Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Damn the Torpedo Flu

WooHoo! I have a new roof on my garage and both porches. Our back porch actually includes our bathroom and laundry room and we’ve had leaks for the past five years. Here’s to not having those anymore! We went with a blue metal and it looks terrific with the slate roof of the house. I’m thrilled the job took, I’m not kidding, a day and a half. I figured it would take a week to get it all done. Glad I was wrong.

Busy week on the work front. Finished up a project and started two more. I did get some television viewing in but had a light week.

I caught an episode of Riverdale and enjoyed getting back to the regular timeline. I’m completely creeped out with Cheryl’s weird deal with her corpse brother but I love the battle of wills she’s having with the new principal. Loved having some story with Reggie. Also liked seeing Mad Dog join the group. I want Kevin and Betty to get back to their usual friendship and I’m happy to see him kind of wake up to the evils of the farmies. Here’s hoping Fangs comes back to the fold.

I watched The Will, a Passionflix original movie, and thoroughly enjoyed it! The casting ended up being spot-on and I had fun watching this one. I’ll be looking forward to the next release Passionflix puts out.

Caught another episode of Danger Man aka Secret Agent. I forever have The Prisoner in my mind when I watch these episodes even if they’re not technically related. Probably because I watched The Prisoner first.

Watched the third episode of Midsomer Murders. Enjoyed it a lot. It had some good twists and turns I didn’t expect.

Viewed another first season episode of Peak Practice. I’m not quite sure what I’m supposed to think about Will. The character is, I think, the only one who remained for all twelve series. Right now, he’s kind of a petulant, whiny child most of the time and I don’t know if I’m supposed to like him or not. Since it’s only four episodes so far, I’ll reserve judgment.

Finished up Classic Who season ten with Three and the end of Jo’s tenure as a companion. The Green Death episodes were a pretty interesting arc and I like how Jo ended her time with the doctor. Looking forward to starting season eleven.

Strike Back is back, as noted in last week’s post. I’m currently watching the first episode of the season and, wow, Coltrane definitely has a big-ass chip on his shoulder. He kind of acts like he didn’t have his ass saved by his team not so long ago. That said, I’m not all the way through the first episode yet so I’ll reserve judgment.

And that’s pretty much it for television this week. Tonight’s post is from Damn the Torpedo Flu, a sexy short that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here’s the mini-blurb:

When the torpedo flu hits the space station, Paisley and Dale are practically the last ones standing. Working through the crisis will bring them closer together if they don't kill each other first.

And a sneaky peek…

::Pass the word. The number of torpedoed occupants is one-fourth of the station. Food services have been hit hard. Try to use the automated stations in the mess halls and avoid the galley. Pass the word. One-fourth of the station has succumbed to the outbreak::

Dale reviewed the schedule again. "So far, we're covered. Only one more pilot from orange squadron is down." He shuffled the rosters into a folder.
Paisley frowned. "I have a bad feeling about this whole situation. A quarter of the station has this virus? And it's already hit the galley crew?" She got up and paced back and forth.
Dale shrugged. "Not like we use the galley much anyway. Why does this have you so twitchy?" He got up and stepped in front of her.
She met his gaze. "Because we're not the norm. Most of our pilots meet in the galley and decide where to hang out for dinner. They don't do the whole grab something on the fly and find a quiet spot for some alone time." Her lips curved in a wry, suggestive smile.
And, okay, she had a point. But why the freak out?
He tilted his head. "I'm still not getting it. What's the big deal?" People had to eat and if the galley crew— "Ah… damn. The galley workers dropping like flies means they've already breathed all their germs on others. Shit." He backed up and started pacing.
Paisley gave a hard nod. "And now he sees the light." She reached back and snagged the flight roster file. "Look, we've got a backup to our main schedule. We are covered for now." Waving the folder, she caught his attention.
Dale paused and exhaled slowly. "But it's only gonna get harder from here. There's no way we won't have some flaming hoops to jump through before this is over." His shoulders slumped when the weight of what they faced hit him.
Paisley put the roster aside. "Okay, look, you didn't really think we'd get through this nasty virus unscathed, did you?" She grabbed his hand and tugged him down onto the small sofa in the office.
His head hit the back cushions. "No, not completely. But I really didn't think we'd have a full quarter of the station down so soon either." He straightened. "You haven't had anything from the galley lately, have you?" If he lost Paisley to this stupid ailment, he'd go insane.
She shook her head. "Nope. You know I rarely have time to get there, through the lines, and back to whatever needs my attention." Sending him a sideways glance, her lips quirked. "Even when there's not a full-blown crisis going on."
Dale laced their fingers together. "Pretty sure I can't keep this—the schedule, the roster, everything—without you." He lifted their palms and kissed her knuckles.
Paisley snorted. "I know you can't. And I couldn't either." Resting her head on his shoulder, she sighed. "I'll make sure to stop by the infirmary and see if there's anything that'll stave off or delay symptoms. We have to keep as many pilots in the air as possible." Squeezing his fingers, she let go then turned to straddle his lap.
He put his hands on her hips. "I'm sensing we're done talking for now." He skimmed his fingers along her torso.
Paisley gave him a sexy smirk. "Never let it be said you can't state the obvious." Her head tilted forward and she kissed his jawline.

I can honestly say I’m having fun with this one. I didn’t know if having a story based around a viral outbreak would work well with romance, but Paisley and Dale are hilarious and snarky, which is always a treat to write.

That’s it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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