Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Power Play

You know, I love a great fireworks display … but … I don't love almost a full week of random nonstop barrages from different locations where I can't even see them. Because at least I'd be able to enjoy something while my poor doggos are huddled against me shaking and freaking out. In all seriousness, I don't begrudge people having the funds and knowledge to celebrate with fireworks. But I also hate the first week of July for anyone who has pets that can't deal with the show.

It's been a weird week with a toilet repair followed by a washing machine leak that needed fixed. I'm still working on the leak because, seriously, it's never a simple thing when I'm involved. I'm crossing my fingers for not having anything else water-related to deal with this week.

Had another super busy week of work. I'm slogging through a very, very long proofread and I'm almost at the finish line. Completed a copyedit that ended up having some consistency concerns but ended up being such a great story. And it's a holiday book! I love editing holiday manuscripts.

Didn't get a lot of viewing in, mainly because the proofread is difficult subject matter and so long I don't want to risk losing my spot by getting distracted. I definitely don't want to do a lot of repeat work because I lose my place.

I did get to watch an episode of My Life Is Murder. I so enjoy this show. The characters are such a delight.

I also finished up the episode of Elementary that I started last week. I have to admit I'm not quite sure if I'm down with Mycroft possibly being a bad guy. My guess is he's working with someone we've seen before, and I have two people in mind. Stay tuned to see if I'm right.

And that's it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Power Play, a novella that explores a reversal in rank for two officers who are a wee bit more than friends.

Here's the miniblurb:

Hailey March, a dedicated officer, receives a plum assignment she's wanted for a long time. But when she has to give orders to Rab McKee, she must ignore their long friendship, which is impossible because she needs him on her side.

And a sneaky peek…

Rab McKee entered the war room to find Hailey March hunched over several charts.
He didn't bother with protocol. "I stopped in to see Tyler and Hibbert." She'd want the lowdown on their friends first anyway.
Hailey lifted one shoulder, never taking her gaze off the table.
Color Rab stunned.
He'd just come from a blistering set down with Admiral Dora Kidwell, the flagship leader of the fleet. Not only had he been demoted, he'd received a lecture on visiting with the prisoners waiting to be executed. Prisoners from his former ship, crewmates he considered friends.
Her reasoning? As a commander's son, under no circumstances, should he have contact with the former Kalliope crewmen again. He had an example to set.
Like he'd do … what? Break them out of a sealed brig? After being busted down from captain to lieutenant? No one who mattered would be following his orders any time soon.
A brig break would be more Raver's style anyway. Well … it would have been not long ago. Lately, Captain Hailey 'Raver' March had him wondering where the damn pod had been hidden. She sure as hell acted like an alien being in recent weeks.
He looked forward to seeing Hailey after his meeting with Kidwell. The irate admiral had advised him to report directly to Captain March—his new boss. Rab had found the order very amusing.
At first.
Not so much now. Standing across the tactical planning table from her, his mouth worked but nothing came out. He'd just told her he'd been to see Tyler and Hibbert, the two crewmen scheduled for execution and damn good friends of theirs and all she could only shrug?
Her response made him rethink the hilarity.
He cleared his throat and repeated. "Hails? Ty and Hibb. They're hanging in for now."
She still didn't look away from the chart she worked on. "That's good."
His brain reeled from the response. But the kicker came next. After several long moments, she finally glanced up and met his gaze.
She angled her head toward the tactical table. "Now help me plan this op." Her fingers drummed on the edge of the surface.
Rab stared at her with something close to incredulity.
He couldn't have heard her right. "You wanna just carry on?" Maybe being promoted had addled her brain… "As if nothing's happened?"

This is going to be a bit of dance between the characters while they navigate toward each other and discover they're more than friends.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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