Sunday, December 11, 2022

Sunday Snippet: The Baracas File

Had a rough week with an ear infection and a cracked tooth. The antibiotic is definitely helping but functioning with a fuzzy brain from discomfort is not fun.

I did get a lot of Batman: The Animated Series episodes in. I started with season one number forty-eight and ended with sixty-four. I'm not all the way through "Paging the Crime Doctor" yet but should finish it up today.

Again, there were a few forgotten but so good episodes. "The Mechanic" and "The Man Who Killed Batman" are two that were excellent. Interestingly, Sid the Squid is mentioned later but it's not the same character from "The Man Who Killed Batman."

Two of my favorite two-parters were in this bunch, "Robin's Reckoning" and "Shadow of the Bat." I loved both. The first because it dives into Dick's backstory and shows how much Bruce and Batman care for Dick / Robin. The second because it introduces Batgirl. Another two-part arc with Ra's and Talia, "The Demon's Quest," is also pretty solid.

I also forgot about the second concluding (I think) episode "Day of the Samurai" that wrapped up Bruce's history with his instructor and rival.

"Zatanna" is another one I always enjoy. I love seeing the journey Bruce took to become Batman. I also enjoyed "Read My Lips" that introduced the ventriloquist. One I forgot about is "Fire From Olympus," which feels a little out of place in the Batman realm but I kind of like it because of that.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from The Baracas File, a novella that puts the characters in a precarious position when they go after corruption.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Briggs Felderzon, an investigative reporter, will stop at nothing to discover what's in the Baracas File, the contents of which results in his brother's death. Myrrh Gold, his brother's partner in the Inter-Stellar Police, decides to help him … but Briggs isn't sure he trusts her.

And a sneaky peek…

Myrrh spent the two days following a departmental debriefing about Zell's death reading the entire contents of the Baracas file.

Two things became very clear. "He died because of me." Inadvertently, but the burden didn't lessen because she'd walked away from her not so straight and narrow family business.

He'd been right about being targets. Obviously. But she'd been so certain no one could possibly know they had the file.

Her fingers practically burned holding the assortment of reports, court documents, and communiqués. "Yet less than five hours after I liberated it, Zell is targeted and eliminated." Only someone in the department would miss it.

The big question? Who? Unless someone did a daily check—and that had to be the case—the file shouldn't have been missed. The plan had been she and Zell would scan the contents and return the bulky package to the evidence room.

Rising from her couch, she paced back and forth. "I got away clean. I know I did." She'd learned from the best and put her skill to use from the age of eight to seventeen.

She kept up with the latest safeguards and equipment, too. As an inter-stellar police officer, she had access to the newest technology. Zell used to challenge her to test her knowledge.

She paused. "Testing my knowledge got him killed." And put her in the line of fire … unless her family connections gave her cover.

Several distant relatives were listed in the file. The ones with ties to organized crime. And one or two appeared to have connections to bigwigs in the police department hierarchy.

She huffed out a breath. "That's new info." And the one person she'd normally share the intelligence with, the only one she trusted, no longer existed.

Sinking back down onto her sofa, she fought a wave of grief. I'll bring down the person who murdered you, Zell. Justice will be served.

If she lived long enough to mete it out…

I like how this story is coming together even if it's a little slow going. We might also see a character or two pop up from other books set in the Queen City universe.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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