Sunday, October 16, 2022

Zoning in the VZ (a V-World novella)

I should not have made a joke about having snow before Halloween in my last post. Apparently, there's a chance we might have some in the early part of the week. If it happens, it'll probably be a dusting and won't last long, but, geez, I'm not quite ready to drag out my cold-weather clothes yet.

Had a good week with my work projects and made a tiny bit of progress on my future endeavor. I also got some writing time in, which makes me happy. I have some home projects that need attention this week so I might not have as much time to write as I'd like.

Had a decent viewing week and made a full circuit through my usual programs. Caught the first season finale of Ted Lasso and I'm excited to start season two this week.

Watched the second episode of Suspects and enjoyed the twists this one took. I like the cast and characters and the pacing is excellent. Definitely going to continue watching this one.

Finished up series five of Endeavor and loved where things ended up. I'm looking forward to starting series six this week.

Caught the second part of Silent Witness and, whew, what a ride. I loved how twisted up everything got before the final act. Considering I'm in season twenty, it's nice to still love this show.

Watched the final part of Classic Who's arc with Leftbridge-Stewart. Thoroughly enjoyed for the most part. Should be starting a new multi-part arc this week.

Started Sci-Fi Science and liked the first episode. I've seen bits and pieces of this show and I'm excited to watch it through from start to finish.

Loved the second episode of Ms. Marvel. I have a feeling this will end up being one of my favorite Marvel shows. The characters are a lot of fun.

Caught the penultimate episode of Only Murders in the Building and, wow, it blew my mind in the best possible way. I can't wait to see the finale this week.

The Umbrella Academy had a great episode. Things are coming together and I'm looking forward to seeing how things play out in the next episode. I did not think Klaus would end up being one of my favorite characters but he totally is. I love him in all his screwed up glory.

Watched the second episode of Star Trek: Discovery in season three. I'm glad to have everyone back together, but it's always nice to see the crew shine under Saru's leadership.

Also caught another episode of Batman: The Animated Series. This one featured the Joker again and it might be sacrilegious but he's my favorite Mark Hamill character of all time.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Zoning in the VZ, a V-World novella.

Here's the mini-blurb:

With Nemesis no longer wreaking havoc in V-World, Augustus Serrano can't celebrate a job well done until he rescues Santina McGovern who doesn't know her boss is no longer in play. Scared for her life, Santina is zoning—sending out multiple copies of herself to engage the grid—and the longer she stays in the harder her return to reality will be. Augustus has to earn her trust and help her get out before she's shredded in the VZ.

And a sneaky peek…

Augustus Serrano stood outside his direct superior's office. "Mallory's gonna flip her shit when I put this request in." Inhaling deeply, he knocked twice then entered the room.

Mallory Biden glanced up from the electronic tablet in her hand. "Auggie." Her tone stayed neutral but her gaze narrowed.

He gave a nod. "You know why I'm here, don't you?" He should've anticipated she would.

If nothing else, this saved time.

She set the tablet aside. "I know you. So, yeah, I have a solid idea." She motioned for him to sit in one of the comfortable chairs across from her.

He sank down. "You disagree, right? Think it's a terrible idea." Hell, he actually doubted the loosely planned operation would work.

She shook her head. "I don't think it's terrible. I do have reservations." She picked the tablet up again and turned it toward him. "I've run sims. The odds are definitely not in your favor." Pushing the device forward, she waited for him to pick it up. "That said, shit goes sideways for us all the time. Especially where Nemesis had his dark tentacles mucking about." She shuddered a little.

Auggie didn't blame her. What that guy put all of them through. Mallory and Surge Tempest, Nemesis's former partner. Deandra Wilder, another former associate of Nemesis and Surge, and Ric, Mallory's brother and brilliant mind behind taking Nemesis down. They barely made it out of the VZ—virtual zone—alive.

And now, Auggie wanted to go back in … to hopefully save a life. Could he really pull this off?

Mallory leaned forward. "You know she might be impossible to find, right? Or be too far gone to bring out." Her gaze held concern.

Auggie grunted. "If she's beyond help or completely shredded, at least I can note the place and time." He left off the part about it being for her death.

Mallory's lips thinned. "She's been zoning a long time. She can't come out until her copies are either reintegrated or erased from the VZ." She nodded to the tablet again. "I ran sims for that, too."

Auggie swiped to the next data set and frowned. "Is this your half-assed attempt to convince me it's impossible?" He had a loose plan for this problem also.

Mallory gave him a hard look. "This is my whole-assed way of forearming you with knowledge. You're gonna do what you're gonna do, whether I approve it or not." She leaned back, folding her arms over her chest.

Auggie winced. "Sorry, Mal. That was a dick move." He placed the device on the desk. "Seeing the numbers makes me more determined. She did end up saving our asses, whether she meant to or not."

And Santina McGovern deserved a shot at a life after Nemesis.

Mallory lifted her chin. "I figured." Leaning forward again, she met his gaze. "What's your plan?"

This series is a lot of fun to write. Trying to imagine what going into a computer program would be like is so challenging but also satisfying in a weird way.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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