Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Organic Chemistry (Civil Revolution)

Welcome June and another month where time will probably fly by too quickly. Doesn't help that I'm under the weather right now and feeling yucky. Hopefully whatever this is will pass quickly and I can get back to normal.

Had a solid work week. Finished up a cozy mystery proofread and made progress on a developmental edit. Also got a lot of writing done, which makes me happy because I've been hitting walls lately.

Fairly good viewing this week. Managed to go through my show list twice. I might start adding in a few more shows but I like this current group.

Finished up the fourth season of Suspects. I'll be starting the fifth and final season this week. Looks like a banger ending for this series.

Caught two episodes of Brokenwood Mysteries. Both were excellent. Very fun to see how Halloween is celebrated in New Zealand, especially since it's spring there instead of fall. Very cool.

Watched two episodes of Best in Paradise. I'm enjoying the intros by the actors and I'm enjoying their picks for favorite episodes.

Also enjoyed two episodes of Death in Paradise. I'd seen bits of both episodes but not the whole thing. Loved the one with the zoo. Also like how much Jack is becoming a part of the community.

Caught two episodes of Elementary. Interesting to see Gregson's personal life on a bit of a display. Also thoroughly enjoying Sherlock's interactions with Joan as he fully sinks into the partnership.

Watched two episodes of The Batman. Fun to have Harley Quinn introduced. And I very much enjoyed the New Year's Eve episode.

Also enjoyed two episodes of Classic Rugrats. I'd forgotten they started to work three vignettes in after the movie. Not sure if I really like that in hindsight.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Organic Chemistry, a novella that folds into the Civil Revolution series. Or Uncivil Revolution. I can't quite decide which one I like better.

Here's the miniblurb:

Dominic Marinelli and Etta Morgan meet under very difficult circumstances, but form a relationship built on one basic need … sex. When Etta decides to strike out on her own, Dom has to figure out why it bothers him so much.

And a sneaky peek…

Dom stood outside Etta's room, propped up against the wall, a sloppy grin on his face.
He sobered. "What the hell did I just let happen?" The last person anyone should get involved with would be him.
But Etta didn't want anything hot and heavy. She wanted to get laid. Why the hell should he turn that down?
Maybe because she might not get emotionally involved, but he almost always did.
He pushed away and started down the hall, retracing his steps to the main entrance. He thought briefly about forgetting the scheduled visit, but he'd talk himself into keeping it. Pathetic as it made him, he craved some human female contact. And since the woman he wanted would never be his, he'd seek it with another.
And if that makes me a huge asshole, I'll get over it.
Snagging his jacket, he shoved the main door open and stood outside. He'd planned to go out for a long ride but opted to walk around the perimeter of the spa grounds instead.
Why did Etta Morgan push his buttons? He'd known her what? For a while now. Since the night he'd found her left for dead outside the sector barricade. During her recovery, they'd talked a good bit, and he enjoyed her company, enough to be comfortable with her.
Thought he knew her fairly well despite the short span of time.
He so hadn't.
With one simple challenge he'd been ready to drop trou and have a go at her. No … with her. She brought out something feral … primal … a little wild in him. Her honesty about what she wanted and how she wanted it turned him on.
And a walk on the wild side sounded damn good at the moment.
Maybe he needed it. Etta had one thing right. Truth equaled Char and Lex forever. They were meant for each other. He could let it eat at him or move the fuck on.
Etta would make the latter a hell of a lot more interesting.
Maybe he'd been too wrapped up in Char to see the possibilities with Etta. Char had been something sweet, and he'd needed that. Char had, too. But she'd held a big part of herself back. She never laughed the lusty laugh with him like she did with Durben.
And he might not have had the instant spiral of feeling for Etta that consumed him when he met Charlotte. But he'd admired Etta's grit from the moment he'd found her in the tall grass fighting for her life. Her tenacious spirit served her well.
Making a turn, he headed along the final side of the perimeter boundary. "Okay, Etta … let's see where this mutually beneficial arrangement takes us."

I love how this one is coming together. Dom and Etta are one of my favorite couples and telling their story is so much fun.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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