Saturday, August 15, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Gentle Valor

Well, we're off to move my daughter into her dorm for her very first semester of college. It's been a crazy whirlwind of a week, trying to get last-minute details nailed down and grabbing all the final items she needs to have with her. Thankfully, I've only got one project that has a deadline and my past self ended up being smart enough to work the move into the due date. Whew.

Not much viewing of television this week. Too many things going on. I did catch another episode of Danger Man, which happened to be another one I hadn't seen yet.

Also got through almost all of Gabriel's Inferno. Like I said, I'm kind of taking my time with this one and thoroughly enjoying it.

Started a new episode of Blue Heelers and a new character has been introduced. So far, he's a bit of dick. Not sure if I'll end up really liking him or hating him a bunch. Time will tell.

I'm really looking forward to having a little downtime once we get the college-bound kid settled in. The whole pandemic thing has completely thrown off my usual groove and I'm not quite sure if I'll get it back or if my new normal will take some getting used to.

That's my week in a nutshell. Tonight's post is from A Gentle Valor, a novella that started with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Aggie Fyffe makes an impossible decision and survives a hellish experience. Haunted by her choice, she faces her demons with a little help from Zane Tetherson and earns a chance for redemption.

And a sneaky peek…

Zane Tetherson returned from patrol and logged off shift. His first stop would be command quarters—before he even grabbed a shower and a meal. His routine hadn't changed in the week since his fellow soldier Aggie Fyffe's disappearance.
Stopping outside the metal structure that housed the visiting field commander and his XO, Zane rapped on the door.
"Enter!" The commander's booming voice carried through loud and clear.
Zane stepped inside and found Colonel Fitz Mayhew finishing up his evening meal. "Sir, my regrets for interrupting your chow time." He stood at attention until Mayhew waved off the apology.
He shifted on his seat. "I'm done, Tetherson. No harm." He wiped his mouth with a napkin. "You're wanting an update on Lieutenant Fyffe but I don't have one." He covered the tray, he slowly got up. "She's still overdue to report in. I sent out a recon team to see if they can kick up any intelligence." Crossing over to his desk, he settled behind it and motioned for Zane to join him.
Zane sat in a chair facing his CO. "I'd like to volunteer during my downtime, sir." Technically, Zane had command of the base, but the brass moved through on a regular rotation.
Mayhew studied Zane for several long moments. "Look, commander, you're a little too close to this, but I won't refuse the extra help." He waited a beat. "Tomorrow. Tonight you need to get some rest and report for duty at your normal time. The men in under your command need to know they can count on you regardless of Lieutenant Fyffe's circumstances." His eyebrows shot up more or less daring Zane to argue.
Zane opted to comply with the order. "I won't let anyone down, sir." He got up and turned to exit quarters.
Mayhew gave Zane a parting shot. "Didn't for a moment think you would, Tetherson."
Zane left and headed for the mess hall. He'd grab a meal, take it back to the quarters he normally shared with Aggie, and then grab a shower and hit his rack. If he wanted to help Aggie, he needed a clear head.
Okay, partially clear. Worry clouded his brain and would continue to do so until they found her. He would not accept the possibility of never seeing her again.
"Where are you, Aggie?"
This story has a way to go but it's finally coming together the way I'd hoped it would.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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