Sunday, April 17, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Victory

To everyone celebrating a holiday, I hope it's incredible and lovely. To everyone not celebrating a holiday, I hope your weekend is incredible and lovely.

Had a crazy-busy week with a lot of distractions. I got a lot of work done but felt like I kept spinning my wheels, mainly because I'd get interrupted and have to review a lot so I didn't miss anything.

Kind of a slow week of television viewing. I watched two episodes of The Snoopy Show and rather enjoyed both. I'll definitely finish the season that's available.

Caught the second episode of Loch Ness and I'm pretty hooked. There's a lot going on and sometimes doesn't feel like anything is related, but I'm pretty sure there's one single thread that will pull everything together.

Watched two more episodes of Silent Witness. I like getting a little more information on Jack's backstory. He's an interesting character but kind of mysterious.

Finished up an arc of Classic Who and started a new one. Seven kind of gets a raw deal and I'm still not quite sure about Mel. The weird way she got introduced kind of throws me off.

Enjoyed two episodes of The Laundry Guy and have to say this is such a cool show. I don't know if they'll do more episodes, but I'm totally in if they do.

Caught another episode of Hawkeye. I'm very interesting in how they're exploring the Ronin angle. I haven't watched all the movies yet but I'm kind of current on what happened. Nice to see a little more detail about this aspect of Clint's character.

Watched the first episode of The Hardy Boys second season. A little disappointed they recast Fenton, but I love the actor who's taken on the role. I'm definitely interested in the new mystery and can't wait to watch more.

Started season eight of Peak Practice. A lot of changes with the move to the new building and a great case of the week. Feels like there might be a lot more drama with rescues and stuff this season.

Enjoyed another MasterClass lesson with Neil deGrasse Tyson. Asking questions is something I wish more people did on a regular basis, especially when mis or disinformation is now the standard.

Caught another episode of Young Wallander: Killer's Shadow. Kurt is kind of walking a fine line and I really do not like the new boss and how he's trying to get rid of Rusk. My one hope is Kurt's friendship with Rez better not go up in flames.

Watched another episode of the Ready Room and thoroughly enjoyed it. Getting to know the actress playing L'Rell was a lot of fun.

Enjoyed an episode of Chicago Med and I liked getting to see Daniel's ex-wife. I'm a little confused because it almost seemed like Robin is his only kid, but I'm certain he had another daughter in an earlier season. Maybe I missed something.

Caught another episode of Cuffs and, again, really enjoyed the character dynamics. I'm beginning to like Jo a lot and I'm still not quite certain what the hell the chief detective has going on in his life aside from the horrible relationship with his dad.

That's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Victory, a sexy short that started with a writing community challenge.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Nevin Fram and Chase Barlow put everything on the line when they wager who can get the drop on the other first with a hot kiss. Nevin executes a plan to catch Chase during a sparring match but he turns the tables on her and wins. Nevin wants to go double or nothing, but first her brain has to start functioning again.

And a sneaky peek…

Chase's lips curved upward and he planted his ass on a crate. "Oh, I'll like it. Trust me on that, Nevin."

A lap dance from Nevin definitely topped his list of fun things to do.

He nodded. "You can start now. Or wait and do a full-on naked version in the showers later." If he got lucky, maybe she'd do both.

Nevin tilted her head, studying him for several moments. "I vote for later. You have a job to do first." Her voice took on the sexy rasp that never failed to get him primed for action.

He quirked a brow. "I do? Care to fill me in?" As if he didn't know.

She slowly unzipped the athletic warm-up jacket. "Oh, absolutely." She shrugged out of the garment. "You got me all hot and ready, you're not really gonna leave me hanging, are you?" She crisscrossed her arms and tugged her sports bra over her head.

Chase blew out a long breath then cleared his throat. "Uh, no. That would be rude." He rose, crossed the short distance between them, and drew her close. "And I'm nothing if not the epitome of manners."

A wide grin crossed her face and she popped the button on his fatigues. "You have your moments." She shoved the pants past his hips then cupped his ass. "Now take care of this business and I'll figure out a way to rock your world with the stupid lap dance."

Chase chuckled. "Yes, ma'am." His fingers dipped under her waistband. "I aim to please." Pushing the loose-fitting fabric downward, his palm skimmed over her stomach.

She worked one leg free and nudged him back toward the bulkhead. He yanked his shirt over his head then braced his shoulders on the cool metal surface. Nevin grasped his erection and moved to straddle his thighs. He slid home with one smooth thrust.

She gripped his shoulder and met his gaze. "I take it this doesn't count as your lap dance, right?" Her hips rocked, drawing him deeper within her core.

His breath hissed out. "Nope. We won't last long enough for this to be considered a dance." His lips nuzzled her throat. "But nice try."

Honestly, I'm having so much fun writing this sexy short story. One of my favorite things is creating a fun scenario and letting the characters loose to decide how it will play out.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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