Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Set the Record Straight

Okay, we're a week before Thanksgiving in the US and I'm happy to say I've got the bulk of my holiday shopping done. I need to get a few more items then it's time to put a bow on the whole package and be done. YAY!

Had a pretty solid week of working and watching television. A new project crossed my desk and it's going well. On the television side, I started with Classic Who and watched a four-episode arc then hit a two-episode arc. Both were enjoyable.

Caught the last two episodes of Roswell: The Final Verdict. Really enjoyed this six-part series. Not sure what I'll pick up with next, but probably something else UFO related.

I watched four episodes of The Muppet Show and finished out season four. The guest hosts were Doug Henning, Andy Williams, Alan Arkin, and Diana Ross. Season five is the final run of the original show and I'm not sure what I'll watch next. Maybe some of the movies.

Enjoyed two more episodes of Fantasy Island. So far, I'm liking the new premise and how things from the past are blended into the current incarnation of the island. Based on what I've read, there's going to be a holiday episode. I'm a total sucker for stuff like that and can't wait.

Finished out season five of Peak Practice. Did not expect it to end with a house burning down, but it happened. Looking forward to starting season six. I'm at the halfway point. Yay!

Watched two more lessons of MasterClass with Brandon McMillan. He's got some great methods and I'm hoping to try some out on my furry mutts soon. I've already incorporated a couple of things and they've worked well.

Completed the first season of Glitch. I didn't see a couple of things coming and I love the twists. Looking forward to starting the second season this week. I gotta say I really feel for James and this show is like catnip because of the love triangle that isn't really a triangle and the fact that no one is a bad guy in it. That's a trope I thoroughly enjoy.

Started a new episode of Blue Heelers and have a feeling it's going to be one of those odd ones where the heelers are on opposing sides. Not sure how I'll like this one.

Finished the finale of Star Trek: Discovery. Man, what a ride the first season ended up being. I can't wait to see what the breakdowns will look like on The Ready Room.

Caught two more episodes of Chicago Med. I'm almost finished with the second season and looking forward to the third. Gotta take a moment to appreciate the episode titles. This show makes them fun.

Started a new show with The Madam Blanc Mysteries. So far, I'm hooked. I loved the first episode. Looking forward to seeing more.

Finished the second episode of Silent Witness. I have vague memories of this one and how it played out. Kind of a twisty tale.

Last but not least, I watched two more Classic Rugrats episodes. I'm trying to decide if I want to watch the holiday specials or hold off and watch as they pop up during the seasons. Stay tuned.

That's pretty much it for weekly updates. Tonight's post is from Set the Record Straight, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Keegan Brimm and Warner Misona check their feelings for each other at the spaceport airlock and have a knockdown fight before they finally drag out all the baggage between them to set the record straight.

And a sneaky peek…

Warner's brain exploded with tons of emotions. Rage over Westcroft's underhanded and possibly criminal activities. Including possible subterfuge and maneuvering behind the scenes that led to his best friend's death. Regret over not asking Keegan about it sooner. What a burden to be weighed under.

He asked now. "You've been carrying this around since his death, haven't you?" After she nodded, he continued. "And news of Westcroft's arrival kicked everything up again."

She inclined her chin. "You got it in one." Heaving a sigh, she stood up. "And I've wasted an entire week wallowing in self-pity when I should have been seeking dirt on the major." Her eyes closed and her head tilted back.

Warner rose and grasped her hand. "I have some ideas about that." He waited until she met his gaze. "Still want to find a quiet place?" His hand slipped up her forearm then down again. "Only instead of beating yourself up, we can talk about what needs to happen when Westcroft gets here."

Keegan squeezed his hand. "I'd like that. Thanks."

Warner let go of her arm. "Let's go to the library, see if it's unoccupied."

Keegan chuckled. "You mean the former supply locker that our CO decided to convert 'for cultural purposes'?" She rolled her eyes.

Warner grinned. "Hey, give Harcourt some credit. It's a good morale booster. Books, a wireless comm station for research and it's small enough to guarantee quiet." He continued extoling the virtues while they headed in that direction. "People can find a spot to make calls home or send updates without anyone interrupting."

Keegan slid him a sideways glance. "They can also get up close and personal in relative privacy."

Warner smirked. "There's that, too." She would know about that feature.

Keegan paused a moment. "You realize if we're seen going in and coming out together, rumors will fly about us, too."

Warner stopped outside the door. "That's exactly what I'm hoping will happen." He waited a beat. "Whether the gossip proves true or not is up to you." He wouldn't push Keegan for an actual relationship—not when she had Westcroft to deal with—but he'd leave the offer on the table.

He opened the door and motioned for Keegan to precede him. Securing the hatch behind them, he got a shock when he turned to find Keegan right there. As in up close and personal.

This story is so much fun. Keegan found a great partner in Warner and Westcroft probably won't stand a chance with this skirmish.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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