Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Perfect Conversation

I can't believe we're at the end of June already. It's crazy how fast time is flying right now. Probably because of the whole respiratory yuck that ate up most of the month. Thankfully, that seems to have finally run its course. Feeling so much better now.

Had a super busy work week. Playing catch-up isn't my favorite thing on the planet. But I did finish a proofread and made solid progress on the other two projects on my plate.

Had a very limited viewing schedule this week, mainly because I really wanted to make as much of a dent as possible in my work. I had my usual background comfort shows playing in the background with Perry Mason and Midsomer Murders. I love the channels dedicated to one show, which is how I get Midsomer whenever I want. And Perry Mason is easy to find on the classic TV channels.

I did catch an episode of Best in Paradise and enjoyed revisiting how JP got reacquainted with Rosie. I'm enjoying the cast member introductions to each episode.

I also watched the first of a two-part Death in Paradise. I'd seen a bit of the episode before and knew what to expect but it's very powerful to watch from the beginning. Looking forward to the second part this week.

I started an episode of Elementary and didn't make it all the way through. I'll finish that one up later tonight.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Perfect Conversation, a novella that explores a reunion between two characters meant to be together … if they get their timing right.

Here's the miniblurb:

Gigi Morse runs away from Scott Alamead because she doesn't want to risk losing him. But when she returns, a very different Scott greets her, and Gigi realizes she's right back on the hot seat.

And a sneaky peek…

Gigi watched Scott's retreat and couldn’t resist one last salvo. “MmmHmm. At least it'll be a good one.” She checked to make sure he’d rounded the corner, before adding a sarcastically whispered, “Ooo-kay then.”
She figured Scott would attempt to talk after they'd argued earlier. But their conversation had not gone anywhere close to the way she expected. Instead of helping her settle the swirl of thoughts in her head, the discussion pretty much kicked them up into further chaos.
Doesn't that just suck?
She dropped down to the floor and settled back against the bench in the gym where he'd tracked her down. Reaching over, she picked up a bossa ball and let its weight settle in her hand. She considered getting up and doing a quick run through the maze to work off some of the frazzled feeling, but honestly didn't have the stamina to do it at the moment.
Spinning the ball around in her hands she gave it a quick toss at the wall opposite her feet. Scott Alamead loves me. Of course she knew that. But the way he said it made it different this time.
She caught the ball and bounced it again. She’d made a promise to someone else. A rebel fighter who'd put his ass on the line for her.
How was she supposed to respond to Scott's declaration?
Catch; bounce.
And how the hell was she going to get back to Columba to keep her promise?
Catch, hold; bounce. Back and forth.
She’d missed a hell of a lot while she’d been gone … not the least of which happened to be Scott's apparent one-eighty.
Catch; hold.
Mutiny? Choosing the minister of defense above watching over the old man? Breaking his parole to leave with the minister?
Emphatic bounce.
Not that she would have done differently with Flynn in charge, probably sooner.
Catch. Grin. The man was an utter moron.
Deep breath.
How am I supposed to deal with this Scott?
The one who kissed her because he'd been happy to see her?
Catch; bounce.
The one who had no scathing comeback when she called him on his own actions?
Catch, hold; hard bounce.
The ball hit the wall and bounced twice back to her. She wanted this Scott … hell, she wanted the other one also, truth be told. Maybe they'd needed the forced break of her tearing off to Columba to gain some perspective, deal with some issues.
Snort. Right. Bounce.
If gaining perspective meant hooking up with a hot guy and promising to return for him, she'd be dead on the money.
Catch; hold.
But what the hell? She and Scott had totally parted on nasty terms. How could she know he’d pull the rug out from under her?
She hefted the ball really hard on that thought. It hit the wall, glanced off a light fixture, and bounced out of her reach.
Gigi let the ball go, her thoughts tumbling in her head.
She’d screwed up by sleeping with Radek, never dreaming for the reaction Scott had. But she figured with him the gaff would be … screw up, no second chances, game over. So … she jumped away on the minister's orders, which had been easier than trying to deal with both Scott and his uncle Minton at the same time.
How wrong I was. She got to deal with a blond amazon out for blood, an almost perfect copy of a fellow pilot, finding Harry—her oldest friend next to Scott—and hooking up with Kurt. Primo mistake number two.
Oh … and yeah … she'd been knifed in the gut and the universe knew what else at the hands of the enemy. Is it any wonder I latched on to Kurt so hard? Sought comfort and peace of mind after being beaten back?
She'd thought she lost Minton and Scott in one fell swoop and didn't think she'd ever get back to their side of the line.
But she had made it home. And she hadn’t lost Scott … not if his welcome and friendly declaration could be believed. It's all right there in front of me. Waiting.
Could she reach out and grab it?
She’d made a promise to Kurt, and she’d keep it … but not for the original reason.
He's a good guy, but he isn’t Scott.
And she wanted Scott.
And there she had it. Decision made.
Gigi laughed and stood, walking over to snag the ball from the floor. She needed to find Scott and take him up on his offer to talk. A grin snuck over her face and as she doubted his definition would match hers.

I'm quite happy with how this scene came together even if I might need to do some judicious trimming. I love a good internal monologue.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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