Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Out of the Box, Into the Burn

August 1, 2021 

So … I can't believe it's already August. I'm kind of not ready for the summer to be waning down and fall to gear up. Because once fall hits, the holidays are around the corner and I'm not quite ready for that yet. LOL

Had a decent week of watching television again. I finished up the last two episodes of Ms. Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries. They were set around the holidays but the Christmas one only hinted about the season. The finale took place on New Year's Eve and I loved it. LOVED IT!! Even Percy the Putz didn't annoy me overmuch. And Peregrine and James are kind of back on track and that makes me very happy. I'm very much looking forward to a third series and crossing my fingers that it happens.

Caught both episodes of Silent Witness's season twelve opener. I should have remembered these but I didn't. Enjoyed the cases and look forward to more. Twelve is a little longer than usual so there's that, too.

Finished up season seventeen of Classic Who and started season eighteen. I'd forgotten Four got a different scarf but rediscovered that fact in the first arc of eighteen. I like the first one the best.

Watched two more episodes of UFO Witness. These episodes feel a little staged but they're interesting. I'll finish out and see where it ends up.

Started season three of The Muppet Show and got four episodes watched. The guest stars were Rita Coolidge and Kris Kristofferson, Leo Sayer, Roy Clark, and Gilda Radner. I like the small changes to the opening and the show set-up. Looking forward to more.

Began a new documentary series with McCartney 3, 2, 1. I watched two episodes and loved both of them. I'm excited to see the rest because it's not focused only on the Beatles. It looks like we'll see a full scope of McCartney's music.

Caught two more Peak Practice episodes. So far, season four is pretty solid. I'll look forward to seeing the rest of the season.

Was able to catch two more Master Class lessons with LeVar Burton. He spoke about authentic storytelling and connecting with your audience. I got some good information from both lessons. I also enjoy listening to him speak; he's very eloquent without being stuffy.

Ended up watching two episodes of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I thoroughly loved the Doctor Cerebus episode and I'm going to keep all the scenarios in mind for later seasons. I have a feeling several easter eggs were dropped in that one. Not as much of a fan of the dark wedding episode. I absolutely loathe Blackwood and I'm hoping it's not going to become a case where my dislike of him ruins the show like it did with Hiram and Riverdale. I literally can't watch any scene he's in without hating it.

Watched two episodes of The Brokenwood Mysteries. Finished up the first season and started the second. Nice to see and learn a little more about Breen. This show is just quirky enough to really hold my interest. I got annoyed with one of the detectives in the finale, but I'll reserve judgment because I love her otherwise.

Caught the second episode of Star Trek: Discovery. It went in a direction I totally didn't expect but I'm down for being surprised. So far, I'm enjoying the show and look forward to a redemption arc for Michael.

Finished up season one of Chicago Med and truly enjoyed the finale. Colin Donnell continues to be amazing to watch. I loved him in Arrow and really enjoy him in Med. The opening episode of season two is very entertaining.

Loved Passionflix's season two episode of Driven. I'm thrilled there are two more eps to watch and another season to follow.

Last but not least, I got another episode of New Rugrats watched and I have to admit I love the new version. Definitely not the same as the classic version but the updates are spot on and fun to watch.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Out of the Box, Into the Burn, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Parry Thrum, a superior pilot, is sidetracked with an injury and relegated to planning a mission on an enemy outpost instead of flying in to save the day. When one of her superiors rejects every parameter she comes up with, Blake Bradley, another excellent pilot, steps in and backs her up—the out of the box, into the burn approach is just the thing to take their opponent by surprise, and a very Parry plan.

And a sneaky peek…

Parry Thrum shot a quick look in Blake Bradley's direction, the only warning she'd give for what would happen next. "All due respect, but you're wrong. Sir." She addressed Colonel Ernst Carbine, also known as the idiot giving the latest briefing.

Blake's shoulders slumped and he shook his head. He'd warned her to back off and not give the colonel any trouble. The man didn't appreciate when she interrupted him.

Colonel Carbine stopped talking and gave her a nasty glare. "No one asked for your opinion, Thrum. You got a problem you can speak when it's time to ask questions." He huffed out an angry breath.

Parry rolled her eyes. "Right. But only if you call on me … which you won't." He never did because she asked about stuff he didn't have answers for.

Carbine jabbed a finger toward the exit. "Get out. Now. Your buddy, Bradley, can inform you about this operation."

Parry sighed and got up. "He won't have to. Your parameters are straight out of our outdated protocols and we're going to get hammered out there." She shook her head and started for the hatch.

Carbine came around the podium and stalked after her. "Hold up there, Thrum. Who the hell do you think you are?" He grabbed her arm and gave her a shake.

Temper flaring, she jerked away and stumbled backward butting up against the row of seats and losing her balance. She went down hard, getting her leg stuck between the back of the fold down seat and the arm.

White hot pain shot through her knee and she winced, trying to wrench free. "Holy crap. That hurts."

Gasps sounded around her and everyone turned, climbing up to check on her. Blake's head popped up over the rest and he grimaced then shot Carbine a quelling glare.

He nudged one of the pilots on the end of the row. "Better call the medics. She's not walking out of here."

Filled with panic, Parry sat up then grabbed the back of the seat in front of her with one hand and the cushion of the seat behind her with the other. "No, don't. I'm fine." She pushed up, sucking in a pained breath before her vision started swimming.

Blake's hand clasped her shoulder. "You're so not fine. Stay down before you do more damage to your leg." He crouched down. "Not exactly the exit you were hoping for, yeah?"

She bit down on a snarky comeback and shrugged. "Maybe not, but someone had to say something. We've lost half a squadron." Because they kept using the same three maneuvers against enemy combatants that they trained, for fuck's sake.

Blake gave a brief nod then backed out of the way when two medics came rolling in with a gurney and their med bags. Parry tried to quell the nervous tension building in her shoulders but she didn't have to look at their faces when they rolled her pant leg up to assess her injury. She'd definitely sprained her knee, maybe worse. A loud buzzing filled her head when they immobilized her leg and got her loaded on the cot. She glanced up and met Blake's gaze then closed her eyes in defeat. She'd be a scratch for this mission and she could only hope they didn't lose any more pilots before someone finally came to their senses and tried something new.

I'm completely sure where this one is going but the scenes are clear when they pop into my head. Looking forward to diving a little deeper on this one and see where it ends up.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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