Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Gut Punch Feeling

September 6, 2020

Hello, September. The great office reorganization is coming along. If all goes well, I might have the bulk of the work complete by the end of the year. I'm very happy with how everything is going so far.

Not a bad week for television. I finished up the Danger Man episodes that were available. Not sure what I'll start on to replace this one yet.

Caught an episode of Picard and enjoyed it. I'm not quite sure what to make of the guy who's captaining the ship yet. I rather liked getting a little more Ravi backstory.

Watched two more episodes of Peak Practice. I'm getting to the end of the second season and, so far, still enjoying the episodes.

Finished Ms. Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries. I'd really love to have another season of this show. I feel like the final episode had everyone coming into their own as characters. Maybe we'll get lucky.

Caught another arc of Classic Who. I think I might be ready to start the next season or I'm getting close.

That's it for this week. Tonight's post is from Gut-Punch Feeling, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Evie Roth, a soldier explorer, keeps her promises. But when a sinister plot threatens those she loves, especially Parr Romanoff, she'll break a vow she made long ago … to herself.

And a sneaky peek…

Evie woke up and everything that happened rushed back at her.
Groaning, she flung an arm over her head. "What the hell was I thinking … kissing Parr like that?" She rolled out of her rack and snagged her shower kit.
Parr had someone. A good woman. One Evie would probably like a lot if she didn't have what Evie wanted.
Entering the head, she shook off the jealous thought. "I need to take the high road and let him he happy." He'd tried to do the same for her.
And look where she ended up. Nursing a bruised ego, a crushed spirit, and a really hard knock to her confidence. Rinsing off, she steeled her spine. Nope. That was yesterday.
Today, she had a new journey. "Time to get started." Drying off and getting into a uniform, she exited the head and put her kit away.
The chow line moved quickly and she wolfed down her usual breakfast of scrambled eggs, a bowl of fruit, and two cups of coffee. "A solid eight hours, a hot shower, and grub. Might as well face my biggest obstacle." Meaning Parr.
She could and would be the soldier he needed her to be. Nothing more and definitely nothing less. No more games.
Making her way to the command station, she sucked in a breath and ducked through a doorway when she spied Carol leaving the hub. Pushing down a flash of hurt, Evie waited until the intelligence officer caught up with her aide then turned down the next corridor. Eventually, Evie would be able to make nice, but not today.
Heading into the command area, she quickly found Parr, sitting at his desk. He glanced up when she knocked on the door to the office. Putting an open file aside, he waved her in.
She skipped the preliminaries. "Where did you want me on the duty roster?" She injected as much enthusiasm as possible into her tone.
Parr's eyebrows arched. "Do you want a few days? You've earned some downtime to regroup." He narrowed his eyes, studying her.
She'd love a few days, if she could spend them with him. She finally wanted the life he offered a long time ago. A little too late. And she couldn't be around Parr and Carol right now, even if she wished them the best.
She shook her head. "No, I'd like to stay busy." Preferably out in the field, but she didn't share that thought.
Parr angled his head, gazing in her direction for several long moments. Questions burned, she had no doubt, but he thankfully didn't ask any.
Grabbing a weathered satchel, he set it on the edge of his desk. "If you're up for it, you could head out to the perimeter and get the battle reports." He met her gaze.
Evie flashed a big smile. "Sounds like a plan. I'll get packed up and head out within the hour." She reached for the satchel.
Parr's hand snagged hers. "Are you sure, Evie?" Tenderness lurked in his eyes. "You're allowed to grieve what you lost." He let go, giving her some space.
Evie hooked the satchel over her shoulder. "I'm sure, Parr. Getting back to work, getting out there, will help me do just that." She turned and waved over her shoulder.
Because she would be grieving … but not for losing Steven.

I'm all over the place with this story but it's finally starting to come together. This couple is a challenge but very fun to write.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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