Sunday, December 9, 2018

Sunday Snippet: Under a Crescent Moon

Ugh. The saying when it rains it pours definitely applied to me this week. All three of our vehicles ended up needing something crucial and important RFN. Luckily, one of our local car dealers is a friend and he let us borrow a car. Yes, I said borrow. Saving the expense of renting a car helped a lot! Then… I ended up with a nasty cold. The kind where I literally couldn't be more than an arm's length away from a box of tissues because my nose wouldn't stop running, my eyes wouldn't stop watering, and I coughed and / or sneezed every few minutes. Thankfully, I’m at the stage where my voice is gone and my throat is a little scratchy, but otherwise, I'm tissue-free. Whew!

I'm so behind on my regular television shows. Arrow is probably my favorite and I'm at least two episodes behind. I'm hoping to catch up this weekend.

I did get to watch Penny Dreadful and I'm one episode away from the end of the first season. I kind of like the jagged direction this show takes sometimes.

Wynonna Earp continues to be a favorite. The "Undo It" episode ended up being way better than I expected. This show is so good.

Watched another episode of The Dresden Files and I think I'm close to being at the end of the one season we got. So much promise for this show.

Started a new season of Underbelly: Razor. 1920s Australia is a great setting.

And that's pretty much it for television this week. Between dealing with all the car drama and the cold symptoms, my brain took a vacation. LOL

Tonight's post is from Under a Crescent Moon, a sexy short that started with a writing community prompt of someone tells your main character a secret about another main character.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Tyra Blanc, a top military pilot, harbors a secret love for classic old romance movies. When she's not paying attention during a briefing, her superior officer, Dev Dravenish, reveals her weakness and Tyra is caught between wondering how he discovered the information and how to deal with the all-out ribbing coming her way.

And a sneaky peek…

Tyra rolled out of bed at 0555. She'd barely make the briefing but every last moment of sleep counted.
She used a dry toothbrush with a minimal amount of paste and a bottle of water to get rid of the sticky morning mouth she hated with a passion. Swallowing the remnants, she vowed to get one of those personal one-shot coffeemakers to get rid of the minty aftertaste and jolt her system into go mode.
Dragging on her uniform, she muttered curses. "Stupid effing morning briefings. They oughtta be outlawed." She jammed her feet in her boots and exited quarters to make a semi-mad dash for the briefing room.
She skidded in at 0558. Not bad if she had anything to say about it.
Manny Ramsey blinked at the sight of her. "Damn, Tyra, who'd you tangle with last night?" He nudged Natalie Janis who chuckled when she got a good look at Tyra.
Tyra rolled her eyes. "Obviously it wasn't you." As if she'd share any details of her sex life with the leading male gossip on the ship.
Nat quirked a brow. "At least you made it on time. Bleary eyes and bedhead are a good look on you." She winked and added a smirk for good measure.
Tyra got off a shot at the duo. "You two are on a roll. Did you come up with this stuff before or after you hooked up on the hangar deck?" She pushed another round into the chamber. "No, wait. It was during, wasn't it?" The guilty flush staining each pilot's cheeks almost made Tyra's day.
Nothing like confirming a rumor about the notorious Manny, and having a little dirt on Natalie could be useful the next time Tyra needed a favor. All in good fun, of course.
She dropped into the first seat in the last row while Manny and Natalie headed toward the front. Dev entered and called the briefing to order, giving the rundown on the previous night's watch. Tyra yawned and settled back in the seat, listening with half an ear. They were flying through a neutral part of space and aside from a malfunctioning craft every once in a while, not much changed in the reports.
She yawned again and propped her head on her hand. I'll close my eyes… just for a moment. Bad idea. Vivid imagery of her night with Dev played out in her head. Damn… she loved the terrific sex. Morning briefings after, yeah, not so much.
Her chin dropped and she jerked upward. Shit. Power nodding through the briefing would get her in trouble.
Her eyes closed again after another yawn. Never again would she encourage a triple round of bed romping when they had an early briefing. Yeah, right, who am I kidding? I wouldn't trade a full night with Dev for anything.
Her chin dropped off her hand again and she slumped further down in the seat. She'd only leave her eyes closed for a few more moments.

Writing the scene where Tyra can't quite keep her eyes open ended up being loads of fun. I can't wait to writes Dev's response.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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