Sunday, June 12, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Wires Crossed

We had some rain that gave us mild temperatures, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I don't mind hot weather but there's something about being able to be outside with a nice breeze and sunshine that makes me happy.

Solid work week. Had a few small projects that I cleared off my desk and had a new one arrive in my inbox. My plates seem to be spinning nicely at the moment.

Good week of viewing. I did the same thing as last week and only tried for one round of my usual streaming services. I might be adding one more to the list after talking to my sibling. He made some good recommendations.

Watched another episode of The Snoopy Show. This one had a vignette on using the library and happiness being a good book. I feel that sentiment all the way to my toes.

Caught another episode of Signora Volpe. I love this show. I truly hope there will be another series because there's only one episode left.

Viewed the first of a two-part Silent Witness and ended up being very intrigued. Very much looking forward to the second part of this one.

Enjoyed the second part of a Classic Who arc. It's nice to see a familiar face from a previous incarnation. The third part will be the end of this season, I think. I'm not sure if there's another one after this. If not, I'll be starting a new show before I dive into New Who.

Watched another episode of Most Terrifying Places in America. I'm fascinated by the legend and lore revealed in the sequences. I'm not sure I'd be cool with trying to stay somewhere that's known for being haunted but I love hearing about the stories.

Caught another episode of The Mandalorian. Gotta say I'm thoroughly enjoying this show. The pacing is excellent and I'm excited to see what happens next.

Viewed another episode of Harrow and I truly dislike the new boss. I'm also not thrilled with Grace's ex being in town. If there's another season and things get really convoluted, I'm done. As much as I love the cases, I don't want the other drama.

Enjoyed another episode of Blue Heelers. I liked seeing how another country handles the wildfires that tend to rage at the worst possible time. Not really into the whole taking the hospital hostage thing, mainly because the two characters are a little too over the top for me. We'll see how the second part goes this week.

Started a new MasterClass with Roxane Gay. I'm very much looking forward to her lessons.

Watched another Babysitter's Club and thoroughly enjoyed the episode. It's nice to see more of the sibling relationships and the way the parents interact.

Viewed two more episodes of Classic Rugrats. One was a favorite and the other was one I thoroughly enjoy.

Caught another episode of Chicago Med and discovered something I didn't know about one of the Chicago Fire characters. Good information. Also can't wait for Nat to discover she's being completely gaslit by her new fiancé. Here's hoping the fallout from that doesn't do too much damage.

Started the PassionFlix movie Tangled and I'm having fun watching it. I didn't know if I'd like this one but I'm so glad I'm watching.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Wires Crossed, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Vanessa Twill and Justin Hardwick don't always see eye to eye and the tension between them is thick and taut. When a training exercise goes bad, the duo is grounded until they get their act together. Forced to communicate, they work out some issues and realize they didn't have their wires crossed … a saboteur did. Literally.

And a sneaky peek…

Justin exited the medbay and headed for the hangar deck. He'd built up a heady steam of anger and needed an outlet.

He spotted Vanessa coming in through the hatch of the briefing room and unloaded on her. "Five. Five trainees are injured. What the hell happened out there, Vanessa?" Her bullshit about hearing he'd changed the action plan didn't sit well with him.

Vanessa came rushing toward him. "You know what happened. Half the class got a last-minute update—from you." Her voice rose and several members of the deck crew looked their way.

His jaw clenched. "I told you, I didn't make an adjustment. We agreed on option A and I had no reason to change it." Even if he didn't care for that scenario.

Her mouth dropped open. "And you think I did? I'm the one that wanted option A in the first place. I wouldn't go with—"

"Enough!" The CO's voice echoed through the room. "You two. My quarters. Now." He didn't wait for a response, stalking out of the briefing area with quick steps.

Vanessa followed directly beside Justin, neither willing to give an inch. The angry tension stretched taut between them and didn't dissipate when they knocked shoulders entering the colonel's quarters. Justin finally conceded briefly and turned to the side until they were through the opening.

The colonel moved behind his desk. "Sit, both of you." He paced back and forth. "A shouting match that can be heard on the entire deck? I expect better from you." He paused, placing his hands on the surface. "You're both grounded and out of training rotation until you get your shit together." He yanked his chair out and sat down. "This juvenile back and forth is ridiculous. I'm ordering you two to stop pointing fingers at each other for this latest debacle. I don't care who did what. The cost of your stupidity is three downed birds and five of your trainees on the injured list. You're not flying again until you're on the same page." His tone became terse and clipped. "I've had it with both of you and I don't want to see or hear from either of you until you have your issues worked out." He paused a moment. "For real this time."

Vanessa shrank a little in the chair and Justin resisted the urge to hunch his shoulders forward. The blistering setdown stung—probably because they deserved it. The heat traveling up his neck had more to do with letting the colonel down than still being angry with Vanessa. Being mad wouldn't fix their situation.

The colonel waved a hand. "You're dismissed. Don't let me see or hear another argument. Got it?"

Justin stood and gave a nod.

Vanessa lifted her chin. "Yes, sir." She got to her feet and headed for the hatch.

Justin followed this time … he had to find a way to reach through the shroud of distrust and get to the truth.

This story has a little intrigue and I have fun writing it. Vanessa and Justin will end up finding some common ground once they get out their own way.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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