Sunday, July 25, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Organic Chemistry (a Civil Revolution novella)

Had a slower work week and got a good bit of cleaning and clearing done. I also got some solid viewing time in. I'm also somewhat stunned that August is just around the corner. This year is flying by.

I started my watch week with Ms. Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries and got two episodes finished. The first one did indeed have Percy the Putz involved in his usual shenanigans. The second one made my heart ache but I thoroughly enjoyed getting some background on Birdie. I'm loving the episode titles for the second season as much as I loved the first season's. Can't wait to finish season two up this week, which I think is probably doable.

Caught two episodes of Silent Witness. These finished out the eleventh season and I'm getting into the seasons I've definitely watched before. I'll be starting season twelve this week.

Enjoyed two arcs of Classic Who and I'm getting close to the end of the seventeenth season. Not sure how many more Four has but I'm excited to start Five's tenure soon.

Finished up UFOs: The Lost Evidence. I thoroughly enjoyed both seasons and got a few neat little plot bunnies from what I viewed.

Caught four episodes of The Muppet Show and finished out the second season. The guest stars were Bob Hope, Teresa Brewer, John Cleese, and Cloris Leachman. Looking forward to starting season three.

This was my week for finishing up seasons. I watched the last two episodes of The Hardy Boys and I'm so excited there's going to be a second season. I really enjoyed how everything played out and I'm so happy everyone got the ending they deserved. Also kind of thrilled there's a seed planted for more possibilities for the eye.

Watched two episodes of Peak Practice. The first one finished out the third season where everyone said good-bye to Beth and Jack. The second started season four with Will on the hot seat trying to save the practice. Glad to see Andrew sticking around for a bit and I kind of liked the new doctor.

I finished up the Master Class with David Carson. I enjoyed getting his insight to graphic design and learned some new things. I also started a new class with LeVar Burton on storytelling. I'm very excited to work through this series of classes.

Caught two episodes of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I'm loving how accepting the group is being about Theo and I'm kind of interested in how the academy stuff is playing out. I like Nick okay but I'm a little twitchy about his motives. Can't wait to find out if there's more going on there.

Enjoyed two more episodes of the Brokenwood Mysteries. I loved this show. The wine episode ended up being a great little mystery and the golf course episode was thoroughly enjoyable. I loved seeing the story play out on that one.

Started Star Trek: Discovery and have to admit I'm cautiously optimistic. I quite enjoyed the first episode. I'm looking forward to more.

Watched two episodes of Chicago Med and have to say again I'm so glad I'm finally getting to watch this series from the beginning. I'm getting close to the end of the first season and I'm looking forward to the season two.

Passionflix premiered season two of Driven and the first episode rocked. I loved the first actor that played Colton but the recast works very well. Looking forward to the next three episodes!

Started UFO Witness and liked the first episode. It's only a single season so I'll see where things go.

For nostalgia's sake, I started the new version of the Rugrats (heretofore referred to as New Rugrats). The original will always have a special place in my heart since all three of my kiddos loved the show. It had the rare ability to appeal to little ones and grown-ups with so many inside jokes. The new version is quite charming and I'm happy to say I think I'll enjoy it.

Last but not least, I started a new episode of Blue Heelers. It's a two-parter and looks to be kind of interesting with lots of bridges being burned and internal affairs out for blood.

Whew. That's if for television this week. Tonight's post is from Organic Chemistry, an Civil Revolution novella.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Dominic Marinelli and Etta Morgan meet under very difficult circumstances, but form a relationship built on one basic need … sex. When Etta decides to strike out on her own, Dom has to figure out why it bothers him so much.

And a sneaky peek…

It's just not right. I saw her first. Wanted her first.

Had her first.

Too bad Dom hadn't been able to keep her.

Dom Marinelli cursed the twisted fates of inconvenience. One look at Lex Durban and Dom had lost Charlotte forever. They'd hit the refugee underground after spending a solid week living in each other's pockets and the only thing Char had to do was smile and Durban had been on her like a shit ton of bricks.

Not that Dom had been any different. He'd pulled Charlotte out of a bad situation and offered to get her to the camp. She'd hopped on the back of his bike, scared and shaking, but ready to go.

She didn't know him, but she'd put her trust in his ability to get her where she needed to be.


And in that exact moment he'd fallen for her. It didn't matter that she had a price on her head. Or that the corporation she did R&D for had put it there. It didn't even bother him they had to lay low and take a very circuitous route to get to the underground.

Because he considered every moment with Charlotte a gift.

Two days into their journey they had the sweetest sex he'd ever experienced. He opened up and told her things he'd never shared with anyone else. Told her about his craptastic childhood. Maybe if they'd met differently—extreme circumstances provided a shared intimacy almost from the first instant—he wouldn't have fallen so hard. And maybe he'd just been alone too long.

Neither had made any promises, but Dom thought they might have a chance.

Until Lex.

Dom really wanted to hate Durban. But he couldn't. In fact, Lex proved to be a good man, one Dom called friend.

Durban took charge, got in everyone's face, and rode their asses. Everything Dom didn't do, or would think of doing. A natural leader, Durban often made himself a target to protect others.

Dom worked more effectively in the background, hovering in the shadows, to watch and observe. His ability to blend in and ferret out pertinent information made him a good counterpoint to Lex's sometimes swaggering presence.

In spite of the elephant in the room, Lex and Dom worked well together. Dom's feelings for Charlotte rarely got in the way. If he needed a break from the happy couple, he left the compound and scouted for intel. So what if he pushed the envelope sometimes and stayed out longer than Lex's limitation of forty-eight hours?

Dom usually made the extra time worth it. A foraging excursion, a resupply of necessities, liberating medical goods … he never came back empty-handed.

And okay, he kinda liked that Char worried about him and fussed over him when he came back.

He never claimed not to be a sick bastard.

Durban would eventually rip Dom's ass for constantly breaking protocol, but until he did, Dom had some control. Not that he made it a power play. Dom had no desire to give orders and be responsible for the refugee compound. He did his bit and pitched in wherever they needed him.

Lex should kick Dom's ass for thumbing his nose at the rules. They were there for a reason. Dom had a feeling the other man cut him slack because he got it. He understood Dom sometimes needed to lick his wounds and be alone.

Like now.

I'm so excited about this series, especially if it comes together the way I'm hoping it will. There's at least one more book, possibly two after this one.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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