Sunday, August 7, 2022

Sunday Snippet: Yarn Spinning

The first week of August didn't end up being horrible and hot. We did get some humidity but the temperatures weren't terrible. I didn't have any big work projects and got to focus on a lot of writing. I also had a terrific brainstorm idea that I hope to talk more about in the near future!

Solid week of viewing television in the background while I got to work on writing. I'm a little ahead of my weekly schedule and hope I can work another movie in this week.

I caught two episodes of The Snoopy Show. This is such a great thing to have on in the background when I need some noise and funny stuff.

Watched an episode of the Agatha Christie Hour. The slightly paranormal angle made me happy.

Enjoyed a two-part Silent Witness and ended up liking it a lot. A good twisty plot on this one.

Finished up an arc of Classic Who and started a new one. The cybermen made an appearance in the new arc.

Also got the last episode of Most Terrifying Places in America watched. The final episode focused on the unnatural world and had some good stories.

Caught another episode of Moon Knight. This show is such a nice mix of action and humor with some interesting lore thrown in. I really love it.

Watched the penultimate episode of Harrow. Next should be the big finale and all I have to say is nothing bad better happen to Fern or Cal. At this point, I don't care if James is a good guy or a bad guy, I'm not a fan at all. Fairley makes me so happy and Grace … well, I really hoped they wouldn't do a weird triangle thing, but it looks like that might be in store for next season, if there is one. Bleh.

Enjoyed an episode of Blue Heelers, which kind of picked up where the last one left off. Loved how the characters pieced everything together and got Nick off the hot seat for the most part. We'll see what happens on the next episode.

Caught another MasterClass lesson with Roxane Gay. She talked about consuming and criticizing culture and I took a couple of valuable points away with me. I enjoy listening to her so much.

Watched another episode of the Babysitters Club. I say it often, but I'm so disappointed this show won't have any more episodes. It's fun and witty but always has some great dramatic moments also.

Thoroughly enjoyed two Classic Rugrats episodes. The Passover episode is one of my favorites and I'd forgotten that was in season three.

Caught another episode of Driven from Passionflix. So much happened and cliffhanger end hit hard. Can't wait to watch the next one!

Have to say I'm so disappointed in Natalie's characterization on Chicago Med. I realize we're close to when she'll be leaving but, man, she definitely did Will wrong on this one. I loved Daniel's arc and the understated way he showed his grief over CeeCee's death.

Finished up The Force Awakens and I'm so glad I've watched the movie from beginning to end and not in sporadic pieces. Looking forward to episode VIII.

Watched another Batman: The Animated Series episode. This is probably my all-time favorite animated series and the Dr. Freeze storyline is a particular favorite in the first season.

Caught another episode of The Brokenwood Mysteries. This one had a lot of twists and I liked them. Gina continues to crack me up on a regular basis.

Started a new docuseries with Strangest Things. This is another show where I've bits and pieces of episodes and I'm excited to watch them in order and all the way through.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Yarn Spinning, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Torrin Becks and Gaelan Van Zant pull duty on the same scout ship, which creates a good bit of tension in the five man crew. Torrin and Gaelan have something of a history and when the yarn spinning—who has the greatest exploit—starts, Torrin has to decide if she'll call Gaelan out on a big fat fib, or let the story stand as the winner.

And a sneaky peek…

Torrin regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. What did I just let myself in for?

Gaelan threw out a hand. "If you're anti-having kids, why didn't you say something?" He paced back and forth. "I mean, why date him for three years and then break this heart?" He paused and turned to face her.

Torrin swallowed down the bile rising from revisiting the hard reality of Eric's lies.

She exhaled slowly. "First, I have nothing against having a family. Someday." She leaned against the bulkhead, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not ready yet. Hell, I've got three more years before I can think of mustering out." She met Gaelan's gaze. "Eric wanted me to have a kid right now and when I said I'd like to wait until I'm out so my career didn't take a hit he called me stupid then decided I didn't want kids." Her heart twisted because she'd never, ever said she wouldn't be happy to have a family. "I mean, honestly, my career couldn't possibly be as important to me as his is to him, right?" She'd worked hard to rise up through the ranks and having Eric completely reduce her down to becoming nothing more than a breeding vessel … sucked balls and hurt like hell.

Because she'd loved him.

Gaelan closed his eyes. "Let me guess. He gave you an ultimatum?" His tone showed he'd accepted the stark truth of her words.

Torrin flicked her tongue against her teeth. "You betcha. He wanted me to choose him and a kid on his timetable or staying in for my allotted time so I could receive my ten-year pension—which would've helped with raising a kid, by the way." She pushed away from the bulkhead. "So I walked. He didn't leave me a choice. Especially not once he started getting nasty when I didn't cave to his demand." Her gut roiled with the memory of Eric's tactics.

Gaelan's eyes narrowed. "Nasty, how?" His head tilted to one side, his gaze studying her.

Torrin didn't sugar-coat her answer. "By not giving me updated schedule changes so I'd be late for duty, or telling the officer in charge that I needed time off but forgot to put the request in." She bit her cheek, tamping down the anger. "I got dragged before a review board and had to explain myself. Two hours later, I ended things and got an emergency transfer. I was stuck on an outpost waiting on the new orders to the Merrymack." Never mind the fact Eric had been in the wrong but got to stay on base.

Gaelan winced. "I'm sorry." His voice held regret.

Torrin shrugged. "It is what it is. I don't hold a grudge." She tried hard to live and let live.

Gaelan snorted. "Eric does."

Torrin huffed out a breath. "I'm aware. But I'm not going to change on a fundamental level and let hate rule my life. Not for Eric. Not for anyone."

Gaelan put a hand on her shoulder. "You shouldn't have to. And I'm sorry for taking his side." He gave her a gentle squeeze. "He's changed a lot since you ended things. And it's not for the better. I don't think I realized how far and how much he's changed since we were kids."

Torrin lifted her chin. "Sometimes it's hard to see those kinds of cracks when you're as close as you two are." Hell, she'd missed them, too … until Eric showed his whole hand.

Gaelan clarified. "As close as we were. I can't go back to not knowing how badly he's treated you." He paused a moment. "Or how he tried to wreck your career to get what he wanted."

Torrin smiled. "I appreciate that." She put her palm forward. "Truce?"

Gaelan clasped her hand. "More than that. Clean slate." After a firm shake, he gave a nod and ducked back into his quarters.

Torrin sat quietly, more than a little relieved. Her past with Eric might finally be at rest. But she'd guard her heart against the burgeoning attraction she had for Gaelan. Why invite that kind of trouble when her life started looking semi-normal again?

This story went in a direction I didn't expect but I love how it's coming together. Torrin and Gaelan have a history to overcome and an obstacle standing between them and that's a lot of fun to write.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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