Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Unlawful Acts

Welcome 2019! I can honestly say it's been a weird week. The whole having the new year start on the second day of the week throws me off. Even more so than if it started on Wednesday. I have no idea why, but there it is. LOL

I started some new shows this past week. Caught the first episode of Blade and I'm looking forward to actually watching this show in the correct order. If CW Seed doesn't pull it. I didn't get to finish Birds of Prey and it irritates me.

Also watched part of the second episode of Roswell but I'll be switching to Netflix for this one or maybe another streaming service. DustX only has it available as a marathon and, frankly, it's too much of a giant pain to fast forward until I get to the episode I need.

Also watched another episode of Pensacola Wings of Gold and Lexx before the end of last year. I'd forgotten the prison ship episode and end up enjoying it more than I thought I would.

Caught the next to last episode of Strike Back season five. So thrilled to see familiar faces and experience the passing of the torch, so to speak. Looks like those familiar faces are in the last episode, too. I'm also super excited for the new season with Jamie Bamber taking over the CO. I can't wait!

I watched the last episode of The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency and truly wish there had been another season. I fell in love with the characters. I'm rather glad it didn't end on a massive cliffhanger, only hinting at what the characters might face in a new season.

Caught another episode of Luke Cage and loved having Danny turn up. Nice to have another mention of Claire too. I'm actually thrilled with Missy's arc and I'm kind of disappointed we won't see more of her development after this season ends.

Chicago Fire disappointed the hell out of me by having the stupid deputy commissioner back again. Not sure why the conflict irritates me, but it's the same thing that happened with Chicago PD. I think it's because it feels forced and not something that happened organically even though both antagonists were introduced well before they became the actual pains in the ass they are. Eh… whatever.

I watched the Passionflix holiday Quickie Caught Up In You; obviously after the actual holiday. Such a sweet little tale! More of these, please!

Murdoch Mysteries had a terrific episode but I'm honestly still trying to figure out what the hell happened in the last one. LOL

Watched several episodes of Classic Who. I'm still on the web planet arc and it's kind of a fun run. Also started Doctor Who's "Demons of the Punjab" but still need to finish that one. Also can't wait to see the New Year's special.

Started season two of Penny Dreadful and, wow, Vanessa is a true magnet for all things evil, no? I'm very interested in Ethan's story and not so much in Frankenstein's. I'm honestly kind of pissed off with his actions lately.

Caught most of Wynonna Earp's second to last episode of the season. I had a sneaking suspicion Charlie would end up being something other than a cool new dude. And this show loves taking crazy twisty turns and Charlie's real identity is definitely a solid effing twist. LOL

Started a rewatch of Painkiller Jane but didn't have time to finish the first episode. I rather like this show when it originally aired and I'm looking forward to seeing it again.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Unlawful Acts, a novella that started as a writing challenge for reworking a scene from a favorite television show.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Effy Carmichael, an up and coming officer, wants the job of alpha team leader and deserves it, except she's a few years too young to hold the position. When the spot goes to one of her oldest friends, Jonah Kirkland, Effy has to swallow her pride and welcome him even while she fights the powerful attraction between them. Hooking up with Jonah is against regs, but it may be worth committing an unlawful act to finally realize one of her most closely held desires.

And a sneaky peek…

"Son of a bitch."
Someone could've given him a heads up.
Jonah Kirkland dropped a stack of files on his desk and walked over to the supply closet. Maybe the former commander kept an extra riot helmet on hand? He yanked open the double doors and started rifling through the contents.
He had maybe an hour to throw something together. If he could find a damn cover. Office supplies, extra forms, a box of party favors from some type of luau, but no helmet.
It really would've been nice for someone to clue him in. No. Not someone. Effy should've told him about the long-standing tradition of this unit. Instead, he'd had to overhear some of his new team predicting his imminent fall then follow up by reading a sticky note on the after action reports.
How could she still be pissed about the job? It wasn't his fault the position of Alpha Team Leader was a sub-commander billet. She might have the skill and the respect of the team, but she didn't meet the age requirement and the brass wouldn't relax the standard.
And yeah, it sucked. But he didn't make the damned rules.
He went where the bosses told him to go. Always had. If he'd known he'd be stepping into a pile of shit, he might've thought twice about accepting this post. But Effy had a post with Alpha Team and he thought working with her would be awesome.
Jonah really needed to start paying more attention to scuttlebutt. If he had, he wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail for the respect of this team. Or battling for control.
Against one of his oldest friends.
The bitch of the situation? He got it. He completely understood where the team came from. They looked at him as the outsider riding herd on a well-oiled machine. They knew each other inside and out.
He didn't know any of them. Except Effy.
And she'd proven to be the toughest to crack, and so far… the team followed her lead.
She might still treat him as a friend, even commending him on a recent change he'd made to the roster. But she held back her full support and… Jonah didn't understand why.
Well, okay. The job thing. But something more had come into play. If he figured that part out, he might actually find his place in his new unit. He never thought she'd back away, not after they got stationed in the same location. Stupid him… he'd thought they might spend time together. Hoped they would. She'd never hesitated to meet for a drink or share a meal when they were home at the same time. In fact, the last time he'd seen Effy with new eyes. He'd always held a little back, always seeing the childhood friend, but he realized he wanted her.
But then he got the call, the promotion, and now the headache. His grand idea? To test the waters, gauge her interest, and if any, maybe figure out a way around the regs. Maybe have a discussion about working together and making tough choices. The weird thing? That challenge didn't seem insurmountable. Effy pushed him to be better and he challenged her to be more. They could prove to be the exception. Would he make a tough call? One that could put her in danger? He did a gut check and, yeah, he could. Besides… Effy would have his balls in a sling if he tried to do something stupid like protect her from harm. She worked her ass off to achieve the best scores. She could, and would, handle herself.
And if finding a way around the frat regs should prove easy, why couldn't giving him a chance to actually be a good commander? Did she not trust him to do the job? His brain wouldn't wrap around that idea. But something had her off balance.
So… what had Effy all twitchy and on edge?
He sat behind the desk and dug through the drawers. He'd asked her to grab a bite to eat a couple of times. She'd turned him down. He tried getting her out for a drink or two and she'd blown him off. All he'd wanted was conversation. He'd stressed that. Anything more could create drama. She was subordinate to him and they'd both have trouble if anyone thought they'd crossed the line. Even if he didn't think they'd have trouble with the regs, others might not agree. And until he had the chance to figure his new team out, he couldn't push anything too far.
What would she think if he'd asked her to make it more than a casual thing?
He should know, dammit. Shouldn't have to wonder. But they'd grown apart. He got a much different vibe from her lately. Not job related, that one he understood. No, Effy seemed to be waiting for something. From him. Not the first time he'd felt that coming in his direction, but definitely the longest lasting. Somewhat hostile, but not pissed. Frustrated.
About what? He'd gone out of his way to keep up their usual habits. She'd shut him down. It kinda punched him in the gut. Normally she'd be all frosty for a few days then hook up with a new guy and get over it. Not this time. And it bugged Jonah. Being closer to Effy played a large part in why he accepted the new post.
Being separated from her for the last five years, only seeing her sporadically, made him appreciate the huge role she played in his life. Always there, never in his face, but hovering in the background, she provided a solid, steady presence. When she left, a piece of him had gone missing. He didn't like it.
He missed her. More than he probably should.   
He tugged the bottom drawer, but it only opened halfway. Looking down, he gave it a hard yank and pulled free. Success! A beat up, out of date helmet sat all the way in the back.
He lifted the old relic out and placed it on the desk. The visor had a long, jagged crack running diagonally across its surface. Good thing they didn't need the thick plastic. He snapped the pieces off and tossed them in the trash.
The bulk of the pressure off, Jonah contemplated why Effy had been acting so damn strange. Her behavior not only irritated him, it kicked him in the teeth. The realization freaked him out. When did he develop such strong feelings for her? Actually, he pretty much knew. It had been the day they met and she fell out of a tree, landing on top of him. From that day on, he'd watched out for her.

A longer than usual peek and I'm not completely happy with it; probably too much internal monologue but I like what I have to start with and can always judiciously cut out the nonessential parts.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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