Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Keeper of All Things Secret

Well, another week kind of flew by. My work schedule is filling in again and that makes me very happy.

Had a semi-decent week for television. I ended up watching a lot of behind the scenes and bloopers from Passionflix. Gabriel's Inferno, Dirty Sexy Saint, The Will, and Matchmaker's Playbook. Thoroughly enjoyed all of them!

Caught up on some classic television. Watched a lot of Perry Mason and The Saint. I'd forgotten how much intrigue the classic Perry Mason shows had in them. Lots more than the modernized version from the eighties.

Also started a new mystery on Ovation. Caught the first two episodes of Crossing Lines. Enjoyed both so I'll be trying to catch those as they air.

I'd hoped to catch Gabriel's Inferno part three this past week but couldn't find time to really sink into the movie. I'll give it a go this week coming up. Also want to watch the holiday quickies releasing on Passionflix.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Keeper of All Things Secret, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Gili Main, chief of security for an orbiting space station, supports her boss who is up for reelection. Parr Minerval is an excellent leader and should have the election in the bag. But his opponent is playing dirty and Gili appoints herself as the keeper of all things secret to prevent the wily upstart from twisting the facts to his advantage.

And a sneaky peek…

Parr went to grab a shower. "Shouldn't have pushed her again." He couldn't do what he did without Gili.

But he also wanted her to have the recognition she deserved. Yes, going public would cause a scandal, for about three days. People loved her—as much as they loved him.

He exited the shower and snagged his towel.

Gili came in while he dried off. "Look, I'm sorry I went into full-bitch mode out there. You didn't deserve it." She took his towel and hung it up. "Especially after mind-blowing sex." Reaching out, she picked up his boxers and handed them to him.

Parr stepped into the underwear. "It's all right. We've agreed to disagree on the subject." She handed him his pants. "It's not like you don't have a valid concern." He grabbed his shirt and shrugged into it.

Gili buttoned the garment. "I appreciate the fact you don't ignore my anxiety even when you push for more." She slipped his tie over his head. "Right now, people trust you and revealing our relationship will chip away at that foundation." Tightening the fabric, she smoothed her hand down to the tip. "We can always revisit this discussion after the election."

He didn't argue even though he really wanted to. Having her help him dress never failed to kick in the desire to have more but it also acted as a balm. Her taste in the cut and style of suit he wore garnered compliments everywhere he went.

She kept her wardrobe simple. Sheath dresses when she had to pour on the glamour or single-color pants and shirt ensembles—usually a turtle neck with different sleeve lengths. Today, she wore a luscious wine-color from head to toe. A silver pendant hung between her breasts, hoops the same shade adorned her ears. Her only indulgence? Rings of varying sizes and shapes on three fingers of each hand. An elegant package, but also deadly. Gili's lethal skills were sought out by many. Her loyalty to him appreciated and coveted.

But he loved the woman no one else saw. The funny, quirky Gili she rarely revealed. The fact she shared all of her sides with him kept him content for the most part.

She stepped back and gave a nod. "You're ready. The Danzigs will be impressed but not insulted because you're trying too hard." She exited into the living area.

Parr frowned. "I'd rather skip this meeting altogether." He had to make a deal to broker peace in a neighboring galaxy so ships had safe passage. "I abhor this kind of bargaining." And he hated the necessary secrecy.

This is such a fun story. There ends up being some cat and mouse with the deal brokering and Gili will be ready to step in and handle things when they go sideways.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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