Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sunday Snippet: One Hot Mess

Happy Independence Day if you're in the US. If not, I hope you're having a terrific weekend. Our weather is very pleasant and mild so I'm not going to complain about that. I will express frustration with random people letting off fireworks, but only because our doggos hate them.

Had a truly jam-packed, great television viewing week. Started and ended the week with No Offence. I finished up the series and I'm not disappointed at all. What a experience!

Also watched Silent Witness and I'm almost through the second episode of the two-parter. I watched the first part at the end of last week and should have this one finished up by the time I'm ready to post this blog entry.

Caught another arc of Classic Who. The fifth part of the key has been found so I'm almost ready for season sixteen to come to a close. So far, I've been on the fence with this season but it's enjoyable.

Watched an episode of UFOs: The Lost Evidence. This one dived into the cover-ups in the US. I'm always fascinated by how much this show reminds me of the X-Files. I love it.

Enjoyed two more episodes of The Muppet Show. Rudolf Nereyev and Elton John were the guest stars. Really enjoyed Elton.

Caught an episode of Peak Practice. I'm starting to like the new doctor. He kind of rubs everyone the wrong way but I truly feel for the guy coming to a small village where the residents are all used to things being a specific way.

The Hardy Boys had a terrific episode. I'm kind of interested in how the boys are dealing with starting at a new school and uncovering their mom's past there.

Dove into another Master Class with David Carson. I didn't think I'd get much out of the whole collage lesson but I did walk away with a few ideas about how textures and colors work together on a physical level.

Watched Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and, wow, Sabrina definitely had a bomb blow up in her face. I'm kind of glad to see it but also now wondering how everything is going to play out. Still not a big fan of Wardwell.

Caught another episode of Street Legal and thoroughly enjoyed. I'll be honest … I'm not always a fan of Olivia but I enjoyed her interaction with Emily. I'm also really interested in the dynamics of the partners. Definitely going to enjoy watching the rest of the episodes.

The Ready Room had a great recap and family reunion with Wil, Jonathan, and Brent. Such a fun episode and really looking forward to the next one.

Caught an episode of Chicago Med and really enjoyed it. I'm totally down for the rivalry between Halsted and Rhodes but I'm looking forward to when they're really great friends too.

Started a new episode of Blue Heelers. I'm kind of interested in how this one plays out because Nick has been getting on my nerves lately. We'll see if that improves or not.

And that's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from One Hot Mess, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Eva Twine and Van Jefferson have a very friendly rivalry when their teams compete for the galaxy championship. But when Van questions what Eva will wear to the celebratory masquerade, she decides to rock his very foundation.

And a sneaky peek…

Eva ordered a drink at the bar. She felt very conspicuous in the killer dress even if it seemed to have the desired effect. More than one head did a double take when she'd walked into the ballroom.

Too bad none of those second looks had come from the source she wanted.

The bartender placed a scotch and water in front of her. She picked it up and took a sip then narrowed her eyes in his direction. The guy's lips quirked and he winked at her.

"Don't look now, but I think you've got an admirer." He quickly picked up a bin full of empty glasses and made tracks to the sink.

Had Van finally shown?

Eva turned around slowly and fought the urge to laugh out loud at the pole axed look on his face. Okay, the dress and heels? Totally worth it.

Van's gaze traveled slowly up and down. "Eva?" His eyes raked over her again. "Wow."

She lifted a brow. "What? Didn't think I had it in me to pull off a chanteuse?" Another nice, slow sip from the scotch and water gave him time to work his tongue loose and provide an answer.

He let out a low whistle. "No." He frowned. "Er, wait. That's not what I mean."

She chuckled. "Telling me I look kick ass awesome would not be remiss." Her lips curved in a smile.

Van licked his lips, his eyes going over her from head to toe again. "You do. Amazing." He met her gaze again. "No, incredible." Beautiful.

She rolled her eyes. "Don't get used to it. Me in a getup like this might be a once in a lifetime deal." Draining her glass, she set it back on the bar.

Van moved to stand beside her. "Well, I'm glad I got to witness it then." He reached out but drew his hand back and shoved it in a pocket.

Eva finally registered his costume. He'd gone old world detective. It should have looked very clichéd, but on him, somehow it came across as authentic. Right down to the concealed weapon in the cane.

She sent him a crooked grin. "Look at you. Interesting choice." And strangely hot, but she kept that to herself. "Very cloak and dagger."

This one is so much fun to write. Eva and Van have terrific chemistry and I love how this book is coming together.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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