Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Inside Out

How did we get to the halfway mark of November already? See, the month is flying by again. At least I didn't have any illness or medical drama this week. LOL

I caught some television but not much. Watched several more episodes of Silent Witness. I'm happy to have the opportunity to see how Leo and Harry were introduced. I originally started watching the show sometime around season nine, I think.

I also spent a fair amount of time catching up on laundry and watched a few episodes of Blue Heelers. The new guy is finally starting to grow on me.

I also caught my usual mystery shows on Ovation and did a brief dive into classic Perry Mason. I've been in the mood for mysteries lately.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Inside Out, a sexy short that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Jamie Storm and Shane Castigli are separated by circumstance and each makes an attempt to move on with others. But Shane's got an inside out feeling, something of an intuition about Jaime returning, which doesn't go over well with his current partner.

And a sneaky peek…

Jaime growled when she picked up her bags. "Dammit, Chad." She backed out of the space she'd called home for three years.

Angry at being on the defensive, she'd hoped to play the departure much more low-key. Now she'd have to slink away and probably face Shane's hostility too. But she didn't blame Chad for getting a few licks in.

Making her way to the commons area, she stopped in front of Chad. "I wish I could have given you more." She glanced at the crew. "May your cargoes be plenty and the meteor showers few." She didn't give anyone a chance to do more than wave farewell.

No need to create tension between Chad and his crew.

She made her way down the corridor to the soft-seal docking point and walked onto Shane's ship, setting her bags in the mini cargo slot. Shane disengaged the seal and she stood beside him, opening her mouth to thank him.

Shane shot her a glance. "Can you handle copilot duties?"

She blinked, not expecting the courtesy. "Uh, sure." Sliding over onto the chair, she brought the console in front of her. "Richter, check. Aurora undocking sequence on my mark. Mark."

Shane's ship pulled away from Chad's and she took control, guiding it forward before turning to port.

Once they were the required distance from the Ballymead, she angled her head toward Shane. "Do you want to take the con or engage autopilot?"

Shane gave her a long, level look. "Autopilot. Coordinates are set." He got up and started for the cockpit hatch. "We need to set some ground rules." He exited, leaving the hatch open.

Jaime hovered between irritation and admiration. His blatant assumption she'd follow pissed her off. But … they did need to have a conversation. How could she argue? She respected his desire to get something hashed out sooner instead of later.

Double-checking the coordinates, she keyed in the sequence to set the autopilot, a little amazed she remembered the protocol since she'd been a mech-tech for Chad. She got up to find Shane and another thought hit. He left without verifying she hadn't forgotten.

A small glimmer of satisfaction sliced through the churning ball of dread in her gut. He had faith in her rusty piloting skill. Maybe facing the past wouldn't suck.


This is a fun story. I love writing couples who have to find their way back to each other.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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