Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Haven't We Met Like This

Welcome to October, the month with two full moons. Make of that what you will. I had a terrific week. Made a ton of progress on the cleanout and organization. Got a new set of rune stones. Met my two best friends for an evening of fun and laughter. And made headway on a work project.

Not a bad week for television. I watched a lot of Silent Witness. Finished up the third season and started on the fourth. It's shorter than the previous seasons, so I should be ready to start the fifth early this coming week.

Started a new episode of Blue Heelers. Apparently Nick's past has come calling. Not very far into yet but it's an interesting episode.

Watched part of the first episode of Bomb Girls. I'm excited about diving into this series. I've heard some great things about it.

I also watched a bunch of videos about rune casting again. They're very soothing, especially when I'm shredding paper.

Tonight's post is from Haven't We Met Like This, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Reese meets Hallie, his brother's flight school roommate, when he bails her out of hack. Seven years later, they meet under similar circumstances on his father's ship.

And a sneaky peek…

Reese Hennesey knocked on his brother's dorm room door. Alec answered just as he hung up the phone. "Reese, bro, I'm so glad you're here. I've got big trouble."

Reese snorted and stepped inside the room. "When don't you?" Trouble had a way of finding his brother.

Alec waved off the mild insult. "I'm serious, Reese. My roommate Hal just got tagged for being out after curfew and it's my fault." He paced back and forth.

Reese rolled his eyes. "Let me guess. Fudgy brownie cakes."

Alec flushed. "Yeah and I can't leave to bail Hal out. I have to study. I gotta pass finals or dad will have my head." He raked a hand through his hair.

Reese hesitated. He'd had a long flight and this Hal person had to know what going out after curfew could mean. Then again … Reese totally got not wanting to listen to Alec complain about not having his cakes.

Alec stopped his back and forth motion and did the same thing he always did when he needed something. He whined.

"Please, please can you do it?" He grabbed Reese's arms. "Please. You know I'm not as strong as you and dad on flying falcons. If I don't get the written part at close to one hundred percent, I'm done for."

Reese couldn't deny his brother's request. Alec didn't have it wrong. Their dad would flip his shit if Alec didn't pass finals.

He sighed. "Fine. I'll go bail Hal out." He headed for the door to exit but called over his shoulder, "But you'd better thank him when he gets back."

Alec scrambled after Reese. "Wait! Hal's not—"

Reese didn't catch the rest, he'd already hit the steps to leave the dorm and find an auto-teller. His head swam with fuzziness and he wanted to hit his rack.

I'm having a lot of fun with this one. Reese is in for a big surprise when he arrives to bail Hal out.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.


ML Skye

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