Sunday, June 21, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Finding Calm

June 21, 2020

I can't believe there's only one more week and a few days of June left. This year seems to be flying by so fast—even with a pandemic and social distancing.

Slow week of television again but a good one for client phone calls. I have a couple if potentially interesting new projects to be excited about.

I did finish up Danger Man with the last few episodes of season two. I'll be starting the color episodes this week along with the new title of Secret Agent. Should be fun.

I also got through the Riverdale episode I started last week and, surprisingly, it got better. I kind of understand where Alice came from but it still annoys me to no end. Veronica's savage takedown of Hiram made my week. I also ended up really enjoying the Cheryl session with the guidance counselor—whoever tagged Gina Torres for that role deserves a raise. I'm very intrigued by the cutaway end scenes. If not for my absolute complete and utter loathing of Hiram, I would be so set to keep watching this show. As it is, I literally hate that character so much, I'll probably only skim through the season.

I caught another episode of Roswell, New Mexico and thoroughly enjoyed it. I like Alex and Michael working as a team without the usual UST between them. Having them become actual friends is a great thing and I'm totally there to watch that happen. Loved having the former Max back as a Mains ancestor. Here's hoping he'll be available for more flashback scenes. I like where Isabel is headed and love what she did for Arturo and Liz. Also loved, loved, loved Kyle's scenes with his mom. I'm not quite sure how I feel about the dean's daughter storyline, but I'm down with whatever happens. I kind of have a tiny hope Kyle ends up hooking up with Cameron at some point … but that's only if Jessie doesn't have her abducted. I totally don't believe he's been shackled by anyone or anything. In fact, I'd lay odds he's the actual private security firm's leader. That's my prediction and I'm sticking to it.

Last but not least, I watched another episode of Peak Practice. I've been staying with the chronological order for now and I'm working my way through the second season. Should have it finished up within the month. I hope.

And that's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Finding Calm, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Sunny didn't realize how deep she'd gotten in with Hank until she'd been captured the first time. She'd been on leave and the ride she hopped got ambushed and held as a bargaining tool. She kept her head down and let her captors believe she belonged to the crew. Too bad they eventually found out she held rank in the military.
Josh Harstine, one of the other passengers made a valiant attempt to convince the enemy he was Lieutenant Sonny Gage, but it didn't fly. They'd either hacked the records or had an inside source and knew Lt. Gage happened to be female. The leader attempted to execute Josh, but Sunny made a flying leap to knock Harstine down and got shot for her efforts.
She woke up with a bullet wound; hazy, foggy, and subjected to the most bizarre questions about her reproductive health. Creeped out by the interrogator who claimed to be a doctor, his interest made her skin crawl. He poked and prodded and made too many inquiries. And he always added something to her IV whenever he left. It made her loopy and sleepy and she could never stay awake longer than a few minutes.
Sunny did start to wake up sooner, and it gave her time to do a quick assessment of her injury. She did not like the second scar she found just below the bullet wound. She ended up under forced sedation when she asked about the lower spot. She really didn't care for that at all.
When she woke up, she plugged the IV tube, crimping it so whatever drug they kept giving her couldn’t reach her bloodstream. She had a new person doing the poking and prodding, the creepy doctor nowhere in sight. Relieved, she thought she might finally get some answers, but she didn't get any further with the new guy. Instead of a constant stream of almost incomprehensible words strung together to sound like a sentence, the current doctor answered short, clipped bursts.
Sunny decided she'd had enough. When he pushed a syringe into the port on her IV, she again crimped the tubing and feigned falling asleep. She waited until her room darkened and very slowly made her way to the door. Pushing it open, she poked her head outside and blew out a relieved breath. The corridor empty, she quickly grabbed her medical chart and quietly closed the door.
Shuffling over toward the window, she read by the moonlight streaming in and gasped. The second scar didn't have anything to do with internal bleeding after the bullet had been removed. They'd taken one of her ovaries.

In all honesty, this one is a bit of a mess. The scenes keep coming and I love everything but it's going to need some slick polish when everything is said and done.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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