Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Viable Options

Nothing like starting April with snow flurries and chilly weather. Prom weekend for the high schoolers ended up being very brisk. Brrrr.

Had a very busy work week but I made a ton of progress on a difficult edit. It's something kind of new for me and I'm thoroughly enjoying the project. Had a couple of great calls for some possible new work also. All in all a productive week.

Had a decent week of viewing television also. I'm more or less back on my regular schedule, which makes me happy.

Caught two episodes of Silent Witness. I'm very much liking the new season. Clarissa is fast becoming a favorite and they're not shoving the new guy in my face all the time. All in all, I'm still loving this show.

Finished up season twenty-three of Classic Who and started season twenty-four. I'd forgotten the weird way they morphed from Six to Seven. I actually might not have seen that one. Almost finished with the original run and then I have to decide if I'm going to start a rewatch of New Who. I might wait a while.

Watched two more episodes of Aliens in Alaska. I have one more to watch then it's on to something new. I might dive into something more space-related again. I'm not sure yet.

Enjoyed two more episodes of Muppets Now. I should have this finished up this week then I'll have to decide what to watch next. I might dive into the Marvelverse. I've been wanting to watch Hawkeye.

Caught two episodes of Harrow. Man, this season is a roller coaster. I have no clue what the hell is going on with Maxine but I'm not liking it. I love, love, love the kind of new dynamic with Fairley and I like the new assistant. I also enjoy the whole Daniel and Grace being unable to find their footing. Good stuff.

Watched an episode of Peak Practice and enjoyed it. I'll have this season finished up this week and should be ready to start season eight.

I started a new MasterClass with Neil deGrasse Tyson. I'm enjoying the way he explains things. Should be a very interesting class.

Finished the first season of Young Wallander and started the second. I gotta say I shouldn't have been surprised with how the first season ended but I was. That said, I loved the opening episode of season two. Kurt is a magnet for strange cases.

Enjoyed two episodes of Classic Rugrats. One of my favorites with Grandpa moving out followed by the legend of Satchmo made me really happy. One of the best things about the original show is how much grown-ups could enjoy the episodes right along with the little ones.

Caught two episodes of Chicago Med and, sadly, Will is beginning to annoy the crap out of me. Ethan is probably my favorite doctor even if he's a bit rigid sometimes. Not sure I like where they're taking April, but I'll hold judgment on that front for now.

Watched an episode of Snoopy in Space: The Search for Life and I'm down to having one more left. I'll have to decide what to watch next once I finish this series.

I started a new mystery, Loch Ness, and enjoyed the first episode. This one could go either way so I'm hoping it keeps my attention.

Also enjoyed another episode of Blue Heelers and liked it. I do not enjoy Monica but this one seemed to set up some stuff for the future so that might be fun to watch.

Began the Ready Room episodes for the second season of Star Trek: Discovery. Rather enjoyed the first one and I'll look forward to watching more.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Viable Options, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Karlin Hex and Jay Shaliman are trapped high in the mountains when their planet is attacked and left for ruin. Jay decides plan A is to find a ship, get off the planet, and find their way to the military fleet or a viable spaceport. Karlin finds the notion admirable but wonders what his backup option is. That's easy—plans B through Z are the same as plan A.

And a sneaky peek…

Jay traveled all night and finally came up on the remote outpost marked on his map. "I can probably restock on supplies and get more meds." He walked the perimeter and didn't see any vehicles. "Oh, well. Maybe I can find out what the hell happened once I get inside."

The eerie silence of his descent almost lulled him into thinking he could be wrong about the bombs dropping. But the quiet also reinforced the facts on the ground. Nuclear catastrophe pretty much eliminated technology. Even if he had a comm device, it wouldn't work at the moment. Maybe he'd get lucky at the outpost and find some old-school radios.

Dropping his rucksack outside the ramshackle building, he flung open the side door. "Hot damn." An all-terrain armored vehicle sat inside.

He poked around the garage area and stocked the truck with as many supplies as he could fit inside the back seat. Some MREs, anti-rad meds, bedding. He wanted some weapons and extra ammo, but he'd forage for that on the road. He grabbed the extra fuel cans, which—thank the universe—were full and stowed them in the bed of the unit.

He looked around for keys but couldn't find any on the work surface or in the vehicle. He also wondered what happened to the officer on duty. Possibly killed so they couldn't warn in advance of the attack? His stomach turned at the thought. Maybe he should check the interior rooms?

He shook his head. "It can wait. Better see if I can get out of here first." He'd have to see if his hot-wiring skills were still up to stuff.

He went back over to the all-terrain vehicle and crawled under the dash. He'd just turned his flashlight on when the cold barrel of a sidearm butted up against his head. Should've checked inside.

"Let's go. Come on out. Now!"

He slid out from under the dash, carefully avoiding the muzzle of the gun. His captor stepped back but took aim at his head. No messing around. She meant business.

Her brow arched. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Pitched low, her voice held a menacing tone, until she hiccupped. Hiccupped? What the hell?

His eyes narrowed and he moved fast, slapping the weapon away and grabbing it. "Are you drunk?" On closer inspection, she looked rough but more than capable of holding her own.

She snorted. "Hell, yes. The world just ended. Can you think of something better to do?" She finally clocked the dog tags hanging from his neck and grimaced.

She wore a Hendragon Galactic Forces uniform, a little rumpled but otherwise in pristine condition. Her ponytail hung crookedly, which made her question more audacious. Jay liked her on the spot, regardless of their less than stellar introduction.

Jay huffed out a breath. "I don't know. Get the hell off the planet and find survivors, or a habitable place to start over." He definitely didn't want to stay on the surface longer than necessary.

Karlin gave a weary nod. "Admirable plan A, but what's your backup idea?" Resignation laced her tone.

Jay shrugged. "Plans B through Z are the same as plan A. There are no other viable options." Not if they wanted to survive.

Something sad crossed her features but she rolled a shoulder. "Well, I hate to suggest this, but we'll need to wait until morning, because the bad news is … the enemy forces are between us and whatever spacecrafts are left on the planet." She gave him a wobbly smile.

For the first time, Jay slumped in defeat. He didn't want to wait, dammit. But he couldn't chance running into enemy forces with a drunk sidekick and limited resources.

His companion patted him on the back. "Yeah, I know. Sucks balls." She stuck her hand out. "Lieutenant Karlin Hex. Do not ever call me Karl."

His lips twitched and he grasped her palm. "Captain Jay Shaliman. Duly noted." He kind of wanted to meet the person who tried to shorten her name and probably had the scars to prove it.

She nodded to her right. "Come on. It's warmer inside." She entered the main section of the outpost and Jay followed.

Processing what happened to the planet wouldn't be easy but at least he didn't have to do it alone. If he didn't miss his guess, Karlin Hex would not let any moment become dull or boring.

I have this story all plotted out and really like where it's going. If it comes together the way I hope it will, there will be a sequel. Fingers crossed.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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