Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Open Dialog

Had a solid week of getting stuff done. This makes me happy. Got a garden planted. Okay, my husband got most of the planting done. I only did one thing, but I call that a win anyway.

On the work front, I did fairly well also. I'm hoping to launch a new venture in June, and I finally got back to setting that up. I also finished up a copy edit and started a proofreading project.

Solid week of viewing also. I'm in a bit of a groove and sticking with a cluster of shows. I still have a weird urge to binge watch a marathon of something, but I've resisted that urge. It's so easy to fall down a rabbit hole and not get anything done.

Ended up getting two episodes of Death in Paradise watched. One featured a Day of the Dead tie in, which is notable only because I'm watching a different show today that has a Day of the Dead tie in.

Also got two episodes of Elementary in. Started season two and got to meet Mycroft, which I enjoyed. Also got some additional Joan backstory and I'm glad to see some of that.

Enjoyed two episodes of The Batman. Both were ones I remembered from my original run through the show. Season three is different as I don't feel as connected to the characters, but it's a pretty solid season so far.

Caught two episodes of Classic Rugrats. I've started season eight and I'd forgotten it's a lead up to the Rugrats in Paris movie and all the episodes are interconnected.

Watched two episodes of Suspects. I finished up season three and started season four. The premiere of four had a very twisty case and I really enjoyed that one.

Started season ten of Brokenwood Mysteries. I love this show so much. There's a terrific cast of characters and I love that Frodo and Todd have found both bodies so far this season.

Also enjoyed the finale of season twenty-six of Silent Witness. I'm finally one hundred percent caught up with the series. Now I play a waiting game until season twenty-seven.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Open Dialog, a novella that brings a couple together after they finally learn to communicate with each other.

Here's the miniblurb:

Life on a space station means there's nowhere to run when things get awkward. For Janeen Shore and King McMahon, working through their often messy personal relationships can sometimes take a toll and they have to keep the lines of communication open or risk losing what's important.

And a sneaky peek…

"Are you seriously going to defend Malz Orwenson?"
King McMahon closed his eyes along with the jacket open on his desk. "Shara, I advocate for whoever they assign to me." He only got so many refusals per quarter.
Shara snorted. "Bullshit. You volunteered for this one."
His current girlfriend might know a little too much about him.
He sighed. "Okay, yes. I raised my hand when they asked if anyone would take on Malz's case." Because why not?
Shara huffed out a frustrated breath. "What the hell, King? Orwenson is a known agitator. He's always trying to drag others along when he bucks the system." She paced back and forth. "Do you have thing for the impossible? There's no way you'll win this one." Pausing, she pinned him with a hard look. "Does that even matter to you anymore?"
King couldn't say winning every case mattered. He only advocated in his spare time to keep his qualification. Eventually, having the skill would be a nice feather in his cap once his stint in the military ended.
Shara tapped her foot on the floor. "Well. I guess that answers the question." She rolled her eyes. "So then, tell me please … what's the point of doing executive functions as a solider if it's not to rise up through the ranks and help your career?" She planted her hands on her hips. "I mean, there's gotta be an end to doing your duty, right?"
King took a moment before answering. "It's not just about duty. The point? I'm not doing this to advance my career in the military. There's a quality of care involved with every assignment I take on." He warmed up to the topic, gaining a clarity he didn't have before she started busting his balls. "Each case becomes about the experience of doing my best for the client. Possibly mitigating their punishment or limiting the punitive cost." He met her gaze. "Working with and learning about those aspects now gives me valuable knowledge for future endeavors." When he could no longer serve as a soldier.
Shara's mouth snapped shut and her shoulders slumped. "Hadn't thought of that." She glanced around the room, looking at everything but him.
King swallowed a smirk. Obviously, Shara didn't know him quite as well as she thought. Mainly because she viewed him as an extension of her, which, yeah, probably needed a discussion at some point.
But not today.
He reopened Malz's file then cleared his throat. "Anything else? If not, I've got work to do and not a lot of time to get it done." Rude, but true.
Shara huffed out a sigh. "Fine. I'll make myself scarce until the hearing." She gathered up a couple of items and tucked them into a duffel bag. "I'm … uh … sorry for coming in with guns blazing." Not waiting for a response, she ducked out, letting the hatch close behind her.
King exhaled slowly. "And I'm sorry for not being who you think I should be…"

This story is in the very early stages, and I have no idea how things are going to shake out, but I'm having so much fun figuring it out.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.


ML Skye

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