Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Passing Ships in the Night

Ugh. Had a rough week in general. My work project is coming along nicely but we had storms blow through and lost power a couple of times, which kind of harshed my vibe in a big way.

I got less television viewed but I did get to finish out the second season of the Passionflix original Driven. Man … what an ending. I'm truly excited for season three next year.

I did catch another episode of New Rugrats. I'm thoroughly enjoying this show and I'll state for the record that I hope there will be another season. So much fun.

Watched a full episode of Chicago Med and started another one. I'm not sure about the new head of Rhodes's department but their interactions are very interesting.

Got another episode of The Brokenwood Mysteries out of the way and one of my favorite things about this show is how we see some familiar faces from other episodes pop up. I really like that, especially since they were suspects before in a different case. Very cool.

Started a new two-part Silent Witness. Interesting concept on this one and I vaguely remember bits and pieces from the episodes but can't remember how things got resolved. I'll look forward to seeing the second part.

Enjoyed another arc of Classic Who. Interesting concept and the resolution ended up being something I didn't expect. Hope to start a new arc this week.

Caught another episode of UFO Witness and rather enjoyed it. This one had a regression so an abductee could maybe remember what happened to him. Ended up being pretty interesting to watch.

Watched two episodes of The Muppet Show with Liberace and Marisa Berenson as the guest stars. Enjoyed both.

Still loving McCartney 3, 2, 1. I always end up being blown away by something every episode. It's also a lot of fun to watch Paul pick up an instrument and play or see him sing along at the mixing board. Love this show.

Enjoyed another Master Class with LeVar Burton. This lesson focused on the imagination being our superpower. I love listening to LeVar talk about storytelling.

Started an episode of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and … well … I didn't finish it. I really enjoy most of the characters, especially Hilda and Ambrose, Doctor Cee, Theo, Harvey, and Roz. I like Nick a lot. Even the weird sisters are often entertaining. But it really bugs me how Sabrina started out being decent at communication and now she massively sucks at it. The whole asking for advice then doing the exact opposite—without a really good reason other than it's what she wants to do—is starting to annoy me enough to stop watching for now. I might come back to the show eventually but there are other things on Netflix I'd like to get to so Sabrina can wait for bit.

Watched another episode of Star Trek: Discovery. Man. I'm starting to really love this show. There's a lot of nuance, which I enjoy and I like trying to figure out if Lorca is an asshole or a genius … or both. Michael intrigues me to no end. I love mix of Vulcan logic with human foibles. She's such a cool character.

That's pretty much it for the weekly viewing update. Tonight's post is from Passing Ships in the Night, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Renny Spur and Chad Raxton have something of an understanding—they meet at the Moonstar shipyard whenever they're in the Milky Way galaxy. When Chad's late for a connection, Renny gets angry and makes a bad choice—one Chad has to decide if he can overlook.

And a sneaky peek…

Chad stood outside Renny's quarters while she ducked in to stow her gear. "Can't believe my luck." A stunning dinner partner falling into his lap … not what he expected on the short visit to Moonstar.

And his brother more or less handed her over on a silver platter. Good thing he's currently hot for the armory sergeant. Mac didn't care about gender. When his interest got piqued, he pursued his heart's desire.

Chad braced his shoulders on the wall. "Why can't I do that?" His luck with dating bordered on laughable.

He went out and hooked up frequently, but as of yet, no one sparked a yearning for more. Between recruiting and his other military duties, he didn't exactly have a lot of time to dedicate to a relationship. But … he'd like to find someone to share things with.

The door slid open and Renny stepped out. Something about her drew him in. She looked fantastic, even in a standard-issue uniform. Am I being fanciful? Maybe, but she intrigued him.

He pushed away from the wall and grinned. "All set?" When she nodded, he jerked his head toward the causeway. "Food options are on level six. We can take the lift or we can use the autostairs. Any preference?" He hoped she'd opt for the steps … they'd see more of the base that way.

Renny shook her head. "No. Apparently, I'm here until the 1350 flight to the Ulysses tomorrow. I didn't think I'd get my assignment until the morning watch." She fell into step beside him. "Since this'll be the main hub I ship out from, let's take the autostairs." She paused a moment. "Unless you're starving?" Her head tilted to one side.

I'm starving for time with you.

Chad lifted a shoulder. "I'm hungry but I like taking the scenic route." He made a left and headed for the first set of rolling steps. "They have a good selection of eateries here. Pretty much anything you're in the mood for." He placed his foot on the first stair and held on to the side rail. "That's definitely not always the case with the star stations."

Renny followed quickly behind him then moved up to stand beside him. "How many have you been to?"

He snorted. "All but one. It's on my roster for next month." Out of twelve total … not bad for two years in his new post.

Her eyes widened. "You're not in one place very long, are you?"

His lips twitched. "It depends. I'm in recruiting and inspecting for flight squadrons. Sometimes I have a long jaunt at a star station or aboard a ship, but two weeks tends to be the standard." He wouldn't bore her with the mundane details. "Is the Ulysses your first star cruiser posting?" They stepped off the stairs on the third level and made their way to the next set.

Her head bobbed up and down. "It is. I've been stationed planetside for eighteen months. But my flying skill coupled with a degree in mechanical engineering put me on a fast track for deep space missions." She got on first this time.

His eyes went wide. "A degree and you fly? Damn, that's a heady mix." He chuckled. "You'll be in demand when you assume your post. Do you plan to go career in the military?" Reaching level six, he eased off the steps and quickly moved to the side.

She shrugged and glided off the stairs. "I'm not sure yet. I wanted practical experience and didn't want to wait for it. The firms I interviewed with had long probationary periods." She slid him a sideways glance. "I'm not known for having patience."

He laughed. "Good to know. How about we do a quick walk around up here so I can give you the rundown on the great food and not-so-great places." He swept an arm out. "Then you can choose where we eat."

She gave him a wide smile. "Sounds perfect."

He couldn't wait to hear more about her plans for the future.

I think I know where this one is going but it hasn't completely gelled yet, which I kind of enjoy. Chad and Renny definitely won't have a traditional or typical relationship.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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