Well, had a better
week than the last one. Still not completely tip-top but feeling way better
with the worst of the cold finally over. We got more snow this week, but warmer
temperatures are around the corner. At least for a few days.
I got caught up on
my work projects and lined up a potential new one. I'll be starting a new copy edit
on one of my favorite mystery series and continuing my read through on the nonfiction
I'm setting up a
storefront for Tip Jar Shorts. I'm kind of doing things a bit backward, but the
more I thought about it, the more I figured a storefront would lend legitimacy
to this endeavor. I wanted to keep things super simple and offer various methods
of payment and I might still be able to do that, but I also thought it would be
best to have immediate access to a downloadable file instead of waiting on a
delivery to an inbox. We'll see which version works out the best.
Had an okay week of
viewing. I didn't make a full cycle through of my shows, but I did get the back
half watched. And I might be adding one additional show to the roster. I'll let
everyone know if that happens.
Watched another episode
of Elementary and rather enjoyed this one. Sherlock's dynamic with Joan
is different and getting more settled. And Kitty is fitting in with both in
ways I didn't expect.
Also caught an episode
of Batman Beyond. I remembered this one and enjoyed it. I did forget the
interaction with Terry and his brother so that was a nice reminder.
Enjoyed another
new-to-me episode of Classic Rugrats. I sometimes wish Nickelodeon had
continued with the plans for the pre-school show and added more of All Grown
Up. The nostalgia is strong with this franchise. Instead, Spongebob
and other weird stuff took off.
That's pretty much
it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Unlawful Acts,
a sexy short that puts a couple in close proximity to work out their
Here's the miniblurb:
Effy Carmichael, an up-and-coming officer, wants the job
of alpha team leader and deserves it, except she's a few years too young to
hold the position. When the spot goes to one of her oldest friends, Jonah
Kirkland, Effy has to swallow her pride and welcome him even while she fights
the powerful attraction between them. Hooking up with Jonah is against regs,
but it may be worth committing an unlawful act to finally realize one of her
most closely held desires.
And a sneaky peek…
Effy's heart kicked against her
ribs. How the hell to answer? Maybe with the truth … even if it might be scary
ugly …
She laid it out. "I wanted the
team leader job. And I should've had it." Sighing, she conceded the loss.
"Except, of course, I didn't qualify." Waiting a beat, she put the
period at the end of the sentence. "And then they send you." She
shrugged. "Which should be awesome but, honestly, I'm having a hard time
separating my personal feelings from the professional…" She trailed off
because the admission cost some pride.
Jonah blinked. "Personal
feelings?" His thumb brushed over the top of her hand. "As in … wait,
why haven't I ever gone after that before feelings or just the age-old
friendship type?"
Effy narrowed her eyes. "Are
you making fun of me?"
He shook his head. "No, Eff.
I'm not. Believe me, I'm not." He huffed out a laugh. "Heh, you've
never given me a hint of hope that you saw me as anything but a brotherly type
of friend." His hand squeezed hers.
She pursed her lips because … true
fact. "Maybe you didn't look hard enough." Her lips twitched.
Jonah snorted. "And maybe your
poker face is too good for me to see through."
She rolled a shoulder. "There
is that." She'd become very good at keeping her true feelings hidden
behind a mask.
Jonah tugged her a little closer.
"So … if I'd never received this promotion, we'd have spent the rest of
forever not getting it on?" His palms skimmed along her torso.
Awareness skittered through her.
"Maybe." Anticipation thrummed through her veins.
Jonah's mouth curved. "Well,
that sucks."
She agreed with a nod.
Jonah sobered. "Can we get
past this whole thing? The job situation? Because if we can't, I'll transfer
out of here." His voice held a note of conviction.
She didn't hesitate. "We can
get past it. I just needed to be pissed off for a couple of months." He
couldn't leave now.
Jonah lifted his chin. "And
you're over it now?"
She wrinkled her nose. "Pretty
Jonah got serious again. "In
that case … I can think of a very inappropriate way for you to thank me."
He tipped his head toward her. "Right now."
When she opened her mouth to utter
a comeback, Jonah slanted his mouth over hers.
A very effective way to shut her
up, and she probably wouldn't give him another opportunity like this … ever.
The helmet forgotten, she let the
kiss consume her. They could've kept dancing around this for years. Effy slid
her tongue along his lower lip as she leaned into the embrace.
She became the aggressor, backing away,
she pulled him upright and started tugging at his shirt. "Off. Now."
She stepped back and slid her sweatshirt over her head, then started on her
sports bra.
Jonah made short work of his shirt
and, after tossing it behind him, pulled her to him and kissed her again. His
lips slid to her shoulder and his hands began to unbutton her pants.
She cupped his chin. "We're
going to do this?" She left the here unvoiced. "Technically, sex on
the premises constitutes an unlawful act." Not that she gave a damn.
He pushed her pants down as far as
they would go. "Don't much care at the moment."
Effy stepped out of her fatigues.
"Okay, yeah. We're going to do this." She reached forward and ran her
finger down his chest and stopped at the waistband of his sweatpants before
looking up at him. "Think you can handle it?"
I love Effy and Jonah.
Friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes to write.
That's it for this
week. Catch everyone on the flipside.
ML Skye
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