Monday, August 9, 2010

Quick Drive By Update

August 8, 2010

Probably only a quick update this go round. Been swamped under with non-writing projects galore, mainly landscaping and cleaning. I know, right? UGH!

I also have three kidlets that love to get in on the action. Er, well, maybe not love, but at least lend a helping hand. The younger two got out of working this past week for their VBS. They had a big finale on Friday evening and it was spectacular. My kids' ages range from 17 down to 8. My middle one is 11. He's at the age where he'd probably rather do something else than go to VBS, but he has enough friends there that it's bearable for him. The youngest one has too much fun with all the crafts, singing and dancing that she'll be good to go for another few years. And let's not forget the refreshments.

I have to say the ladies who head that up went above and beyond. The theme for this year was High Seas Adventure and the women came up with some truly cool treats for the crew. One night the kids were supposed to be eating clouds so they made blue jello with marshmallows and whipped cream. Awesome, yes?

After the program on Friday, they had extra items made up so the parents could see what each day's theme was. This was on top of the huge spread of cookies they laid out. Seriously…my hat's off to everyone who makes VBS happen each year, but a special tip of the brim goes to the refreshment team. :D

And that's it for now. We had a busy weekend and I'm brain dead so I'll post another Not Quite Ready for Prime Time offering in the near future.

Until then…

Catch everyone on the flip.


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