Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sunday Snippet: You're Welcome

June kind of flew by in a rainy, chilly, dreary kind of way. I'm kind of looking forward to July. Not the heat so much, because it did finally get hot, but mainly in a new month clean slate deal.

Not a bad week for television. I'm staying somewhat caught up on everything. Started out with an episode of In the Dark and I'm happy Murphy and Dean are on speaking terms again. I also love how much Max messes up with her.

Watched another episode of Classic Roswell and enjoyed it a lot. I'd forgotten Michael became an emancipated minor in the first season. For some reason, I thought that happened later.

Caught Frankie Drake Mysteries and loved this one. I thoroughly enjoy seeing historical characters woven into the storyline. I also still want the detective and Mary to hookup but have a feeling Frankie is in his sights. Bummer.

Man… Riverdale truly embraces the batshit crazy. And I love it. I still want Hiram to go down hard. And Alice… oh, Alice. What the hell happened to you? I guess I better keep watching to find out.

Watched an episode of Arrow and it's one I've been looking forward to. I enjoy the future flashes almost as much as I loved the flashbacks. How awesome is having Nyssa train Mia? Seriously.

Caught the next episode of Krypton and didn't really see Brainiac possessing Seb coming. A cool twist though. I'm also quite enjoying having the multiple storylines unfold. So glad to see Lyta's mom back on the screen.

Painkiller Jane had a solid episode even for a clip show. Series television doesn't do those much anymore, which isn't a bad thing, but when they're done well, it's fun to watch.

Watched another episode of Durham County, the first season finale, and wow. Kudos to the actor who portrays Ray Prager, Sr. Watching him unravel was seriously compelling. I'm so curious about the actual… original… serial killer though. Maybe that line will be picked up again?

Started a new episode of Blue Heelers and I'm still enjoying this one.

Also watched the next episode of Midsomer Murders, which ended up being terrific. The mix of themes with Romeo and Juliet and Sleeping Beauty worked out better than expected.

Got two more episodes of Peter Gunn in and also two more of Classic Who. Not a bad way to round out the week.

And that's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from You're Welcome, which is probably going to be a working title for this sexy short.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Dalyn Harris spends a lot of his time keeping his significant other, Shauna Drake, out of hack. When an old, forgotten prank catches the executive officer by surprise, Dalyn scrambles to keep Shauna's part under wraps—he has no desire to spend their anniversary in a brig cell.

And a sneaky peek…

Shauna Drake tested the lever holding the shelf in place. "That oughtta do it." She stepped down the ladder and grabbed the can of paint mixed with a generous amount of water.
"That's a really bad idea."
Shauna jumped and almost spilled the contents of the bucket before whipping around to face Dalyn Harris. "Geez… a little warning next time. You scared the hell out of me." So much for being alone.
Dalyn quirked an eyebrow. "Which is exactly why you should rethink this terrible plan." He held the ladder steady while she climbed back up.
Shauna shot him a sideways glance. "Why would I do that?" She placed the bucket on the shelf then carefully backed down the ladder.
Dalyn frowned. "Because the practical jokes are getting out of hand. You know the next person caught is gonna end up in hack." He moved aside so she could carefully fold up the ladder and put it inside the storage locker.
Shauna eased the door closed. "That's the beauty of this one. Nobody comes down here. It'll be ages before my little surprise is discovered." She dusted off her hands then faced Dalyn again, narrowing her eyes. "Why are you down here?" Hoping he'd specifically come for her, she placed a palm on his chest.
They'd been dancing around each other for almost six months. She wanted to see what happened at the next level. Their friendship proved to be rock solid, something she needed in a potential significant other.
He grasped her hand. "Two reasons." He tugged her closer. "Number one… my gut instinct said you were up to no good." His arms went around her waist.
Shauna grinned. "So you had to come down here? How did you know you'd find me?" She had a good idea but wanted to see what he'd say.
Dalyn chuckled. "Oh, I have my ways." He lightly bumped his forehead against hers.
Shauna smirked. "Hmmm. I see. Should I be worried about these mysterious ways?" She loved the playful side of their relationship.
Dalyn lifted a shoulder. "Worried, no. Because when I know what you're up to I can keep you out of the brig and off the XO's report." Pretty much what he always did.
Considering it brought them together, she wouldn't give him any grief.
Shauna gave a slow nod. "Okay… what's the second reason?"
Dalyn's lips curved in a sexy grin. "Wanted to make sure we're still on for dinner later?" His hands grasped her hips, tugging her a little closer.
Shauna tilted her head to one side. "Definitely. And after dinner? Do we have plans?" God, she hoped so.
The wait and anticipation were at peak limitations.
Dalyn brought his palms up and cupped her face. "We absolutely do. Don't expect to see the inside of your rack until first bells." His mouth caught hers in a hot, steamy kiss.
Shauna's toes curled and she melted against him.
The next three hours couldn't go by fast enough.

Shauna is a fun character and Dalyn gives her just enough room to be who she is without tromping all over her. I like writing that kind of couple dynamic.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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