Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Sibling Rivalry

Hope everyone had a terrific US holiday and a terrific week if not in the US. I got to spend time with my oldest and youngest kiddos and enjoyed being able to do so. I think I have two more gifts and maybe some odds and ends to pick up and I'm done with holiday shopping. Fairly pleased to be a little ahead of my usual last-minute rush.

Had a good week of television viewing. I watched another episode of The Brokenwood Mysteries. This show continues to make me so happy.

Got a two-part Silent Witness watched. This is one I didn't remember and I'm glad I got to watch it.

Got a full arc of Classic Who in and started a new one. I've discovered a couple of episodes were almost an hour in this season, which is actually kind of cool.

Started a new series with Mysteries of Apollo and the first episode focused on the Apollo 13 mission and some of the in-depth history of that experience.

Began season five of The Muppet Show and watched four episodes. Gene Kelly, Loretta Swit, Joan Baez, and Shirley Bassey were the guest hosts. Final season of the original.

Caught two episodes of Fantasy Island and I'm still thoroughly enjoying the show. I think I have one left in this first season and I'll look forward to the holiday episode.

Started season six of Peak Practice. Great episode that moved the timeline ahead a little. Being at the halfway mark of the entire run is a nice accomplishment.

Enjoyed another lesson of MasterClass with Brandon McMillan. Some great tips on housebreaking that I hope to put into effect after I get my downstairs area organized.

Season two of Glitch started out with an interesting twist. This show is very twisty and turny and I like that. Looking forward to getting more information on how everything works and finding out if Sarah is another one of the risen. If so, poor James. Two women in his life? That's a lot.

Remember when I thought I finished the first season of Star Trek: Discovery? Yeah, not the case. I had two more episodes. Watched the penultimate this week and, wow, what a mix of highs and lows. This show. Just saying.

Started season three of Chicago Med. I like how they moved the timeline ahead and seeing where everyone ended up. Conor breaks my heart. April breaks my heart. Wil and Nat make me happy. The horrible new surgical resident irritates the life out of me. So far, so good. LOL

Watched another episode of The Madame Blanc Mysteries. I really love the dynamic of this show and the mystery this week ended up being terrific. Also love the overarching mystery of who killed Jean's husband. Interesting show.

That's pretty much it for this week. Tonight's post is from Sibling Rivalry, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

When Fayne Cartier falls for his brother's flight instructor, Rumor Child, he has no idea how difficult dating will end up being when his brother shows signs of not having the chops to qualify. Rumor won't cut him from her class thinking the sibling rivalry may be just what the younger Cartier needs.

And a sneaky peek…

Rumor stretched and rubbed at the kinks in her neck. She finalized the notes and separated her student files. She'd have a full class starting in two weeks. She couldn't wait … the beginning of a new class always excited her.

The aroma of spicy beef hit her nostrils and she glanced up at the same moment her stomach growled. Fayne Cartier stood by the door, dangling a bag of takeout between his fingers. The heavenly smell had her mouth watering.

As did the man.

He looked good enough to eat, clad in fatigues with a tight black T-shirt that hugged his muscles. Fayne definitely hit her hot buttons. Along with the hunger pang, she ended up with an entirely different kind of twinge in her nether regions.

She arched a brow, but said nothing. She'd leave the opening salvo to Fayne. And she didn't doubt they'd be having parry and thrust conversation … either about his brother or Fayne's reason for dropping by.

He took a step into the room. "I figured you wouldn't mind if I brought dinner. You have to eat sometime." He sent her a lopsided grin.

She didn't mind. "That's true." She waved him in.

He set the bag on her desk and pulled a chair around. "Of course, I'm part of the package. Hope you don't mind."

She chuckled. "I doubt it would matter if I did." She paused a brief moment. "But I don't." Sitting down, she opened one of the containers. "Ahhh. Smells heavenly." The spicy blend wafted out into the room.

Fayne had a very pleased-with-himself look on his face. He grabbed another box and flipped the top up to reveal buttery noodles cooked to perfection.

They didn't talk much while they split up the food between them or while they polished off half of it. The atmosphere companionable, Rumor wondered how long it would last. She might find Fayne incredibly attractive but…

Fayne swallowed a bite of food. "So … think my brother will pass the written?"

And there it is.

Rumor sat back and folded her arms over her chest. "Is this why you brought me dinner?"

He shook his head. "Not at all. I do have an ulterior motive, but it doesn't involve Renner." He leaned in. "I find you attractive and fascinating, especially since you pretty much handed me my ass earlier today. I have to get to know you better."

She laughed. "You might not like what you discover." Reaching over, she tapped on Renner's file. "Your brother passed the written exam. Not that I'm surprised at all."

Fayne quirked an eyebrow. "Really? Why?"

She shrugged. "He's grown up around ships and pilots. He'd have to have at least a basic aptitude. The written test isn't going to faze him." And that wouldn't be what concerned Fayne.

He proved her right. "Doesn't change the fact he shouldn't be in a cockpit."

Rumor didn't discount his sentiment. "Maybe, maybe not. But I can't grade him on your gut feeling. You're too close to the situation." But she respected him for caring.

 Fayne sighed. "I get that. And I am too close. Renner's always had this thing about pleasing Dad, even if it costs him more than he can give."

Rumor winced. "Speaking from experience?"

Fayne rolled a shoulder. "Not recently. I learned to walk my own path. Becoming a pilot had nothing to do with Dad." He paused. "Check that. I've been interested in flying since I was little and that did come from my father, but I took the time to make sure it's what I wanted. Does that make sense?"

She nodded. "It does. If you didn't love it you would've walked away." She could see him doing exactly that.

He agreed. "Yeah. But I don't think Renner will."

Rumor tilted her head. "Then let me make a suggestion. Give your brother a chance to figure it out on his own. You never know … he could have the chops." Only time would tell if he did.

Fayne made a noncommittal sound.

Rumor pushed a little more. "Look, there's nothing like a little sibling rivalry to drive mediocrity to extraordinary. And you two have rivalry in spades." Almost like an art form, no doubt spurred on by their dad.

Fayne nudged back. "And what if that doesn't work?"

A good question that deserved an answer. "All I can promise is not to pass if him if he doesn't earn it." She wouldn't be swayed by anything but the merits.

So far, this story is coming together nicely. I like the interaction between Rumor and Fayne and how each has a good point about the situation and they kind of agree to disagree and let the chips fall.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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