Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Rewarding Experience

Another crazy week with record low temperatures for August. I'm talking wear a jacket because it dipped into the low forties at night. This week we're supposed to be back up in the mid to high nineties. Weather is wild.

Seriously jammed with work projects right now and I love being busy. I'm at the point where I'd love to have another four hours added to each day, so I don't feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. Also had to figure out a few things for my daughter's grad school, like how to drop a class and add a new one before the semester starts, which is Monday. As mentioned last week, she was in Ontario Canada for a theater festival and didn't have a lot of downtime. The good news is, she's set to go. Yay!

I didn't have a lot of viewing time this week. The verdict on my car is still out and that's been hovering in the back of my mind and distracting me. My work projects also need my full attention.

I did get to watch an episode of Elementary and ended up enjoying it. I skipped the one that I struggled to get through. I'd rather have forward momentum than get stuck and drop the show.

And that's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Rewarding Experience, a novella that puts a couple through a dangerous experience.

Here's the miniblurb:

When an explosion rocks a deep space mining expedition, injuring Trixie Bell, she realizes how much she wants and needs Jock Tennyson by her side. The grueling hours and physically exhausting work make the couple cranky and edgy, but Trixie decides to show Jock how rewarding a simple reprimand can be.

And a sneaky peek…

Trixie paused on the way to team three's location. A pop sounded above her head followed by a skitter of pebbles. She listened carefully, poised to move. There. A low whine hissed through the chute. She had about ten seconds before the first rumbling groan would occur.
"Shit. Cave-in."
Taking off at a dead run, she sprinted to the group mining an offshoot. She got to their location right before the first snap and crackle of falling debris rained down behind her. They didn't have much time to escape the cramped confines.
Motioning with one hand, she gave a sharp whistle. "Githo, githo, githo. Now. Now. Now." The shorthand phrase for get the hell out had the five-man team hotfooting past her.
She breathed a sigh of relief when they hit the larger corridor. They were out of the way. She started moving … but not fast enough to make it clear. The retaining wall gave under the pressure of the tumbling rock. And crumbled down on top of her.
Everything went dark and pain engulfed her. She spit dust and debris out and groaned. Damn. Her first thought? It sucked to be her right now.
The second? It wouldn't be easy to get her out. Shit. Shit. Shit.
An eerie quiet descended on the chute. Or maybe the roar in her ears dampened everything out. A little dazed, she took stock. Tried to move but couldn't. She definitely didn't have a lot of wiggle room. And everything hurt from her head to her toes.
The first voice she heard echoed off the stone. "Make a goddamn hole."
Jock. But how did he get here so fast?
"Trixie? Trix! Where are you?"
Buried under a crap ton of rubble. Hysterical laughter tried to escape but hurt so badly she sounded more like a wounded animal.
Her arm turned a weird angle, but she moved her fingers, waggling them a little. "Here. I'm here." She couldn't shout—pain made raising her voice impossible.
A scramble of feet and a shower of lose dirt and pebbles clued her in to Jock's arrival. "Trix? Geez." A bright spotlight swept over her. "Okay, you're gonna be out of there in no time." He shouted over his shoulder. "Bring the bags and vacuum. Now!" He focused on her again. "I'm here, Trix. I'm gonna get you out." Worry creased his face before determination settled in. "Hold tight, okay."
Trixie bit back a laugh. "Not like I have a choice." Searing flames of agony enveloped her, and she groaned.
Jock reached down and caught her chin in his hand. "Don't you die on me." Something raw and unchecked filtered through his voice and gaze. "I need you here with me, Trix."
Tears prickled behind her eyes, but she blinked them away. "Not going anywhere, Jock." It grew harder to breathe. "Get me out of here. Hurts. Like a bitch."
He gave a nod and backed away when two miners drew his attention. "We're going to start." Jock placed a makeshift shield around her head. "Shout out if anything causes more pain."
She lifted her chin. "I trust you, Jock. You know what you're doing." His engineering background would prove useful.
If anyone could get her out in one piece, Jock would be the man. Her mind drifted while she listened to him bark orders and direct the crew. How did he get down the shaft so fast? Didn't matter, because she might not have made it otherwise. The vacuum started pulling soft rubble from the pile while they moved the bigger pieces of heavy stone. Several times Jock stopped the work to evaluate their next step and to check on her.
When he lifted the shield a moment later to speak to her, his gaze held deep concern. "We have to cut three large pieces and they're all in sketchy positions. I want to fortify two while we remove the first."
Trixie tried for humor. "So … don't make any immediate plans then?"
He cracked a smile. "That would be a no." He sobered. "I promise we'll work as fast as we can." He arched a brow. "Any questions?"
Trixie gave him a wobbly grin. "Just one. How did you get here so damned fast?"
He blinked and shook his head. "Seriously? That's what you want to know?"
Her lips curved again. "Hey, I've been alone with my thoughts and nothing else for a while now. So, yeah, I'm wondering."
He leaned down, holding her gaze. "I was already on my way when the cave-in happened. Because you were right … but we'll talk about that after I get you out."
She smiled. "I'll hold you to it." He started to back away and she caught his attention again. "Hey, Jock." He angled his head around. "Thank you."
He gave a quick nod then got back to work. At this point, numbness encompassed her whole body … but she didn't want to say anything because he had enough to deal with. Including her bad attitude.
I gotta stop blaming him for the commission's bullshit. She truly couldn't imagine not having him in this godforsaken place. I need him in my life.
Drawing in a breath, she winced. It hurt to breathe. Her vision swam and a haze of blurry gray edged her perspective. She closed her eyes and drifted between paying attention to Jock's rescue orders and unconsciousness…

A little longer than normal, but I'm so happy with how this scene turned out.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.


ML Skye

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Relative Chemistry (Uncivil Revolution)

Whew! What a week. It's been something of a wild ride. My daughter starts graduate school in Athens the week of August 25, and we're still trying to figure out her financial aid. She's headed to Ontario Canada this week for a theater festival, which is what she'll be getting her master's degree in. My work inbox is overflowing! I'm so grateful for all the new projects but also a little daunted by how much I have stacked up and waiting for me to get to. My car also has an issue that we're hoping is not the computer. I'll know more on Monday. Ugh!

I didn't get much done on the viewing front. Too many things needed my focus elsewhere. Between the phone calls for school and car problems, my brain turned to mush. Bleh.

I did get an episode of Best in Paradise in. I enjoyed it again. It's fun to have the introductions from the cast members.

I also got to watch the closing episode of Death in Paradise season eight. A very interesting and twisty episode with a really cool gesture at the end from the commissioner.

And I also finished up the main draft of a holiday manuscript I've been working on for, geez, almost a year. The sages finally cooperated and threw a bunch of ideas out. I'm so happy about that.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Relative Chemistry, a novel in the Uncivil Revolution series. Or maybe the Civil Revolution. I'm not sure on the title yet.

Here's the miniblurb:

In a nation torn apart by an uncivil war, Wallis Canton is allowed to live if she keeps the men at a covert human trafficking location sated and satisfied. When Etta Morgan is brought and held for sale to the highest bidder, Wallis finds a kindred spirit and rediscovers her will to be free. When Dom Marinelli arrives on the scene to save Etta, he almost takes out the one man, Perry Norris, who didn't abuse and degrade Wallis. With Perry's help, the four escape the facility and live to fight another day, and Perry helps Wallis navigate life on the outside, showing her good men do exist and love can flourish from tragic circumstances.

And a sneaky peek…

Wallis Canton shuffled along in front of her armed escort. Her head throbbed and her muscles ached. Twelve hours with no food and barely any water sapped all of her energy. Taking care of five clients didn't help. Sex burned a lot of calories.
I'm running on empty.
The man behind her grunted. "You're home. No work tomorrow. Rest up." His mouth twisted in a sneer.
The heavy steel door opened and Perry Norris, one of the caretakers, stepped to one side. "Instructions?" He spoke to the armed escort.
Wallis itched to get inside the facility, to have a shower, and find her bed. Her rumbling stomach and parched throat would need attention first. After that, she might curl up on the nearest flat surface and crash hard.
The goon—she never remembered their names—shook his head and nudged Wallis across the threshold. Perry lifted his chin and quickly closed the door, turning the deadbolt before he put out a steadying hand.
Wallis nearly crumpled at the supportive gesture. "Need water." Her voice cracked and rasped between her dry lips.
Perry pressed a bottle into her hand. "I figured. They never think past collecting the fee and moving on to the next stop." He guided her toward the bathroom in the old high school that functioned as a makeshift dorm for the sex workers.
She twisted the cap off and slowly drank a few sips of the clear liquid. "Thanks." Her stomach gurgled and roiled … the water making her queasy, even as it quenched her thirst.
Perry reached into his shirt pocket and tore the wrapper from a protein bar. "Didn't feed you either, did they?" He handed the food over.
She gratefully took the offering and bit into the mix of granola, peanut butter, and honey. "No." She chewed and swallowed, following with another longer drink. "Not usually out as long as I was today." A yawn escaped before she could stop it.
Perry angled her toward him, his gaze sweeping over her. "You're dead on your feet. Would you rather go to your room instead of the restroom?"
She shook her head. "I want a shower. I need to get … clean." Her gaze met his. "You know?" Especially after the long sex-filled day.
Perry dipped his chin. "Yeah. I do." He led her into the cavernous former locker room and over toward the line of showers. "Finish the food and water. I'll get the water warm for you." He pointed to the bench by the stalls.
She sank down then jumped back up. "Wait! You're fully—" The spray of water drowned her voice out.
Dressed. He's fully dressed.
Sitting back down, she nibbled the protein bar and sipped the water. The infusion of calories eased the emptiness in her stomach and the water soothed her throat, but her body still ached from the overexertion of the day. She might fall asleep right here.
Perry returned, his clothes damp. "All warmed up. You're good to go." He grabbed a towel from the rack and dried his hands off.
Wallis heaved a sigh and slowly got to her feet, swaying a little.
Perry caught her elbow. "You okay?" Concern etched his features.
Wallis lifted a shoulder. "Not sure. Can't really think straight." She moved forward, pausing by the stall. "Ugh. I don't even have the energy to get undressed." Her vision swam.
Perry put his hands on her shoulders. "Look, I'm not trying to be creepy or anything, but let me help. You can't stay upright much longer."
She gave a nod and held her arms up. Perry walked behind her and lifted her shirt over her head. Then he slid her pants down until she could step out of them and her clogs. She slowly made her way into the stall and under the hot spray of water.
Perry pulled the curtain. "I'll be right outside. Call out if you need anything."
She paused, wiping the water from her face. "Can you stay? I won't be long." As much as she'd love to spend the next twelve hours under the steamy mist, she wouldn't be able to stay awake much longer.
Perry grunted his acknowledgment. "I'll stay."

I'm very excited about writing this one. I think it's the final book in a three book series and the ideas have been rolling around in my head for more than a decade.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Red Tape

August is being very mercurial. Instead of sweltering hot temps, which we did have last week, we've got—I'm not kidding—almost fall-like weather. I had to put a jacket on last night to take the dogs out. Granted, it was still sixty degrees, but we had a strong breeze blowing and it was chilly. Please note, I'm not complaining. But … does this mean Ohio will have blazing hot temperatures in October? Probably.

Super-busy work week again. Finished up the mystery manuscript copy edit. Started a proofread of a memoir on a prominent thoroughbred racing family. I still have two other memoirs in the wings, one of which should start this week. I also have a romance to copy edit. I love being busy!

But … that means I didn't have a lot of time for viewing television. I did, however, find out one of my favorite actors has a new movie coming out in September and might have watched the trailer two or three (okay, more like twelve) times. I'm excited because this movie will totally be my shit and I now have something to look forward to in a month or so.

I finished up the My Life Is Murder episode I started last week. Again, a fun episode where Madison got to shine. I love this cast so much.

I also started the new series of Signora Volpe. This is another series I thoroughly enjoy. Emilia Fox is iconic for her role in Silent Witness and it's so lovely to see her doing something new and fresh and very unlike Nikki.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Red Tape, a novella that follows a couple when they transfer to a new ship and have to figure out a way to still be together.

Here's the miniblurb:

Noelle Phame and Dirk Santias are given a temporary duty assignment to a new space cruiser and quickly realize how different the traditions are on an admiral's flagship. Once they figure out the red tape, they're free to fraternize all they want.

And a sneaky peek…

Dirk's spare pair of boots dangled from his fingers while he waited for Noelle in their usual spot. "Nothing like the smell of grease, oil, and rubber cappers." The rarely used storage locker held the recycled-parts canisters and crates for the engineering maintenance crewmen.
The out-of-the-way location made it the perfect place to get up close and personal with Noelle. His lips curved. How she thought of the spot, he'd never know. But … he also wouldn't complain—even if the pungent aroma left much to be desired.
His first choice had been the causeway leading to the water treatment hub. Too bad the limited patrolled area ended up being a favorite for others seeking a quiet place to hookup. By the third interruption, the age-old pair of boots to signal the occupied status became the norm. And Noelle suggested the storage locker, which as far as he knew, remained theirs alone.
Noelle strolled around the corner of the corridor and flashed a wide smile. "Right on time. I kinda worried you'd get called into a briefing since we're heading out in the morning." She keyed in the entry code for the hatch.
Dirk set the boots beside the threshold. "Why me and not you?" He followed her inside and dogged the hatch behind him.
Instead of answering, she nudged him against the bulkhead. "Later. I've been waiting for this all day." Her mouth meshed with his.
Right. Who needed conversation? Making out took precedence over everything. Especially if they might not have a chance to get hot and heavy for a while.
His hands inched her shirt upward. Hers loosened the button of his fatigues. His lips blazed a trail along her throat. Her fingers traced the length of his erection before shoving his pants past his hips. He eased her tee over her head and dropped it beside them. She shimmied out of her warmups and toed off her boots. He shrugged out of his shirt and let it fall to the ground while stepping out of his boots and uniform pants. So many times, they'd stripped the layers of clothing off. Sometimes quick and fast with hurried movements when short on time … but not tonight.
Her index finger skimmed from his sternum down to his groin. The featherlight touch stirred his blood and had him craving more. He cupped her breasts, brushing his thumbs over her nipples. Her eyes closed and she shuddered a little.
Her mouth kicked up in a grin. "You always know what'll get me even hotter for you." She grasped his hips, closing the gap between them. "But I don't wanna flare out too fast. Don't know when we'll get to do this again." Her tongue licked a path from his pectoral up along his collarbone.
He loved it when she fell back on pilot speak. A flare-out happened when someone hit their thruster too quickly after exiting the launch tube. The resulting backdraft usually ignited, causing a flash and burn of the engine. Only supremely skilled pilots could get the birds back online and in formation. Most had to scratch and return to the ship.
He rested his forehead against hers. "A flare out would be tragic tonight. Slow and steady to savor the moment." His mouth hovered over hers. "Starting now…" Tilting his head, his lips slanted over hers and his tongue slid past her teeth.
She responded, wrapping her arms around him, her palms flat against his back. He nudged her toward the small desk and urged her to sit up on the surface, which had been covered with a blanket to protect the glossy wood underneath. She splayed her legs, and he bent over, pressing open-mouthed kisses along her thighs. He crouched, leaning forward, and blew a hot breath over her mound.
Noelle moaned low in her throat. "You are going to drive me wild, aren't you?" She dropped back on her elbows.
He met her gaze. "Damn straight." Lowering his head, he flicked his tongue over her clit and slipped a finger inside her core.

Noelle and Dirk are a fun couple to write. I also love having an external conflict that might keep them apart for a while.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.


ML Skye

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Quick, Fast, Dirty

Man, July felt like a decade but it actually kind of flew by. August is off to a running start and it's hot temperature-wise, which is the norm for rural central Ohio. We've had some big storms move through, too.

My inbox is jammed with work projects and that makes me happy! I'm working on a mystery for a copy edit. I have a developmental edit on a memoir. There's a possible copy edit of another memoir in the wings and some research for another author. I also sent the next set of chapters on a developmental edit to the author for review. I love being busy.

I didn't get a lot watched this week. I started an episode of My Life Is Murder but have to finish it. I also haven't been able to get back to the episode of Elementary I started two weeks ago. I don't know … I'm not as into this episode and I'm struggling to finish it. Maybe I should skip to the next one.

I did have a fairly good week of writing, which also limits my screentime. I got a big scene written for one of my WIPs and a few smaller ones for a couple of other works in progress. All in all a good week!

That's it for the life update. Tonight's post is from Quick, Fast, Dirty, a sexy novella about keeping things hot in the middle of a war.

Here's the miniblurb:

Vixen Arz and Josh Baldwin like their sex quick, fast, and dirty. In the middle of a war, they don't have time for sensual pleasantries, and they can't do the hearts and flowers things anyway—Vixen is Josh's superior officer. If caught fraternizing, both will face brig time—or court martial!

And a sneaky peek…

Two hours.
The words had become a mantra in Josh's head. The things he could do with Vixen in that extended time period made waiting extremely hard. And filled his brain with down and dirty images.
Two hours.
Practically a lifetime out here. He wanted so much more than brief, stolen moments, but didn't dare ask. Even if he'd fallen deep.
So deep, in fact, he pondered an attempt to set the stage a bit for their encounter. Would Vixen think he'd lost his mind if he did? Probably.
Might be worth seeing the shocked look on her face if he spruced up the storage locker. Then again, he'd have a damn difficult time trying to do much more than maybe having a blanket and pillow without drawing attention from others.
He leaned back on his bunk. "I could do those." The bare minimum, right?
He might actually get to see more of her also. Not that he hadn't seen every inch of her. The heads were coed, and everyone snuck a peek at some point.
But … he craved being able to map her skin with his hands. From head to toe. And, yeah, that wouldn't really be possible even with the extra time—alert klaxons didn't wait for anyone—yet a weird hope took shape in his mind.
She's bringing the lube.
That opened up so many possibilities. He couldn't wait to explore the ones that interested Vixen. Maybe find a few more things that made her blood hum and her eyes roll back. Someday, he'd have an entire inventory of what she loved best.
Last dog watch would hit right at dinner time and the ship's mess would be fully occupied by off-duty crewmen. If he wanted to covertly add some ambiance to the storage locker, he should wait until just before the shift started. And he'd need something to carry the blanket and pillow in.
Rolling out of his bunk, he crossed over to his locker and pulled it open. "Got just the thing." He crouched and shuffled through the items in the bottom section. "Pay dirt." He withdrew a canvas duffel that should have just enough space to stuff the items he wanted in there.
Rising, he cocked his head. "And maybe a few extras…" He might not be able to pull out all the stops, but he could make an effort, right?
Showing Vixen he cared for her as more than a good lay could blow up in his face, but he liked taking risks. If he didn't, he wouldn't be having sex with his superior officer.

This story is a lot of fun. I love writing how a changing dynamic can mess with the status quo of an established relationship.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye