Sunday, August 14, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Yearly Vigil

Had a crazy week with new projects sliding into my inbox and each of them is interesting and a little different for me. I love diving into new areas. I'm also trying to get ready for a vacation and it's a little daunting because I haven't traveled much recently.

Ended up getting a lot of television viewing in this week. I had a good handle on my work stuff and kept the shows going in the background.

I finished up the first season of Moon Knight and ended up enjoying the series overall. I wouldn't mind seeing more at all.

Also finished The Hardy Boys and I'm a little torn over how I feel about where everything ended up. On one side, there are so many possibilities for a third season. On the other, I'm struggling to buy-in to the whole swap at the end and a miraculous wish being granted that one of the characters had. I'll let both sit with me for a while and see how I feel if and when a third season comes around.

Watched an episode of Peak Practice and I kind of feel for Joanna. Also kind of wondering when Andrew will be back and if he'll still be as self-destructive as he always seems to be.

Caught two MasterClass lessons with Roxane Gay. The first one discussed writing about trauma and the second offered feedback for an essay. I thoroughly enjoy the way Roxane presents information.

Enjoyed two episodes of The Babysitters Club. Again, I'm so disappointed there won't be more to the story after this season ends. This is such a great show!

Watched another episode of The Ready Room. Anson Mount had some great moments during his interview. It's always fun when the actors are huge fans of the Trek 'verse.

Caught two more episodes of Driven. I have one left and I'm excited to see how this series ends. I have a lot of love for this one.

Ended up viewing two episodes of Chicago Med. I'm starting to feel the same way about April as I do about Natalie, which is disappointing. I realize both are leaving the series, but the dings to their characterizations don't seem fair.

Watched a two-part Batman: The Animated Series and forgot how much I liked the origin story of Clayface in this one.

Started Ted Lasso after a lot of pestering from my brother. I have the first two episodes watched and, so far, it's quite good. Everyone raves about the show so I'm confident I'll enjoy the whole thing.

Caught another of The Agatha Christie Hour. Really enjoyed this one. It was actually kind of campy and fun with a lot of mistaken identity and misadventure.

Watched a two-part Silent Witness and loved the twisty turns in the show. Ended up being surprised a couple of times by things I didn't expect.

Enjoyed two episodes of Classic Who. Wrapped up the second arc and should start a new one this week.

Caught another episode of Strangest Things. This one focused on relics that were supposed to help see the future.

Finished up season three of Harrow. Gotta say I ended up being very happy with the conclusion. I truly hope we'll see a season four, even with annoying boss lady.

Enjoyed another episode of Blue Heelers. This one had some interesting reveals with Adam, which is probably long overdue.

Watched two episodes of Classic Rugrats and finished out season three. I'll be starting season four this week.

Also caught another episode of The Brokenwood Mysteries. This one had a great mystery with some fun twists. I'm kind of hoping Gina is done pining for Mike but I somehow doubt she is.

That pretty much sums up the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Yearly Vigil, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Venessa Broyles makes a yearly vigil to the graveside of her former lover, Hamish Blesdale, where she runs into his best friend, Hogan Baird. What starts out as an awkward stroll down memory lane eventually brings two lonely souls together.

And a sneaky peek…

Hogan broke the silence. "You're soaked through." His gaze swept over her as if seeing her for the first time.

She didn't know whether to be insulted or grateful. Neither, stupid. Just get through the moment. Say goodbye, walk away, and give Hogan time to be with his memories. She needed to get out of the rain. Unlike him, she'd left her dress overcoat back on base. When she'd left, the light drizzle didn't really warrant the heavy outerwear, but the heavier deluge started after she arrived.

She wished she'd thought ahead now. "I'm fine. Just need to get out of this rain." And get away from the memories. Glancing his way, the night they spent together came roaring back.

Hogan's face softened and he shrugged out of the overcoat, draping it over her shoulders, his fingers brushing her cheek. "Gads, Venessa. You're like ice. We need to get you home and warmed up." He wrapped an arm around her and guided her to his car.

She didn't argue or try to talk him out of opening the door for her. Her plan to walk home in the rain appeared stupid in hindsight. She hadn't slept well, the alarm went off too early, and she'd been fuzzy-headed since she woke up.

Hogan slid behind the wheel and waited for her to fasten her seatbelt before he pulled away from the graveside and exited the cemetery. He kept the small talk along the way, still stilted and impersonal, to a minimum. A kick of regret struck her. Hogan's show of concern didn't mean anything … just something he felt obligated to do.

She lifted a shaky hand to her forehead. She felt horrible. Heavy, weary, achy, terrible. She should really thank him for insisting on giving her a lift. She didn't want to go home, but had no will to make a fuss.

Hogan rolled to a stop at the corner of her apartment, dropping her at the curb. "Get inside and take a hot shower. You'll feel better once you're warm." He flipped his hazard lights on to signal his short halt.

Unbuckling her seat belt, Venessa mumbled her thanks then crawled out of the car and trudged toward her apartment. She had her key in the door before she realized she hadn't said anything about feeling ill. Dismissing the thought, she entered the residence and shrugged out of her coat. No … Hogan's coat.

Her shoulders slumped. "Shit." Now she'd have to track him down to return it.

And that meant seeing him again. She didn't want to analyze the mixed feelings the idea gave her. Keeping a tight rein on her emotions would get her through the day.

I love how this story is coming together. Venessa and Hogan are in a dark place but things eventually get brighter.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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