Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sunday Snippet: Steamed

Happy Boxing Day. Hope everyone who celebrates had a great holiday and everyone who doesn't had a great week.

It's the last Sunday of 2021 and it's been a doozy of a year. Had a very busy week with my middle kid's health issues again, but we're finally closer to getting an actual answer for what's been going on with him. I'll be thankful if we get confirmation.

Slow week for television. I started with the opening arc of season twenty-two of Classic Who. Ended up being a decent four episodes. Six is growing on me.

Finished up Mysteries of Apollo and ended up enjoying this six episode look at the space program. Not sure what new series I'll start this week.

Caught two episodes of The Muppet Show. Melissa Manchester and Tony Randall were the guest stars. I didn't have a chance to watch the Muppet Christmas Carol but I might get it in this week.

Started Fosse Verdon and liked the first episode. This should be an interesting show to dive into. Looking forward to more.

Watched another episode of Peak Practice. Really not sure about the new guy. I can't quite decide if he's desperate, evil or both. So far, I don't like the guy at all.

Enjoyed another lesson of MasterClass with Bill Nye. He's a lot of fun and tackles the serious topic of climate change without making the concept too over the top.

I started season two of The Witcher and loved, loved, loved the first episode. Can't wait to get into more.

Last but not least, I watched two episodes of Classic Rugrats. Both were enjoyable and ones I remembered fondly of watching with my oldest.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Steamed, a sexy short that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Page Wagner and Gannon Bendis pull long range recon duty and Page decides they need to play truth or strip. After several days of sexy banter, Gannon has enough of Page's innuendo and confronts her … in the shower.

And a sneaky peek…

What a firecracker.

He liked Page Wagner's style. But the woman might prove dangerous to his libido. And not just from her physical appearance. Her dark hair, with short, choppy layers, framed her face and drew attention to the amber color of her eyes. Pilots had to stay in excellent shape so, of course, she maintained peak condition.

But she had something else he valued in a woman. Spark. Witty bold women intrigued him. She projected confidence but didn't take herself too seriously. Very much his type—if he had one. She didn't count as the only equal opportunist when it came to the opposite sex.

She snapped her fingers. "Yo, Gannon. You in?"

He lifted a shoulder. "Sure, why not?" How bad would it be?

Better than watching the pre-loaded video offerings—especially since they hadn't been updated in three years.

Page huffed out a relieved breath. "Whew. Good. Thought I might get stuck playing solitare—and there's no way to liven that game up." She rolled her eyes.

Gannon snorted. "What? You can't figure out a way to get naked playing a single-player game?"

Page smirked. "Oh, I probably could, but where's the fun in that?" She flicked her tongue out. "Ah, I get it. You would enjoy it, but I wouldn't. I see how you are, Gannon."

Gannon's lips curved. "You're the one with exhibitionist tendencies. I'm merely pointing out a way to get your fix." He enjoyed the banter she dished out.

Page tilted her head to one side, studying him. "I have a feeling this is going to be very fun." Her gaze did a slow once-over from his booted feet, along his legs, lingering on his crotch, before finally coming to rest on his face.

His body reacted. Whose wouldn't when a smokin' hot woman showed interest? But he couldn't be certain about what she really wanted. So, he'd play it safe. For now.

Sitting up straight, he tapped the table. "Are you going to let me cut the deck, or not?"

I'm having a lot of fun writing this one. I love having characters who are attracted to each other and finally decide to test the waters.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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