he'll be outplayed… and probably not by anyone he expects.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Why We Fight

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all who celebrate. I'm not big on drinking green beer, but I do have Irish—apparently from County Cork and County Down—on both sides of my family so I love to visit some of the traditions around this time.

Once again, we've had crazy back and forth weather. A lovely high in the upper seventies on Thursday with a thirty-degree drop to the mid-forties on Friday. Lots of wind and rain Thursday night. Everyone who just got over the nasty upper respiratory ick that went around is probably going to end up with it again. Bleh.

Had a decent week for television. Caught another episode of Chicago Fire. Gotta say I'm a little "meh" about the whole Stella and Severied breakup. Honestly, and I don't say this lightly, her accusation of Kelly being jealous kind of put me off. First… because she's the one who went a little crazy when Kelly's former flame came back to town, and second, because Kelly never really tried to keep her from hanging out with creepy friend dude. The distant thing, I definitely feel. But if she knows Kelly… and she does… his go-to coping mechanism is to be kind of aloof and alone, not to mention he's been giving her some space because of creepy friend dude. So, yeah, the whole breakup thing? Not thrilled with it. Too forced, in my opinion. Casey's situation, though, really played out well. I enjoyed the whole storyline of the reporter getting her story with his help.

Caught an episode of Iron Fist. Actually loved Ward and Joy's interactions with everyone. Ward is such a dickhole but I love how it's played. Kudos to the actor because he's perfect for the part. Danny and Colleen make me happy even when they're not really communicating well. The whole Mary or whatever her name is better start making sense soon. I'm a little lost with that arc.

Watched another Passionflix movie, The Protector, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm truly thrilled to be a founding member of this group. If you haven't checked out a subscription, please do. And if you're not big on streaming subscriptions, maybe think about getting a DVD. Their original movies and programs are excellent.

Also caught another episode of Classic Roswell. The one where Liz's journal goes missing and I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed that episode. Michael started growing on me after this one.

Watched an episode of Murdoch Mysteries and I'm getting into the story of William and Julia's endeavor to write a book. The case this week also intrigued me. I love having some backstory with William.

Caught another episode of Arrow and it's one I've been waiting to see. "Slabside Redemption" didn't disappoint. I've been excited to see how the prison storyline would end and I'm quite happy with how it played out. My one and only "meh" moment? Stanley's escape. That means we'll be seeing him again, right?

Watched another episode of Roswell, New Mexico. This show is starting to eat my brain in the best way. It's messy and I love it. There's nothing uncomplicated about any of the relationships. I'd love to see a better and stronger Maria and Liz vibe because I loved that friendship in the original. The Rosa storyline is starting to grow on me and I'm hoping the whole illegal alien thing smooths out soon. On one hand, I like the topical aspect to making Liz's dad illegal. On the other, I struggle a little because it's so very different from the classic version. We'll see if that one starts growing on me.

Caught another Painkiller Jane episode I either missed or forgot about the first time around. "Breakdown" ended up being a terrific episode. I loved how it ended.

Started another episode of Underbelly: Razor. This show goes to some interesting places and I'm kind of interested in where this episode will end and who will be left standing. Hopefully will have time to finish it soon.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Why We Fight, a novella that started with a writing community prompt of make one main character a solider and the other a reporter.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Emmett Barley, an embedded investigative reporter, pushes Pier Luphen, the squadron leader, for honest answers about the war they're fighting. She tries to take the status quo, but Emmett won't have it. He's heard the military party line his entire life and he wants the truth or nothing. He also wants Pier, but she's not willing to compromise her mission regardless of how she feels about Emmett.

And a sneaky peek…

"Hello? Lieutenant Lupher?" Janey Midway, the ensign assigned to Pier's supply detail snapped her fingers in front of Pier's face.
Pier blinked her attention back to Janey and got on with checking in the supplies. "Yeah, sorry. Here's the next sheet." So not the time to be distracted.
And the reason proved even worse. The idea of dinner with the hot Emmett Barley definitely shouldn't be having this effect on Pier. So what if he'd probably end up being better company than she'd had in ages?
A reporter is a reporter, Pier. Don't get tangled up any more than you have to.
Pier finished up the count and started marking the boxes. "These are the ones designated for transport to the outpost." She gave up trying to shove thoughts of Emmett Barley out of her head. "Why does that name seem so familiar?" And it had nothing to do with Ambry. The guy had friends in all branches of the military.
Janey quirked an eyebrow. "Excuse me, Lieutenant?" Her gaze questioned Pier's sanity at the moment.
Rightfully so.
Pier shook her head. "Nothing, Ensign. Trying to place where I've heard Barley before." Better than admitting how much space Emmett occupied in her brain right now.
The ensign's eye widened. "Maybe from a textbook, Sir. Major General Ethan Barley, decorated hero of the first Tehune War kind of rewrote the book for the army."
Pier closed her eyes. "Son of a bitch. That would be why." Could she be any stupider?
How could she not have made that connection? Okay, the war had been two decades ago. But still…
Janey propped her elbow on top of a crate. "Yeah, the name is pretty famous, obviously. And the general has three sons. Two are up and coming officers in the army; the other is your new headache." She chuckled and went back to moving the inventory.
Pier lifted an eyebrow. "Exactly how do you know this?" Janey didn't strike Pier as a military fangirl.
The ensign flushed, her cheeks going pink. "Army brat here, Sir. My dad's unit was attached to the general's attack force at the tail end of the war. I grew up listening about his exploits." She lifted a shoulder. "Since then, well, I've sort of followed the news about his career." Glancing away, she mumbled. "If you'll pardon me for oversharing the information."
Janey could overshare as much as she wanted, but Pier didn't want her to be uncomfortable. Maybe a change in subject would help.
Pier tilted her head to one side. "How did you end up on a sea carrier if your dad fought infantry?"
Janey laughed. "Dad loved the water but suffers from vicious seasickness." She smiled, wide and true. "I don't have that particular problem."
Pier chuckled. "It's a good thing you don't. But it makes you a great addition to the joint task force. Who knew we'd be spending as much time inland as we have?" Moving on to the next row of crates, she started the new checklist.
Between the two of them, the supervising took most of the day. By the time they had the transfer complete and ready for transport, Pier had a long list of questions running through her head and all of them swirled around Emmett Barley.
Did he get along with his siblings? How did having a war hero dad help or hurt while growing up? But the biggest one of all? Why had he chosen journalism over soldiering?
Hopefully, she'd get to ask a few when she took him to the mess hall. And, damn, if she didn't look forward to dinner. Not that she'd ever admit that fact to him.

Pier's curiosity will definitely get the better of her but she won't have to admit she's looking forward to the dinner. Emmett's a smart guy. He'll figure it out.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sunday Snippet: While We Still Can

As usual, the weather in Ohio is crazy. Snow and cold to start and last most of the week and a semi-thaw today with a ton of rain and wind. It's supposed to get cold again by next weekend. Sigh.

Kind of a slow week for television. I had several work deadlines that needed a lot of my attention and focus. I did get some viewing in though.

Finished up the Killjoys season and, holy crap, I'm truly ready for next season already. Where they left things? Yeah, I need to know what happens.

Caught another episode of Painkiller Jane and it was another one I didn't remember for the original airing. A pretty good one, too.

I watched an episode of Underbelly: Razor and I gotta say I'm really mad at Kate. That's the whole point but the whole deal with Bruce just burns my chaps. Tillie and Nellie are ripe for a downfall and I'll be interested in seeing how that comes about.

Caught the third episode of Endeavour and really enjoyed the case and hints dropped about the robberies. I like that there's something of a through line into the next episode. At least I hope that's what will happen. The robbery guys are total doltheads, just saying.

Watched one of my favorite episodes of The Sarah Conner Chronicles and I’m almost at the end of the road for the series. I really forgot how terrific and ahead of its time the show is.

Caught the third episode of Roswell, New Mexico. I'm truly loving this show and have become quite a fan. Here's hoping it gets a second season.

I'm two episodes from the end of Birds of Prey. Watched "Reunion" this week and enjoyed how Barbara and Helena discovered some internal truths. Also caught the first episode of Pensacola Wings of Gold season two. Not sure about continuing but I did like how they transitioned from the previous season.

Started episode four of Strike Back. Got distracted by work so I'll have to finish it up in the near future. Hopefully the very near future.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from While We Still Can, a sexy short that started with a writing community prompt of take a scene from your favorite show and switch the roles of the main characters.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Maura Sells and Cobb Kinkleman are fighting in a long and bloody war. During a rare moment of downtime, Cobb decides they need to get what they can, while they can and quickly convinces Maura with a heated kiss. They face a bleak future and stealing a night of hot passion may be their only reprieve.

And a sneaky peek…

There she is… the Maura I know and love.
He tossed back the liquid in his glass. "Rolling with the punches is probably one of your greatest traits." Another refill.
Her eyes narrowed. "When did you decide that one?" Her fingers twirled the tumbler around.
He didn't hesitate. "First day of basic training, so… what? Almost ten years ago?" Kicking back on the hind legs of the chair, he nodded.
Maura's eyes went wide. "Seriously? I don't remember what I had for breakfast this morning and you remember the first day of basic?" She shook her head. "Has it really been ten years?" Her voice held a nostalgic tone.
Cobb straightened, putting the chair upright again. "Yeah, it has. And, yes, you do remember the first day. This is me you're talking to." She could brush off the topic and change the subject with anyone else.
But not him.
She rolled her eyes. "You always call me on my bullshit. From day one. That I remember." Her lips curved. "Man, I kind of miss those days."
Who the hell didn't? Before the weight of war seeped into every aspect of their life. Before friends started dying. Before—
Yeah, enough of the morose bullshit.
Cobb poured another round. "Fun times." He lifted his glass. "Here's to more of those." If they made it back.
Maura raised her tumbler and dipped her chin. "Would be nice to have some again." The last month had taken a heavy toll.
Cobb sipped the contents this time. "Hey… the bash we had for Windigo wasn't half bad." But, wow, how long ago had the birthday celebration been?
Maura drained her glass. "No, it wasn't. But seven memorials since then kind of sucks the joy out of everything, you know?" She reached for the bottle this time and tilted it for a refill.
Cobb didn't comment. What could he say? Especially when two more might be on deck. His. And hers.
He stared at the liquid sloshing out from the bottle then raised his gaze to study Maura. He couldn't have a better pilot flying the upcoming operation with him. He'd trust her with his life. Hell, he'd done so on numerous occasions. If he believed in fated destinies, he'd bet his entwined with hers.
But he didn't give credence to fate. What a joke. Yet, their paths crossed often over the last decade, zigzagging in and out of each other's orbit. How many times had they come this close to… something? Only to have common sense kick in with a healthy dose of reality.
War meant death and possibly losing the person flying one's wing.
Maura snapped her fingers. "Hey, you got quiet. What're you thinking about?"
He shrugged. "Everything. Past, present, future." Or lack thereof.
Maura snorted. "What future? The damned war isn't going to leave us with one." Bitterness tinged her tone along with something else… regret, maybe.
Which lit a spark in his mind. What if. What if they didn't make it back? What if their story ended with the upcoming mission? What if—
Maura cut into his thoughts. "Talk to me, Cobb. It's no fun to drink in silence." She shot him a quirky smile, one he'd become familiar with over the years.
A sudden truth smacked him hard. He didn't want to leave this plane of existence without putting everything on the line. When would he have another opportunity?
Sitting up, he rested his forearms on the table. "Why didn't we ever get together?" He phrased it as a question… maybe she didn't feel the same way about him.
Maura opened her mouth but closed it again.
After swallowing, she answered. "Um, I don't know. We're fighting a war…" Her voice trailed off and she glanced away. "Who has time?" She shifted in her chair, fidgeting with the glass again.
Cobb pushed back. "Maybe people should make time." A thread of challenge entered his tone.
Maura met his gaze again. "For what?" Her eyebrow rose with the question.
Cobb pressed his case. "Holding on to something. Making a connection." Digging deeper on an emotional level.
Maura studied him a few moments. "Hmm. Never thought about it. Mainly because we're taught to give up the dream for a happy future." Her lips twisted into a frown.
He nodded. "Yeah, take what we can because bright, shiny moments don't last." Screw that… bright and shiny were overrated, but something real and true… he wanted both.
He picked up his glass and finished off the alcohol. Liquid courage for what came next.
Setting the tumbler down, he met and held her gaze. "So why don't we?"
Maura quirked a brow. "Why don't we what?"
He leaned across the table, cupped her face in his hands, and slanted his mouth over hers.
Contact. Connection. Communication.

I'm having a great time with this one. I love switching the roles of the main characters and adding my spin on them.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sunday Snippet: We Have a Winner

Well, hello, March. So far, I'm still battling the stupid respiratory crud I thought I was over last week. It was just a little reprieve. That said, I do feel way better than I did three days ago when I had a moment where I thought death might actually be a better option than being sick. LOL Then I remembered to not be a ninny and get over myself. In the grand scheme of things, a stupid recurring cold won't last forever.

I did have a decent week of television viewing. Started off with a weird episode of Lexx that I honestly don't remember if I finished or not. Cold meds make things a wee bit fuzzy.

Followed up with an episode of Strike Back and, man, did they cram a lot of stuff into a single episode. I love that about this show. So much goes down it's hard to keep up.

Started an episode of Midsomer Murders while doing laundry. One of the best things I've ever done is add a television to my laundry room. Makes the chore of sorting and folding much more enjoyable.

Watched the first episode of Iron Fist's new season. While the pace is a little slow, I loved catching up to where everyone is. Joy is the biggest surprise that isn't actually a surprise. It'll be interesting to see where she ends up by the end. And Ward just fascinates me. Looking forward to seeing him work through all of his issues. Or not. LOL Danny and Colleen are terrific and I'm curious about how the episode ended. Danny's got some internal drama to work through or so it seems.

Chicago Fire had a great episode. I'll be really pissed if anything happens to Cruz's Chloe. Here's hoping that works out okay. The way the episode ended though, with Matt's place in flames, doesn't bode well for him.

Gotham had such a great episode. The ending though? Holy crap. I did not see that coming. I'm actually loving this season so much.

Caught another Classic Roswell episode and it's one of my favorites where Liz's grandmother suffers a stroke and doesn't make it. Michael being sneaky is such a not-Michael thing and I loved it, too.

Watched another episode of Arrow and I'm slowly but surely getting caught up. A great theme about what being a hero entails. Also liked getting confirmation that Stanley's a weasel. Loved Oliver's face when that realization kicked in. Also watched another episode of Murdoch Mysteries. I loved seeing some of the secondary characters shine in this one.

Caught a few episodes of Classic Who while attempting to get through the huge stack of dishes I have waiting to be washed. Being down with the sickness doesn't mean those buggers wash themselves. Bleh.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from We Have a Winner, a sexy short that started with a writing community prompt of write a scene or story about someone winning a bet on when a couple would hookup.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Kella Yates and Weston Grogan can't fight their attraction and everyone knows it. The entire crew of their ship waits in anticipation for their inevitable hook-up. When they finally cave in to their lust, the winner of the when will it happen pool can be declared.

And a sneaky peek…

"Last but not least, the super-secret pool of when Kella and Weston will finally hookup has not been won yet." Josh Hardway glanced at the clipboard in his hands. "That means Jones, Morrison, Benji, uh… Michael and Melli are out in the cold." He raised his head. "Any of you want to place a wager on a new date?"
Melli sighed. "Dammit, I would've won if I didn't have such crappy timing." A round of commiseration went through the room. "I swear if I'd been five minutes later, I would've caught them." With her luck, they probably finished what they started as soon as she left.
Didn't matter. The pool specifically stated the duo had to be caught in the act not necessarily that it had to be their first time. For all the rest of the crew knew, Kella and Weston fornicated like rabbits on a regular basis.
Melli shivered. What a visual.
Josh hand-waved her protest. "Yeah, yeah. No proof and foreplay doesn't count." He gave her a pointed look. "You're out of luck." Waving the clipboard, he waggled his eyebrows.
Melli grabbed a five from her pocket and slapped it on the table. "Fine. Give me the next open date." With the popularity of this pool, she might be looking at some time next year.
Josh smirked and pocketed the money. "Can't quit while you're ahead, can you?"
Melli snorted. "There is no ahead in this pool. It's all in or lose out." She'd been in from the beginning and she'd stay to the bitter end.
Too bad no one figured it would be over six months with no winner. The wild-eyed chemistry between Kella and Weston all but set the ship on fire. Maybe they'd found some out of the way place to get it on.
Josh laughed then held up the clipboard again. "Any of you other losers wanna get back in the pool?"
Jones and Michael opted out, but Morrison and Benji stayed in, handing over their money. Melli did a quick calculation and shook her head.
She got up and faced the gathered group. "Seriously? Whoever wins this better throw the biggest damn party we've ever seen." There had to be close to a thousand bucks on the line.
Definitely not the usual fifty to one hundred they usually collected if they won a pool.
Melli planned to stake out the couple on her downtime to up the chances she'd walk away the winner. After all, she had more than money invested in the outcome. Her romantic side wanted Kella and Weston to find happiness in each other's arms.

I'm having a lot of fun with this little story. Kella and Weston have quite the following on the ship.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye