Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sunday Snippet: Morning Sickness

It's amazing what a dusting of snow on the ground can do to boost holiday spirit. We got just a tiny bit last night and it looks so pretty today.

Gotta say the mid-season finales for my shows pretty much pulled out all the stops. The Flash left Barry hanging in a very precarious place. Not sure I'm totally down with where everything is going, but it's fun to watch. Lost a good character on Legends of Tomorrow in the form of two goodbyes. I do appreciate the revolving door aspect of the show and look forward to seeing how the others interact without their friends. The holiday trimmings of the shows provided a nice backdrop.

Arrow killed it. James is setting up quite the legion of doom in Star City. I'm very interested in seeing how that plays out when the season returns. If his little cohort who got him out in the first place tries to harm Felicity or Curtis, I'll be really pissed. Just saying.

Riverdale shook things up with breakups all over the place. Yikes. I have another interesting theory about Alice Cooper. Can't wait to see if I'm right. Oh, and this theory doesn't involve FP, at least not about their past.

I'm all caught up on Gotham. Gotta say it hurt to watch Alfred and Bruce tear each other apart. I get where Bruce is coming from, I do, but the whole being a brat is kind of pissing me off. That said, rock bottom isn't always an easy trip to take so I'll be patient. Sophia is proving to be a formidable force. I had a sneaking suspicion she was more of a puppet master than anyone originally thought. It's also fun to see the stories with Butch and Tabitha and Ed and Lee unfold. Seriously, Gotham upped its game and I'm loving it. Having Harvey walk away though… yeah, that one hurt, too.

Murdoch Mysteries continues to be excellent. I can't wait for the holiday episode. I think I'm looking forward to it more than Doctor Who this year. I really can't wait for the new doctor and new showrunner. Honestly, I'm so very disappointed in where Moffat took the show. It lost the heart I always loved. Yes, I'm sure I'm in the minority.

I've started watching my stash of holiday shows. I had to get a new laptop and I'm slowly but surely getting all the episodes transferred over. My Plex server is getting a lot of use this week. Also looking forward to The Trouble with Mistletoe when Passionflix premieres the movie!

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Morning Sickness, a novella that started with a writing community prompt of write anything involving pregnancy.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Dava Whales has all the classic signs of pregnancy, except she can't possibly be with child—she's a solider in the middle of a war and religiously takes her mandatory birth control shots. When Warren Carter suggests Dava get checked out, the pricklier than usual officer goes ballistic—especially since Warren is the other half of the parental equation.

And a sneaky peek…

Warren maintained his calm until he got to his office. Then he lost his shit. Breaking out into a cold sweat, he paced the length of the floor. Back and forth. Back and forth.
Scrubbing one hand through his hair, he shook his head. "Dava can't be pregnant." He resumed pacing.
She never missed a birth control shot. And he would know. He had copies of all the records. But what if?
"Geez, the timing couldn't be worse."
Carrying a baby in the middle of warzone couldn't happen. The shit he'd get for not keeping his dick in his pants would be monumental. And Dava wouldn't fare any better. Her career would be all but ended.
He paused again. "Or, she could terminate." She'd only miss a brief stint if she did.
How did he feel about a possible abortion? Would she even tell him? Ask his opinion? She didn't have to.
"Her body, her choice."
And he'd support whatever decision she made. He couldn’t do anything less. His part in whatever happened next would be dictated by her lead.
He crossed the floor and sat down behind the desk. His knee bobbed up and down, the nervous tension needed as escape. Sitting back, he imagined what a kid between them would look like. Her dark hair with his amber eyes. His sandy hair with her gray eyes.
His lips quirked. "We'd make beautiful babies." Shit!
Stop! No. Just no. Zero thinking about offspring and little Davas or Warrens running around. Cripes. Could he be any more stupid?
Probably not. If he'd actually planted a seed in her womb, no, he couldn't be any more rash and irresponsible.
He grabbed some paperwork for a distraction. Anything to stay busy until he heard from Dava.
Hopefully soon.
She can't be pregnant. Right?
Or maybe not.

I'm actually having a lot of fun with this one. The conflict is built right in and gives me a lot to draw from for ideas.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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