Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday Snippet: Dance with Destiny

Very busy week with work projects and client calls. My youngest was also in the UK over her spring break for a study abroad program. She's back in the States today.

Weather is all over the place, which is typical for March. We had sunny and warm followed by chilly and rainy, followed by brrrrr! and some flurries. I can't wait to see what the next two or three weeks brings to the playing field.

Had an okay week for television. I didn't get back on my regular schedule, but I did get a few things watched.

Started out with some Classic Rugrats. Only watched one episode but enjoyed it. I always like the episodes where Angelica is bested by the babies.

Watched another episode of Midsomer Murders. I'm kind of bummed Barnaby's degree in psychology isn't a thing anymore. I enjoyed that aspect in the first few seasons of John's tenure.

I finished an episode of Endeavor and enjoyed it. Glad to be back into this show. I'm a few seasons behind but I'll get caught up eventually.

Caught another episode of Classic Who. This one started a new arc and I'm excited to see where it goes. There might have been a hint about Ace's mom and I want to see if pans out.

Completed season twenty of Silent Witness. Really liked how the episode played out and I'm interested in how Nikki and Jack deal with the fallout of their trip to Mexico.

Watched another episode of Strangest Things. A couple of interesting features in this one, especially the bat bomb that destroyed an entire air force base.

Also started a new episode of The Mandalorian. I'll finish it up later today while I prep for the new season.

That's it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Dance with Destiny, the second novella in a trio of books.

Here's the mini-blurb:

A prophecy discovered leads to a dance with destiny. Quillan and Jeb have to find their way back to each other and might just tempt fate to do it.

And a sneaky peek…

Quillan Jaymes headed back to quarters after the shared-grief moment in the memorial hall. "Nice to be there for the old man." And, well, Jeb's dad kind of returned the favor for her.

She hit her rack and let the exhaustion finally claim her. Started to nod off when an odd feeling hit. A warm, comforting presence.

Her lips curved a little. "Reminds me of when Jeb would wrap his arms around me in the middle of the night." She smiled sleepily and drifted deeper toward slumber, thinking how people, namely her, took comfort in the strangest things.

A moment … or a minute … or an hour later, she jerked awake and could almost swear she'd heard Jeb call out her name. He sounded far away, but she'd know his voice anywhere.

Shaking off the weird feeling, she rolled over and tried to fall back asleep.

But … she heard it again. Louder this time.

"Quillan. Quillan."

Her eyes drooped and she burrowed into the pillow.


The voice came again, but she didn't let it pull her from slumber this time.

"Quillan!!" The impatient tone Jeb used when he got cranky cut through.

She lurched upward and cracked her head on the rack above hers. "God dammit. I'm going insane." She swung her legs over the edge of the bunk, intent on finding Doc Marsh or a medic, hell anyone, to score some sleeping pills.

"Quillan. Talk to me, dammit."

She shook her head, disbelief settling in. "Doesn't it just figure."

Holy hell. Jeb Paldino had come back to haunt her.

She had to be insane. Her captivity had finally caught up to her—the only explanation she could deal with at the moment. Her head spun, her vision blurred, and Quillan took the only option left open. She tumbled sideways and passed out cold.

This story is coming together in a weird way, but I like where it's going. Quillan and Jeb are fun to write.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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