Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Veracity of War

Man, what a week. Sixty-one degrees one day and twenty-two the next. Ohio is crazypants sometimes. Yesterday, it snowed and, since it's the first significant accumulation we've had this winter, everyone forgot how to get around in the white stuff. It is rather nice it waited until the weekend. Monday's commute should go smoother. LOL

Had a light viewing week for television shows. Caught another episode of Underbelly: Razor. I thoroughly enjoy getting a feel for Australia in the twenties. It's a very different vibe from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries and I like that.

Also caught another episode of Babylon 5. I've also been tuning into Comet occasionally to catch up there also. Also got to finally catch The Flash's 100th episode. Gotta say, the messing with the timeline gives me a headache. I'm invested in the characters though so I'll keep watching.

Watched the second part of Blade's pilot episode. I liked this series when it aired but never got to watch it all the way through in order. I'm looking forward to having the chance now.

Started season fourteen of Midsomer Murders. The changing of the guard from Barnaby one to Barnaby two is fun to watch. I didn't get to see that episode in its original run.

I'm almost finished with season one of Pensacola Wings of Gold. In all honesty, I'm not sure I'll stick it out for the other two or three seasons. It sometimes irritates me when they scrap an entire cast and almost start over.

Caught another episode of Lexx. I really forgot how cornball some of the series ended up being. Still… it's a great nostalgia thing. Back when Syfy was SciFi and I watched the channel almost exclusively. I miss those days.

Tried to watch Gotham's fifth season premiere and my app decided to crap out. Not sure what the problem was so I'll try again later this week.

And that's it for television. Tonight's post is from Veracity of War, a novella that started with a two-word prompt of "it's over". I opted for something I hoped would be a little different and didn't make it about a relationship ending.

Here's the mini-blurb:

The veracity of war takes a toll when Emerson Gamble assumes command of a military outpost after his captain loses his life. Sheena Tram wonders if they'll be able to maintain their relationship when the burden of responsibility always gets in the way.

And a sneaky peek…

Emerson stood back while the team—shit, his team for the time being—filed out of the transport. They gathered at the edge of the hangar deck and the cold grip of reality kicked him in the gut. They had to debrief and needed him to take the lead.
"I can't do this." Numb and dazed, he wanted to grieve now that they'd made it back to the ship.
No time for that. Gotta move ahead.
Sheena broke away from the group and came to his side. "You ready?" She held his gaze, steady and true.
Her voice touched the core of strength he kept in reserve. "On we go." He strode toward the unit with Sheena in step beside him. "Let's get to the briefing room for our after-action reports." Moving into the corridor, he propped his rucksack against the bulkhead and entered the space but stopped short when the ship commander rose from the front row.
Colonel Owen Marshall greeted Emerson with a terse nod. "Gamble, a moment before we get started?" His head jerked toward the small office to their left.
Emerson followed the colonel and stood at attention when they got inside. "Sir."
Marshall waved, indicating his wish for informality. "You've had a shit day. Relax, Gamble." He cut to the point. "With the loss of Marx, I'm issuing a field promotion and giving you command of the unit." He stuck out his hand. "Congratulations, Captain."
Emerson blinked, trying to absorb the news. "Uh, thank you, sir. I assumed I'd have a temporary spot until a replacement for Captain Marx could be brought out." Not in a million years did he expect a bump in rank.
Colonel Marshall retrieved a box from the small desk in the room and flipped it open. A set of pips with a star in the center of crossed rifles sat inside. Owen pulled one out and motioned for Emerson to remove his current rank pins.
The colonel affixed the new brass to Emerson's collar. "We're not getting replacement officers right now. The current wave of thinking is to move officers up through the units. No one has the experience we do out here. Sending inexperienced personnel will make us lose ground." He paused and met Emerson's gaze. "And we don't have any to give. If we can't hold the line here, we might as well surrender to the Amborites." He stood back and folded his arms across his chest.
Emerson blew out a breath. "For once, I can't argue with their logic. But I hate to get a promotion that isn't based on merit." Marx's death would hit everyone hard.
Marshall's eyes widened. "Gamble, you earned this. Maybe the circumstances aren't ideal, but it doesn't matter. You're more than qualified to lead this team."
The vote of confidence bolstered Emerson even if it rang a little hollow. What else would the colonel say? The enemy wouldn't relent and Marshall needed soldiers to put boots on the ground.
Owen started toward the briefing area. "Give your group some time to grieve but have them ready for another operation within forty-eight hours." He stepped out into the larger room. "Attention, soldiers. It's my privilege to inform you Captain Gamble is your new commanding officer effective immediately."
A round of subdued congratulations went through the group. Emerson took a spot behind the podium and Marshall gave a nod before he exited the room. Sheena quirked a brow but took a seat in the front row. Geez, they definitely had a lot to talk about after the briefing.
Pausing a moment, he looked out at the assembled unit. They'd walked and fought through hell more than once and came out a stronger, better team. He'd put this group up against anything the Amborites could throw at them. They couldn't let losing Marx tank morale.
Emerson cleared his throat. "Seven pm, obs deck. We'll give Captain Marx his due." With a bottle of something strong and potent.
All eyes in the room focused on Emerson. Heads nodded and low mumbles of agreement went through the group. Emerson sought Sheena's gaze and when she met his, she gave him a wide smile.
Putting her thumb up, she quietly said, "A proper send off and passing of the torch. Good choice."
Her seal of approval pushed him into action. "Okay. Let's debrief and get the after action reports filled out and filed."

This one is plotted out in the loosest terms. I have a feeling Emerson and Sheena are going to insert their ideas into the mix. LOL

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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