Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Come Back to Me

We're having unseasonably warm weather for January. The temperature hit seventy degrees today. I'm pretty much planning on having a blizzard during prom season and possibly during my daughter's graduation in May. Just saying.

I've had the unique experience of being project-free for a whole week. I can honestly say it's actually been kind of nice to have the downtime. It's good to catch up on mundane things like clearing my inbox and deleted items files.

Had a semi-decent week of television viewing. I finished up the episode of Frankie Drake and watched a new one. I really love this show.

Caught an episode of Midsomer Murders and finished out the twentieth series. I have a behind the scenes thing to watch then off to series twenty-one. Looking forward to starting it.

Finished the Sapphire and Steel series. I can honestly say the way ended surprised me but not in a bad way. The unique spin on how time functioned ended up being fun to watch.

Also caught the Three Doctors arc of Classic Who. Very interesting to go watch this one because I didn't get to watch during its original run.

Watched two more episodes of Gargoyles. Started the second season, which is a lot longer than I originally thought it was. I've also discovered I'm pretty sure I missed the entire third season of this show. New stuff!!

Started a new episode of Murdoch Mysteries and I'm enjoying it so far. I feel like fans are on borrowed time because sooner or later the shoe is going to drop on William and Miss Hart will be the one to wield it. Not sure how I feel about that, to be honest.

Finished up a Blue Heelers episode and started a new one. Still enjoy this show so much. I love getting a look at how law enforcement works in another country, even if it's fictionalized.

Finally, I've been waiting and waiting for a very long time for an old British show to make its way to the streaming services. It's finally here! I watched the first episode of Peak Practice and I can't wait to watch the episodes with one of my favorite actors. Of course, he doesn't show up until the final season and it's a solid bet I won't be able to wait to watch his episodes, but I'm trying to view in chronological order. We'll see what happens.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Come Back to Me, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Tania and James love each other deeply, but have a complicated relationship. When Tania has a chance to right a wrong, James has to trust she'll keep her promise to come back to him.

And a sneaky peek…

Tania Greene stood at the memorial wall on the Gretna when she caught the reflection of James Lagersall. "Incoming. Brace for impact." She didn't have the heart to do battle with him right now.
Not after losing the man she more or less called husband even when her heart belonged to someone else. The same someone standing behind her now. The one moving in her direction.
Tania traced her husband's name with her fingertips before turning to face James.
He paused less than two feet away and studied her for several long moments. Tania refused to squirm under the scrutiny… not that James wanted her to. But their complicated history usually made her uncomfortable when things got personal.
His gaze went to the wall. "I'm sorry about Denny." Sincerity tinged his voice.
And Tania couldn't deal with it. Anger she could handle. Contempt, definitely doable. But compassion? From James? Not so much.
Because once upon a time, she'd had so much more with him.
She met his gaze. "Are you really? Because his loss clears the path for you. Wanna pick up where we left off?" As if… he'd made it clear when she moved in with Denny they were over and done.
James shook his head, the flash of hurt in his eyes quickly masked. "You know what? Think what you want. You always do." He turned on his heel and started down the corridor.
Tania winced. Dammit. Why did she trash everything?
Because she didn't deserve the peace offering. Yet she needed to mend fences.
She grabbed his arm. "James, wait." Her eyes slid closed. "I'm sorry." She drew in a ragged breath. "You don't deserve my scorn and Denny certainly didn't deserve to get tangled up with me." Her face crumpled and the tears she hadn't been able to shed finally started falling. "And now I can't do anything to make up for what I put him through." Her voice broke on a jagged whisper.
James wrapped her in his arms and held her close. Tania leaned into the comfortable embrace she knew so well. She didn't deserve this either, but she'd damned well take the momentary safe haven.

This one is tricky. The goal is to show how characters often end up with someone they should be with but also keep them sympathetic. Relationships can be messy and writing the ways people grow and learn is something I thoroughly enjoy.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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