Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunday Snippet: Cupid's Folly

February has been the oddest month. Between weird weather and random catastrophes, it's been a doozy. I'm kind of happy to be welcoming March in this week.

Finished up a work project and made really great progress on one of the others. I'm blessed with authors who turn revisions around in record time. It's very helpful and keeps their work fresh in my mind.

I also made some progress on my new venture. Only a tiny amount, but it makes me happy to chip away at my to-do list. Brings me a wee bit closer to be able to launch.

Didn't get a lot of television watched, but I did finish up Strangest Things. I have so much fun listening to the experts discuss the weird and wonderful artifacts.

I also continued my Battlestar Galactica rewatch. This week's episode was one of my favorites, "Bastille Day." Some truly excellent parallels about picking a side and being true to a set of core beliefs.

I also started season two of The Mandalorian. I hoped to finish up Ms. Marvel before starting another Star Wars show, but I want to be up to date for season three.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Cupid's Folly, a novella that charts the somewhat fraught course my main characters take to their happy ending.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Jinx Jersey just signed on as the XO of the Cupid's Folly, captained by Alrick Cates and he's given her fair warning she picked the worst time to start her new post and develop an attraction for him. The pleasure ship is booked solid for the couples' cruise and they don't have time for romance.

And a sneaky peek…

Jinx tamped down her nervous excitement and entered the captain's office. "Jinx Jersey, reporting for duty." She set the temporary transfer papers on his desk.

She kept her gaze on him, resisting the urge to let it dart everywhere. She loved getting familiar with new ships. And she had a new one she could check off her list—a great big civilian cruise liner.

Basking in the happy vibe, it took her a full minute to realize the captain, Alrick Cates had yet to greet or even acknowledge her presence. He sat behind his desk, a less-than-thrilled look on his face, and studied her. His brows furrowed and his mouth set in a deep, angry slash.

He tossed a hand up. "Unbelievable. I can't believe they sent someone like you." He rose and came around the desk, propping his butt on the edge. "This is the worst time to sign on. The couples' cruises get crazy and I don't have time to babysit someone who's too pretty for the work."

What should've sounded like a backhanded compliment instead sounded like Alrick Cates giving her shit. All before he'd even introduced himself. What a guy.

Not one to back down in the face of asinine rudeness, Jinx narrowed her gaze. "Excuse me?" How did they get off on the wrong foot when she'd only been aboard the ship for ten minutes?

Shaking his head, Alrick did a slow circle around her. "You're going to get hit on nonstop." He paused in front of her. "That magnificent rack of yours will act like a honey trap and, no doubt, have men frothing at the mouth." He made a disgusted sound.

Jinx ignored the blatant baiting. "It's a couples' cruise. My name is not included on the passenger manifest." Her job didn't include getting down and dirty with paying cruisers.

Alrick grunted and lifted his chin. "Right. The point is to become a couple while on the trip. Most of the passengers don't care if they hook up with other cruisers or crew." He sent her a withering look. "As long as they hook up."

Okay, fine. She didn't have experience with the horny crowds, but getting a solid gander at Alrick's physique had her wondering what had his shorts in a twist. Unless he thought she'd cramp his style.

Jinx rolled her eyes. "You can't tell me you don't receive a lot of attention. I mean look at you..." She let her gaze travel from his boots to his still-unhappy, but extremely handsome, face.

Broad shoulders, chiseled cheekbones, muscles in all the right places. Yep. He'd draw a good deal of attention. Until he opened his mouth.

He frowned. "I'm very good at putting women off." He waved a hand.

Jinx gave him a bland look. No doubt he is.

She tilted her head. "You're very cranky for a guy who hasn't hit thirty." She folded her arms over her chest. "Look, my record speaks for itself. I can handle—"

Alrick gave a rude snort. "Your record is notated by horny old men who can't see past your tits and teeth." He shook his head. "I can't believe they assigned you—"

Jinx didn't let him finish. She drew her arm back and let her fist fly. First impressions be damned.

I love this couple so much. Jinx won't take any of Alrick's crap and he's due for an education on how not to piss off his new XO.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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