Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Blaze on Beltane

Bleh. I found out we need to get a new furnace because ours is old, horribly inefficient, and very dangerous. Fun news I didn't really need or want. The good news is the new furnace will be super energy efficient and probably save us a buttload of money overall. I definitely won't complain about that.

Had a semi-decent viewing week. I caught two episodes of Midsomer Murders and should be ready to start the final series. I'll be sorry to see Cam go. I liked her.

Caught episodes of Murdoch Mysteries and Frankie Drake Mysteries. I'm kind of on the fence with the new season of Frankie. I liked the first episode but it feels like a very different show. I loved the first season, enjoyed the second season, so I'm hoping I'll fall into a groove with the third. We'll see how it goes.

Finished up the first story arc of Sapphire and Steel. I rather like the show. I'll give the rest of the season a whirl and see how it goes with this one too.

Watched the rest of Classic Who's season eight. I'll be starting season nine this week.

I should also be catching the final episode of Arrow's season seven run. I'm trying to savor every last moment because season eight is the final bow.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Blaze on Beltane, a working title that ties into the Capital City Seasons series.

Here's the mini-blurb:

An arsonist strikes Capital City, setting blazes, each more devastating than the last, on the lead up to the Beltane holiday. Graham McClain is called on to analyze the firebug's actions and help get a handle on his next move. Fire captain Prima Alton works closely with Graham and together they discover she plays a role in the culprit's twisted fantasies.

And a sneaky peek…

Graham McClain knocked on his boss's doorjamb. "Hey, Murph. Got a second?" He entered the office when Ben Murphy gave a nod. "I just got a call from the fire marshal about a series of fires in the quad. They think they've got a firebug and want someone to analyze the data to maybe get a handle on their next move."
Murph quirked an eyebrow. "And the someone they want is you, right?" He leaned back in his chair a smug grin on his face.
Graham lifted a shoulder. "You've been singing my praises all over town, so yeah, they want me." He owed a huge debt of gratitude to Murph.
Murph leaned forward again, his eyes narrowing. "But you're… what? Not willing to take the project on? Is there a problem I need to know about?"
Grahan shook his head. "No, it's not that." How do I admit I have serious imposter syndrome? "More like I'm not sure I'm ready." How stupid do I sound right now?
Murph blinked then frowned. "That's bullshit. You've been ready. What's really got you concerned?" He leaned back again, crossing his arms over his chest.
Graham sighed and moved further into the office. "Capital City is where we call home. I don't wanna fuck this up, not where we live, not where you've built an unimpeachable reputation." Graham moved to Capital City to work for Murph and he wouldn't risk letting him down.
Ben rolled his eyes. "Your record speaks for itself, Graham. They wouldn't have asked for you if it didn't." He unfolded his arms and pushed up out of his chair. "The number of times I've talked you up doesn't mean jack in a situation like this. If they didn't believe you had the chops, they wouldn't have requested you." He came around the desk and planted his hip on the side. "That said, you've got backup here. Me, Margo, Melanie. We're all on deck right now. Use us." He waited a beat. "If you even need to."
Graham huffed out a breath. "Geez. I always forget how damn good you are at laying facts out and removing obstacles." Even self-inflicted ones.
Murph slapped Graham on the back. "My man, you also forget how damn good you are at doing the same. Call them back and set up the meeting."
Graham gave a nod. "Thanks, Murph." He made his way to the doorway and exited out into the central hub of the suite. "I will not let you down."

I'm having a lot of fun writing Graham and his interactions with everyone. I've been dying to get to his story for a while now.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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