Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Sibling Rivalry

What an end to the month. Our weather has been wet and drippy for most of the week. Not complaining because we needed the rain. Of course, the dreary stuff hits the week of our county fair, which is my husband's favorite time of year. Then again, a little water falling from the sky won't deter him from going or enjoying himself.

Work finally slowed down a little and I had some time to catch my breath. I have a new copy edit and proofread combo I'm working on and should have a new project starting this week. I'm also expecting more on the developmental edit I've been working on. And … a project I had a hand in is finally uploaded for proof … after almost four and half years of rewrites and revisions. I'm so excited!!

Had several really great conversations with my daughter this week. I love hearing her ideas of what she wants from the future. This young woman has a good head on her shoulders and I'm so proud of her. Graduate school is opening her mind and eyes and I'm excited to see what she does.

Not a bad week of viewing. The time to catch my breath also gave me a bit of freedom to catch up on my slate of shows. I made almost a full round this week!

Caught two behind-the-scenes vignettes for Signora Volpe. I always enjoy seeing and hearing how things work and what the actors think about their show.

Watched an episode of Death in Paradise and enjoyed it. This is one I hadn't seen before, and I loved the way the mystery played out.

Started a new season of Silent Witness. Very interesting premise and I'm looking forward to the conclusion next week. I'll be starting Beyond Paradise after I finish the new season.

Enjoyed an episode of Elementary. It's interesting to watch Sherlock serve as an AA sponsor. And I really like Watson kind of stepping out on her own to solve a cold case.

Finished up the second part of the season four premier of The Batman. Kind of forgot Batgirl didn't really feature in these opening episodes. I think she makes a return later in the season.

Also caught an episode of Classic Rugrats. I only remembered one of the vignettes, so I enjoyed seeing the other two.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Sibling Rivalry, a novella that brings a couple together after they have a less than stellar beginning.

Here's the miniblurb:

When Fayne Cartier falls for his brother's flight instructor, Rumor Child, he has no idea how difficult dating will end up being when his brother shows signs of not having the chops to qualify. Rumor won't cut him from her class thinking the sibling rivalry may be just what the younger Cartier needs.

And a sneaky peek…

Fayne blinked at the vision walking toward him. "I knew she'd rock civilian clothes." Frankly, even in uniform, she blew him away.
But tonight, she'd gone for some kind of casual glamour. She'd paired a form-fitting T-shirt with a flowing cardigan that fell to her knees. Her pants were made from something soft and hugged her curves. A pair of suede booties with a slight heel and some understated jewelry completed the outfit.
She gave him a tentative smile when he stood to pull her chair out. "You clean up nice." Her gaze showed keen appreciation.
His crisp button-down and dark-twilled pants had been a last-minute decision, but he'd wanted to make it clear he wanted to spend time with her as more than his brother's instructor.
Glad he'd put some effort into his attire, he leaned down. "And you look amazing." He settled back in his seat and smiled when the server immediately brought menus to the table.
Neither needed time to decide. Rumor ordered the baked steak dinner and Fayne went with his favorite chicken dumplings. Once they had their drink order, he opened the conversation with questions about time in flight school and they compared notes about their instructors. She mentioned using his stats, along with his dad's, as a goal to achieve. He regaled her with stories of trying not to live in his old man's shadow.
He carefully avoided mentioning his brother. He didn't want anything to ruin the evening.
Halfway through the meal, Rumor finally said something. "Are we really going to ignore the big specter in the room?" Her head tilted to one side in question.
Fayne lifted a shoulder. "I don't want to risk screwing this up." But she had a point.
Rumor smiled. "Gonna be hard to pursue something if we can't talk shop. If you're super uncomfortable with the idea, we'll have to skirt the issue."
Fayne hedged a little. "I'm not uncomfortable. I'd love to know how Renner is doing." Or possibly not doing.
Rumor quirked a brow. "Even if he proves you wrong?"
Fayne chuckled. "Definitely. But my gut is screaming Renner isn't cut out for flying." He waited a beat. "So … how's he doing so far?" He didn't know if he really wanted the answer.
Rumor's lips twitched. "Holding his own." She sobered. "But like you said, he won't face a true test until we get past the basics. He's absorbed everything he knows to date practically by osmosis. That will only take him so far."
Fayne couldn't fault the logic she used. "And if I'm right?" Would she accept defeat with as much grace as she'd handled everything else?
Rumor patted his hand. "You're getting a little ahead of things here. Let's cross that bridge when we get to it. Until then, my mind stays open." She brushed her thumb over his skin "The question is … can you leave it alone and let him pass or fail on his own?" She'd very nicely turned his question back on to him.
Fayne took a moment to consider his answer. "I'm willing to try." And he would stick to that promise.
Rumor flashed a grin. "Then you and I are off to a solid start."

Having some fun with this one. Rumor loves a good verbal sparring session and Fayne likes a woman who gives as good as she gets.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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