Sunday, April 7, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Words Not Necessary

So… not a bad week overall. A little slower, which I truly appreciate. I did have a sick kid, but she's on the mend now. A quick trip to pick her up from work had to happen but otherwise, she's feeling much better.

Had some decent television viewing. Mainly some repeat watches of current favorite shows and catching up on a few marathons. I did catch a few new episodes also.

Chicago Fire had a terrific episode. I have to say I'm not a fan of the boys fighting amongst themselves. New guy breaking the ice is going to be one of my favorite bits from the series.

Watched Iron Fist and things are moving along. Nice to see a little progress with Ward but I have a dreadful feeling his trust will bite him on the ass. Thrilled to finally see what the hell is up with Mary and, boy, the reveal didn't disappoint. Looking forward to the next episode.

Caught another episode of Classic Roswell. I'd forgotten about the Native American angle. Looking forward to the next episode.

Also watched an episode of Murdoch Mysteries. I don't know if this is the last season, but they seem to be tying off a lot of loose ends. If it is… it's been a wonderful twelve years.

I started casually watching Blue Bloods. It's not really a show I want to add to my roster, but marathons are on every day and I've seen pretty much of the first five seasons. I'm now paying more attention and trying to catch up on season six and onward. I do love the family angle of this show.

Started a new Canadian show, The Murders, mainly because Dylan Bruce is one of the regulars. That said, I loved the first episode. I'm looking forward to more.

With no new episode of Roswell, New Mexico this week, I started another rewatch. This show… man, I can't get enough of it right now. I might have to start a recap series on my fandom blog. Stay tuned. I'll let everyone know if it happens.

That's pretty much my week in television. Tonight's post is from Words Not Necessary, a novella that started with a challenge of writing a scene with all dialog but no tags or conversely write something with no dialog with the goal of having the reader be able to tell which character said or did what. I took the prompt and gave it something of a spin.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Sometimes an outside observer can provide a lot of insight on a couple's relationship, even if they'll never understand it. London and Braun are so in tune with each other they rarely speak, yet their communication is evident for anyone to see.

And a sneaky peek…

London strolled into the quarters, fresh from a shower. "Do you remember the time we planned the Bell's outpost op?"
Braun glanced up from reading an after action report. "I do. Went off without much of a hitch, didn't it?" Where did she pull that memory from?
London nodded and took the file from him. "It did." She swung a leg over his lap and straddled his thighs. "Think that's the first time we did the communicating without words thing?" Her hands landed on his shoulders and she leaned against the table.
He cocked his head to one side, considering the question. "Maybe. Actually, yeah, I think it was." Man… he'd never thought much about how often they kind of carried on entire conversations without speaking a word. "What brought this subject up?"
She smiled. "Your little pep talk on the hangar deck. Delia, Specialist Carruthers, wanted to know how we do what we do and I honestly couldn't give her an answer." Her lips twisted again. "Except that we just do." Her fingers dug into his shoulders, kneading a knot he didn't know he had.
Braun quirked an eyebrow. "And her question got you thinking about what? The first time we were on the same wave length?" They were almost always on the same page, weirdly attuned to each other's thoughts.
He rarely gave it much consideration. Maybe he should.
London nodded. "Mm-hm. I mean, I think we probably finished each other's sentences for a long time before that mission prep, but that's the first time I remember really being a zone with you to the point we kind of planned the whole thing without saying a word." She eased forward, nuzzling her lips along his throat.
His eyes slid shut and his mind went back to that planning session. They'd been in a meeting with five other people—three pilots, the tactical weapons officer, and the XO. After almost thirty minutes of strategizing and getting nowhere, London swept all the mock ships off the board and started from scratch.
Braun followed her placement while the rest of the group argued back and forth over what they wouldn't be doing. He picked up a model representing an enemy alert fighter and placed it on the lit-up table. London shook her head and pointed two grids over. Yep. That would be where they'd come from. They continued planning the entire op by pointing, swiping, moving pieces around, followed by shaking their heads, nodding, making stabbing and sweeping motions. They agreed, disagreed, argued, and compromised—all without speaking. Or noticing the room had gone silent also. When everything met on the grid to their satisfaction, they high-fived each other.
The XO stood with his arms folded across his chest and made a snarky comment. "Looks pretty and all, but do you maybe wanna share the details with the rest of the group so someone can brief the necessary personnel?"
Which they had, obviously. And they'd done the weird no-words conversations since then.
London brushed her lips over his and mumbled against his mouth. "Does this whole kinship thing make us strange or special?"
Braun reached around and cupped her ass cheeks in his hands. "Let's go with a special kind of strange." He drew her forward, nudging his hard-on against the heat at the apex of her thighs.
London chuckled, a low throaty sound. "Yeah, I like that. A special kind of strange." Her chin lowered and her lips slanted over his.

I'm having fun with the challenge of showing how communicating without words works for this couple.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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