Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Ignition Failure

Yikes. What a week. We have a new president, which I'm rather thankful for. I hope things slowly get back to at least an even keel. I spent two evenings in two different emergency departments and got to play Dr. Mom with my daughter after she took a spill while riding her rip-stick. Also got some health screening done. It's been a little crazy for the first week of a month.

Didn't get much television watched. I viewed my usual fare on Ovation and caught a few more episodes of Silent Witness. Also ended up catching a few episode of Death in Paradise, which I enjoyed.

Had a great conversation with my brother about shows we've both watched. We're fans of Australian dramas and recommend anything new we've come across to each other.

That's pretty much it for television this week. I might be back on a semi-regular schedule soon.

Tonight's post is from Ignition Failure, a sexy short that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Favin Hart finally gets the man of her dreams but freaks out and ends up marrying another guy. Less than twenty-four hours later, she's facing the music and trying to fix her mess.

And a sneaky peek…

Favin drummed her fingers on the table until Howie put a glass in front of her then turned to speak to one of the other patrons. "Damn, I shouldn't be so antsy." Nothing said she and Parrish would even meet up.

Howie settled down across from her and shot her a confused look. "Why are you fidgeting so much?" He took a long drink from his beverage, some blue concoction that looked disgusting.

Favin feigned innocence. "I'm not fidgeting." She almost sat on her hands to prove it.

Howie snorted. "Favin, if you get any more jumpy, I'm gonna have to peel you off the ceiling." He kicked his feet out nudging the toe of her boot.

She opened her mouth to reply but her sixth sense kicked in. Parrish. She went still when she caught sight of him.

Howie followed her gaze. "Ah. Never mind. The reason just presented itself." He leaned in. "Give me the bullet points before he gets here."

Favin gave him the brief rundown. "We had a thing, he deployed, end of thing kind of deal. It was nice for a few weeks." Better than nice and that scared her more than a little.

Howie lifted his chin. "I'll stick around for a few drinks then make myself scarce."

Favin slapped her hand on the table and pitched her voice low. "Don't you dare. I'll hunt you down and find the nearest airlock if you do." She wanted Parrish enough that being alone with him wouldn't be a good idea.

Howie's eyes went wide. "Whoa. The feelings run deep for this one." He folded his arms over his chest and smirked. "He's a good guy, Fav."

Favin snarled. "Shut. Up." She didn't Howie to sing Parrish's praises.

Parrish arrived at their table and she met his gaze then smiled. "Parrish, you remember Howie."

Howie stuck his hand out. "Hey, man. How've you been?"

Parrish clasped his palm and they exchanged some idle conversation about not seeing each other since their initial training while Howie dragged a chair over. Favin took the opportunity to drink in the sight of Parrish in civilian garb. Okay, semi-civilian. He wore a battered pair of fatigues and a T-shirt that fit snugly across his chest but still looked soft and comfy.

Howie snapped his fingers in front of her. "Yo, Fav. You ready for another round?" His lips twitched.

She sent him a narrow-eyed glare. "Sure." Sticking her hand in her pocket, she fished around for some cash.

Howie shook his head. "No need. This round's on Parrish." He got up to make his second trip to the bar.

Damned man.

Parrish nudged her shoulder. "I see what you mean about the sibling vibe." He chuckled.

Favin relaxed. "Yeah, Howie's a huge pain in the ass sometimes." She took another swallow of her current drink. "But he's a great drinking partner." Unless he bails on me.

Parrish gave her a grin. "From what I remember, so are you." He picked up her glass and took a big gulp.

She laughed. "True. I never mind sharing my alcohol." He'd done the same thing the night they met.

A good memory that finally melted her anxiety away.


I like this one. Favin trying to avoid getting sucked into Parrish's orbit won't go the way she hopes.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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