Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Operation Moot Point

May is winding down and it's been kind of a whirlwind month. Or I might be hitting that age where time seems to fly by faster every day.

Not a bad work week. I finished up a project and jumped back into one that had been sitting on the back burner for a while. Also started a new one. Got some writing done also, which makes me happy because the sages have been on an extended vacation.

Pretty good week of viewing also. I managed to go through my slate of shows twice and finished up an episode I left hanging a few weeks ago.

Watched two episodes of The Brokenwood Mysteries. Thoroughly enjoyed both. I'm so excited this show is back for another season. I love the characters so much.

Caught two episodes of Death in Paradise. Finished up season seven and ended up liking it a lot. Starting season eight this week.

Started watching Best in Paradise, which features the favorite episodes of the cast. Got two viewed, and I think I'll continue watching. They have fun intros from the cast member and why the episode is one of their favorites.

Watched two episodes of Elementary and I really love how Joan is being fleshed out and using her knowledge. Also kind of happy to see some growth with Sherlock.

Enjoyed two episodes of The Batman. I remembered both and enjoyed each one. Really fun to have Robin and Batgirl working together to take down the rogues.

Caught one episode of Suspects and it ended up being a twisty affair, which I love. I have two more episodes of season four and then I'll start the final fifth season.

Watched two episodes of Classic Rugrats. Finished up the lead-in to the movie and caught the first episode post wedding. Fun stuff.

Also finished an episode of Peak Practice I started a couple of weeks ago. The later seasons seem to be a little hit or miss for me. Can't wait to finally get to season twelve.

That's it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Operation Moot Point, a novella that brings a couple together for a weird mission.

Here's the miniblurb:

Zia Rogue and Keb Belova are highly trained soldiers and put in charge of Operation Moot Point. Between them and their specialized skills, they should be able to plan the surprise party for the base commander—if they can stop arguing long enough to actually get the work done.

And a sneaky peek…

Invigorated after destroying as many raiders as possible while waiting for the reinforcements to arrive, Zia headed back to the base. "Damn, my head is spinning." The adrenaline rushes kind of stacked one on top of the other and her brain reached overload limit.
Banking toward the main landing bay, she pondered the crazy-ass stunt Keb pulled by following her out. "What in the name of the universe had he been thinking?" Maybe he hadn't been.
Nothing could explain how he pulled off flying right down the middle of enemy territory without a single shot being fired at him. Nothing rational or logical anyway. The sheer audacity blew her mind.
She couldn't squash the warm burst of … something … that filled her when he crossed to her side, basically going fly or die on her. She didn't have many people she could count on to be there no matter what. But she added Keb to the top of the list.
He confused the hell out of her sometimes. She usually chalked the weird vibe between them down to superior-subordinate semantics. The asteroid base didn't have fraternization regs, but she and Keb never crossed the personal to intimate line.
Not that I haven't thought about doing so.
She had … usually really late at night when sleep proved elusive. Yeah, not going there right now.
Landing the craft, she waited to be lowered down onto the hangar deck and hovered in a uncomfortable place between fully expecting a blazing set down from Keb and a consuming need to ask him why the hell he followed her across the line.
Before the canopy slid back, she shook her head. "Not sure I can handle either at the moment." Removing her helmet, she started to stand and caught Keb's gaze narrowed on her.
Shit. Probably couldn't avoid the ass-chewing.
The deck chief stood between their two planes. "Rogue, Belova. Report to the XO in the war room. He'd like to discuss that awesome display of insanity you two pulled out there." His lips twitched. "Frankly, I have no doubt you two'll be in the history books." Thumping the nose of the bird, he turned and walked away.
Zia wisely kept her mouth shut and avoided looking at Keb during their post-flight checks. At least she didn't have to worry about a blistering debrief from him.

This story is a lot of fun to write. Zia and Keb are rarely on the same page, but they'll end up being very compatible soon.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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