Sunday, December 25, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Breaking Through (Book two of Mind Games)

Happy holidays to those who celebrate. We had a lovely day, even if the temperatures were in the mid-teens. It's way better than the minus ten degrees we had earlier in the week.

I had some catching up to do with a work project and didn't get much watched, but I did catch a couple more episodes of Batman: The Animated Series. I guess I'll be watching all next month also because it's going to be removed from HBOMax.

I got to catch a couple of good episodes, featuring The Joker and Harley. Bane made his first appearance and the Clock King showed up again. Harvey and Two Face along with the Riddler both had episodes. And the episode with Baby Doll ended up being better than I remembered.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Breaking Through, a novella in what I'm calling the Mind Games series.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Race Markington finally has Echo Dart, the woman he wants to spend the future with. His one problem? She's been brainwashed by the enemy and he has to find a way to break through and get his Echo back.

And a sneaky peek…

Race followed Echo into the cockpit. "I don't like this. Trussing you up for the flight back to the carrier sucks on seven different levels." They didn't have much choice, but didn't mean he liked it one damn bit.

Echo settled in the copilot seat and slid her gaze in his direction. "Having me as a captive audience? How can that suck?" Her lips twisted in a wry smile. "You can't take the chance I'll go off the track again. Crashing would not be on my list of things to do today. I wanna get the hell out of here." She nodded toward the base of the chair, indicating what he should do.

Heaving a sigh, he approached from behind and used two tether strips to bind her legs to the metal rails. "At least it's a short trip." Unless they encountered enemy fire before they cleared atmosphere.

Echo lifted her chin. "There is that." Her features softened. "Never thought I'd get to go home … even if the welcome won't be warm." She kept her gaze straight ahead.

Race strapped in and started the preflight process. "No one knows the sitrep yet. Not even the old man." They'd have to handle her arrival with some caution.

Echo twined her fingers together then straightened them out. She couldn't do much else with the zip cords around her wrists. Race didn't envy her limited mobility … even if two days ago he'd have been close to thrilled to have her under lock and key.

She finally glanced toward him. "We won't be able to keep anything from anyone when I walk off this ship with my hands bound. The whole saga of Race and Echo is going to begin all over again." Dejection filled her tone.

Race's lips quirked. "Probably. But the sequel's gonna have a different ending this time." He wouldn't give up on her anymore.

Echo tsked. "It might. But there's no guarantee it'll be a happy one." She lifted her bound hands. "We might not be able to figure out how to keep me from maiming and killing people."

Race shook his head. "That's true. But we'll exhaust all options and, if we fail, I'll still be there." He made a controlled liftoff into the lower atmosphere then continued. "Could be interesting to have dinner every evening with a lance corporal standing guard over us."

Echo reacted the way he wanted her to. She sputtered out a chuckle then threw her head back and laughed.

The sound filled him with hope.

This series is taking some twists I didn't foresee and I'm totally okay with that. I think there will be one or two more follow-ups, but the sages are keeping me guessing about that.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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