Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Taken by Surprise

Kind of a busy, frustrating week. We dug out of eleven inches of snow, which is actually a lot more than we've seen in several years. I had a lot of work stuff hit sideways and struggled to get some insurance stuff sorted out for my middle kidlet.

Had a decent week of television viewing, mainly due to hold times on the phone. I started with Seduction and Snacks, a PassionFlix movie and have about half of it completed. I had to pause because the distractions were too many and I want to take my time and enjoy this one.

Got two more episodes of Snoopy in Space watched and kind of enjoyed both. It's fun to have something quick and easy to view.

Caught some behind-the-scenes stuff for The Madame Blanc Mysteries. So much fun to watch the cast interviews and get some insight on how they shot the series. I really hope they do a second one.

Finished up one and began a new Silent Witness two-parter. Good stuff this season. I'm looking forward to more.

Watched two more episodes of Classic Who. The Master is gone again—for now. Can't say I'm sorry to see him go. Six is kind of growing on me and it's fun to have two wandering around again. I'll see how that arc ends this week.

Enjoyed two more episodes of The Alaska Triangle. Shipwrecks and underwater UFOs and ghost ships were the focus. Always love watching what might have happened to downed ships.

Started The Muppets and, meh, it's okay. Really lacks the charm of the original but it's kind of fun to see the muppets in a docu-style series.

Caught another two episodes of Fosse Verdon. I'm so intrigued by the ins and outs of Bob and Gwen's personal and professional lives. Can't wait to finish this one.

Watched two more episodes of Peak Practice. I'm almost finished with season six and should be starting seven this week. I've enjoyed not having weird manipulating characters for the past few episodes.

Got two more MasterClass lessons with Bill Nye. I love how much fun he has educating people.

Ended up getting in two more episodes of Classic Rugrats—two of my favorites. I love reminiscing while watching.

Watched another episode of Chicago Med and enjoyed it a lot. Really looking forward for more next week.

Caught another episode of The Brokenwood Mysteries. I'm kind of sad because a favorite character ended up saying good-bye. I'm hoping some light will be shed in the behind-the-scenes interviews.

Enjoyed a seriously great episode of Star Trek: Discovery. This show … never fails to suck me into the action and emotion.

Last but not least, I finished the second season of The Witcher. I'm so intrigued by the ending and can't wait for more episodes. I ended up being very satisfied with how things played out for the main trio and the side characters. I love this show.

That's it for the weekly television update. Tonight's post is from Taken by Surprise, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Pales Thompson has a new man, Herrick Edwards, in her life and his birthday is coming up, but they're stuck on a ship with no R&R passes available. Pales isn't great at maintaining a relationship, but she'll take Herrick by surprise and plan a spectacular day.

And a sneaky peek…

Pales didn't say anything—angry he'd ruined what started as a nice morning. She set her shower gear aside. She'd wait for solo time.

Herrick shook his head and draped his towel over his shoulder. "Look, Pales. Forget I said anything. I'm looking to the future and I'd like you to be in it." He picked up his kit. "But I want something a little more." He paused halfway to the hatch. "I don't understand why you don't." Spinning the release, he angled around. "But I'll understand if this is over between us. The choice is yours." He exited, leaving the door propped open.

Pales flopped back on the bunk. She didn't want him to leave. But she wouldn't call him back.

She wouldn't keep him from finding what he needed. Seems like he needs you, dumbass. His words about the future echoed in her head. I'd like you to be in it.

She grimaced. "Ugh, I don't do futures." What were the guarantees?

But … hadn't she decided to throw out her rules? Yeah, and look where that landed her. Alone in the bunkroom. Thinking about things she didn't want to ponder.

She rolled over onto her stomach, bracing her head on her hands. Why did she always freak out? Herrick only mentioned looking to the future. He didn't ask her to sign her life away. He only wanted to see where things went. Testing the waters wouldn't kill her, right?

She snorted. "Well, no, but the big hurdle is always me. The whole getting out of my own way thing isn't my strong suit." Gah.

The struggle to look ahead always tripped her up. Turning over again, she flung an arm over her eyes. As much as she wanted to break her rules, she couldn't. Letting someone in scared her too much. And Herrick didn't need a total train wreck even if he thought he did.

Sitting up, she grabbed her towel and shower gear. "Nope. He'll thank me someday. He will."

Choice made, she exited quarters and started for the shower, ignoring the unsettled feeling of loss roiling in her gut.

Poor Pales. Getting out of her own way isn't an easy thing for her—even if Herrick is exactly what she wants.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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