Wow, March is being
its typical mercurial self. Warm up and then plunge back into the teens and
single digits. The back-and-forth weather is normal but not fun.
Crazy-busy week
with work projects. I'm thrilled to have my calendar filling up and excited to
start some new manuscripts. Also getting more details sorted out for Tip Jar
Shorts. I need to find a full day I can dedicate to getting everything where it
needs to be.
Very limited
viewing this week. My brain decided it needed quiet to focus on the reading I
needed to finish up for one of my work projects. I probably needed the break.
I did get more of
the One Lane Bridge episode watched. I might take a brief vacation from
this one. There's a lot going on in this show and focus is going to be
important so I don't miss anything.
Finished up season
three of London Kills with the behind-the-scenes bonus episode. I always
enjoy getting a deeper look at how everything comes together in a series.
Started another
episode of Death in Paradise. I'm about halfway through and I like the
tension in this one. Also enjoyed Neville and Commissioner Patterson being on
the same page for once.
That's pretty much
it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Veracity of War,
a novella that explores changing dynamics in a relationship.
Here's the miniblurb:
The veracity of war takes a toll when Emerson Gamble
assumes command of a military outpost after his captain loses his life. Sheena
Tram wonders if they'll be able to maintain their relationship when the burden
of responsibility always gets in the way.
And a sneaky peek…
"To a good man and an
excellent CO. I have big shoes to fill." Emerson raised his glass.
"To Captain Elias Marx."
Along with the rest of the unit,
Sheena raised her glass. "To Marx!" She downed the shot and turned
the glass upside down before meeting Emerson's gaze. "A speech wouldn't be
remiss, especially after that excellent sendoff." She might be pushing boundaries,
but she wanted Emerson to get off on the right path.
And letting the unit know how he
intended to move forward would quell any uncertainty.
Emerson didn't call her out, but he
narrowed his eyes just a bit before he took a deep breath. "A speech.
Right." Squaring his shoulders, he directed his gaze over the entire unit.
"I couldn't ask for a better crew than the one I'm with right now. We've
been through the worst humanity has to offer, and we've come through that
gauntlet … maybe not intact or unscathed, at least not on a personal level but
stronger as a cohesive group. That's where our strength is. We function better because
of each other, because we have each other's backs. If we find a weak spot, we
pick up the slack together and share the burden. Marx trained us that way, and
I have no doubt we'll continue to honor his memory by utilizing those lessons
under my command." He picked up a shot freshly poured by the medic. "To
Razor Company. Sharp and true."
Everyone toasted. "Sharp and
Sheena downed her alcohol, savoring
the burn of the liquid and the words of Emerson's toast. Sharp and true. Simplistic
but hugely effective as a rallying cry. And that's what he'll have to be.
As their new leader, Emerson would have to be sharp on the uptake and true to
his subordinates. Where will that leave us? She had no answer to the
question, but she'd be the first in line to help ease the transition regardless
of how it might affect the personal relationship with Emerson.
Two hours later, members of the
unit started heading for their racks. Everyone wanted to be as well rested as
possible before the next mission operation. Sheena stayed behind to help clear
up the glasses and bottles. And to spend some time with Emerson.
After stowing the alcohol in the
cupboard, Emerson made his way to the large expanse of windows, gazing into the
depths of space. The tension returned to his shoulders, and he heaved a sigh. Sheena
put the washed glasses away and observed him for several long moments. She had
no idea what kind of weight he carried with the bump in rank, but she did have
a way she could help soothe his unease.
Making her way to his side, she
wrapped her arms around him. "What do you see out there? Because it's not
the stars."
Emerson snorted. "I'm seeing a
black void that needs filled, and I'm not ready." He circled her waist.
"I don't think being a good soldier qualifies me to take over for the
Sheena frowned. "Marx could
have picked anyone to assume command. He chose you." Her head tilted back,
and she met Emerson's gaze. "Why do you think he did?" Emerson didn't
lack confidence, so what had him twisted up?
He shrugged. "Honestly? My
guess would be because I'd served with him the longest." Easing away from
her, he clasped her hand and led her to one of the long, wide benches tucked
into the alcove that faced the windows.
Sheena nodded. "Okay, that
tracks. But he trusted you to get us to the egress point. That has nothing to
do with how long you've served with him." She swung her legs up and
motioned for Emerson to do the same. "You already acted as his de facto
second in command. He delegated a lot of responsibility because he counted on
you to follow through with his orders. Even the unspoken ones. You didn't have
to stop and think about how he would've handled things. You didn't have to
question what he wanted to happen. And you never let him down. That's why he
picked you to assume leadership." The truth of that observation couldn't
be denied.
Emerson shifted his position and
settled her back against his chest. "Kind of like how you and I work
together … perfectly in sync." His lips brushed her temple.
Sheena didn't know how much longer
they would be, but she smiled. "Pretty much." She angled her head
around. "And not just during battle." Her hand cupped his face, and
she met his mouth with hers.
Emerson deepened the kiss and
worked the buttons on her shirt undone, exactly how she planned. She had a
sinking feeling their relationship would be in a for a big change, but for now,
she'd tuck that concern away and enjoy being with him. Shrugging her arms out
of her sleeves, she broke the embrace and quickly shed the rest of her clothes.
I like how this
story is coming together. It's fun to dig in to an established relationship and
see what pops up when outside factors force change.
That's it for this
week. Catch everyone on the flipside.
ML Skye
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