Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sunday Snippet: Escape on Equinox (a Capital City Seasons novella)

Celebrated my thirty-fourth anniversary this weekend! We had crappy weather, so we brought Chinese home and stayed in for the evening.


Had another busy work week and I'm so thankful the projects are rolling in. Working on a terrific manuscript and I'm so excited to dive into the story. This will be a fun one!


Had a so-so week of viewing television. I'm still focusing on the great cleanup and spent a good amount of time reorganizing and rearranging things in my living room.


I did finish up Wednesday and I enjoy this show so much. I'm excited to see where things go from here.


Caught another episode of Classic Rugrats. The autumn leaves one is fun. I love how much this show still appeals to both kids and adults.


Watched the premier episode of Brokenwood Mysteries season nine. This is another show I have a lot of love for. I miss a few of the original recurring characters but I'm enjoying some of the newer ones. Trudy in particular ends up being fun.

Enjoyed an episode of Endeavor. I'm kind of sad to see Thursday falling in with the new crew. But I'm hoping there might be a twist to this thread. We'll see what happens.

Caught another episode of Classic Who. I'm nearing the end of the classic episodes and I'm happy I did a full rewatch. There are a bunch of episodes I either missed as a kid or completely forgot.

Started a new Silent Witness two-parter. I kind of like seeing Nikki in therapy. Not really sure what's going on with Jack, but he's never boring. Thomas is another one I'm not sure about. His interaction, or lack thereof, with his daughter left a lot to be desired. Clarissa is awesome as always.

Enjoyed another episode of Battlestar Galactica. This is another one of my favorites because Lee Adama steps fully into the role of being a badass.

Also needed some background noise and I ended up watching the Surf Now channel and The Forgotten Coast. Ended up enjoying it a lot.

Started another episode of Strangest Things. Kind of an odd mix of topics with this one, but very interesting so far.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Escape on Equinox, a Capital City Seasons novella.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Jim Hodges, an elite officer in a specialized tactical unit, finally meets a woman with a sweet disposition and a naughty sense of humor. But when she's taken hostage and his team is called in, he's determined to make sure a quick resolution takes place, which won't be easy because he's ordered to step aside and let his fellow members handle everything.

And a sneaky peek…

Roz collapsed and burrowed into him, nuzzling his skin. "God, wake-up sex is so very great." Her lips brushed over his shoulder.

Jim stretched and flexed his legs. "It is pretty damned incredible." He kind of decided Roz made it that way, but kept his mouth shut.

He'd only managed talking her into spending the night twice. She usually bolted around midnight. But … she had an early shift at the hospital today, and he lived closer.

Roz groaned and sat up. "Okay. Shower, coffee, work." She glanced toward the kitchen. "Auto-timer?"

Jim's lips turned up. "The caffeine will be hot, ready, and waiting for you."

Roz leaned down and snagged his mouth. "I think I love you." Sliding from the bed, she padded across the floor to the bath.

Jim laughed. "I think you love the coffeemaker."

The water kicked on, but Roz poked her head out the door. "That, too. But the sex is way better with you." She smirked.

Jim snorted. "Get your shower or you'll be late." He propped a pillow behind him and flipped on the news.

"Breaking news. The Iron Heights Correctional Facility is under lockdown due to rioting inmates. Sources inside the maximum-security prison say the unrest is contained to two cell blocks and the situation is under control."

Jim frowned. "For now, maybe." He grabbed his phone and called in.

The Alpha Team leader, Chris Renfer, laughed. "Isn't it your day off?"

Jim chuckled. "Yeah, but … I don't have plans." At least nothing he couldn't work around.

Renfer tsked. "That's why they call it downtime, Hodges." He shuffled some papers. "But consider yourself on standby. The correctional staff does have the situation under control. But we both know that could change in an instant. Our current orders are if someone breaches the perimeter and escapes, we'll be called in." Renfer paused a moment. "I'll give you a shout if we need you."

Jim gave a nod. "I'll be available." He ended the call and set his phone aside.

The footage on the screen showed smoke billowing out of the center of the building, possibly from the yard. Jim didn't have a good vibe about the situation. Once prisoners started setting fires, things tended to go bug-ass gonzo.

Roz came out of the bathroom, toweling her hair dry. "What's going on?" Her gaze flicked to the screen.

Jim filled her in. "Prison riot. Right now, the correctional staff has the situation under control." He slid to the side of the mattress and swung his legs over the edge. "You want me to drive you in? Just in case." Traffic would probably be a bitch.

Roz shook her head. "Nah. I have to run a zillion errands after work and need my car." She sat on the bed and eased in for a kiss. "Appreciate the offer, though." She rose, grabbed her stack of scrubs, and started dressing.

Jim got to his feet and headed for the kitchen. Sure enough, the pot sat full and ready. He poured coffee and took two mugs into the bedroom. So … after errands, any plans?"

Roz lifted a brow. "Are you going for two nights in a row?"

Jim chuckled. "Doesn't have to be overnight. Was thinking more like grabbing something to eat and maybe watching a game or something."

If he didn't get called out to track fugitives.

Poor Jim won't get called out to track fugitives, but he will get sucked into a tense situation.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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