Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Come Here Often

I'm so excited! We're getting our leaky roof replaced in the very near future. I've been waiting to do a small renovation in our bathroom because I need to make sure we won't have any more water damage in there. Can't wait!!

Not a bad week for television. Caught an episode of Frankie Drake Mysteries and, once again, enjoyed the four main characters and their bonding. Terrific female representation in this show.

Watched the penultimate episode of Riverdale's third season. So many revelations in this one and nothing I'm terribly surprised by. Edgar is just as creeptastic as I suspected. I do want to know if Polly is aware of Jason being… whatever the hell Jason is. My gut says Alice is not. Can't wait to find out. Veronica pulled a savage move on Hiram and I'm totally there for more of that. I literally hate that guy and actually wouldn't mind if he died in a fire. No such luck, I'm sure.

I caved and watched a season twelve episode of Peak Practice. I'll probably go back and forth on this show, catching the entire run while also sneaking in episodes with my favorite actor.

Caught the behind-the-scenes episode of Midsomer Murders and I'm ready to start season twenty-one. Looking forward to diving in next week.

I'm excited to watch the final season of Arrow in the very near future, along with the crossover event. I'm also thrilled to have some new super-hero shows on the horizon. Should be an interesting year for watching.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Come Here Often, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt. I can't explain how much I love taking a scene or word prompt and finding the beat of what I want to do then sitting down to create a story.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Neely survives a war but not without considerable emotional damage. When Ace offers her everything she's ever wanted, she turns him down, believing they can't pick up where they left off. Ace aims to prove they don't have to.

And a sneaky peek…

The whirlwind debriefing dredged up more questions than answers, and almost earned her a stint in quarantine.
But Ace had been the lone person who argued against isolating her, suggesting a normal routine would be more likely to show any signs of post-hypnotic triggers, if any were planted, and helped her reintegrate into the crew. He even volunteered to stand duty with her when no one else would. But the biggest thing he'd done? He'd given her space, accepting her wish to move forward and not look back. And he hadn't doubted her—even when proof of her "death" came to light.
And she kept blowing him off and not letting him in. Because she feared going back to what they used to be. She wanted a new page but had no idea what might happen.
Did it really matter? Probably not, but cutting him completely loose seemed like her only option.
Turning slowly, she started back down the hill. She made it several yards when a hand tapped her on the shoulder. She stopped, almost afraid to engage in any kind of conversation. It could only end badly. But she owed Ace a chance to say his piece. Lifting her head, she turned toward him.
He smiled. "Um, hi. I noticed you from up the hill a ways and I just had to make your acquaintance." He thrust his hand forward. "Name's Ace Buchanan. It's nice to meet you."
Neely narrowed her eyes, not sure what the hell to do.
Ace lifted a brow, waiting. The meaning behind his gesture dawned on her. The end of Jaybird and Buckman could be a new beginning for Ace Buchanan and Neely Jay. Her lips twisted and a laugh escaped. A very blank page lay open before her.
She grabbed his hand, squeezing it warmly. "Neely Jay. Nice to meet you, too." She fell into step beside him and began the descent down the hill. "So… you come here often?" Ace's bark of laughter made her heart warm. A new beginning with loads of possibilities. Neely could get behind the concept.

Honestly? This story is all over the place but I love all of it. I'm slowly—very slowly—piecing the scenes together into something cohesive.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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