Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Quick, Fast, Dirty

Man, July felt like a decade but it actually kind of flew by. August is off to a running start and it's hot temperature-wise, which is the norm for rural central Ohio. We've had some big storms move through, too.

My inbox is jammed with work projects and that makes me happy! I'm working on a mystery for a copy edit. I have a developmental edit on a memoir. There's a possible copy edit of another memoir in the wings and some research for another author. I also sent the next set of chapters on a developmental edit to the author for review. I love being busy.

I didn't get a lot watched this week. I started an episode of My Life Is Murder but have to finish it. I also haven't been able to get back to the episode of Elementary I started two weeks ago. I don't know … I'm not as into this episode and I'm struggling to finish it. Maybe I should skip to the next one.

I did have a fairly good week of writing, which also limits my screentime. I got a big scene written for one of my WIPs and a few smaller ones for a couple of other works in progress. All in all a good week!

That's it for the life update. Tonight's post is from Quick, Fast, Dirty, a sexy novella about keeping things hot in the middle of a war.

Here's the miniblurb:

Vixen Arz and Josh Baldwin like their sex quick, fast, and dirty. In the middle of a war, they don't have time for sensual pleasantries, and they can't do the hearts and flowers things anyway—Vixen is Josh's superior officer. If caught fraternizing, both will face brig time—or court martial!

And a sneaky peek…

Two hours.
The words had become a mantra in Josh's head. The things he could do with Vixen in that extended time period made waiting extremely hard. And filled his brain with down and dirty images.
Two hours.
Practically a lifetime out here. He wanted so much more than brief, stolen moments, but didn't dare ask. Even if he'd fallen deep.
So deep, in fact, he pondered an attempt to set the stage a bit for their encounter. Would Vixen think he'd lost his mind if he did? Probably.
Might be worth seeing the shocked look on her face if he spruced up the storage locker. Then again, he'd have a damn difficult time trying to do much more than maybe having a blanket and pillow without drawing attention from others.
He leaned back on his bunk. "I could do those." The bare minimum, right?
He might actually get to see more of her also. Not that he hadn't seen every inch of her. The heads were coed, and everyone snuck a peek at some point.
But … he craved being able to map her skin with his hands. From head to toe. And, yeah, that wouldn't really be possible even with the extra time—alert klaxons didn't wait for anyone—yet a weird hope took shape in his mind.
She's bringing the lube.
That opened up so many possibilities. He couldn't wait to explore the ones that interested Vixen. Maybe find a few more things that made her blood hum and her eyes roll back. Someday, he'd have an entire inventory of what she loved best.
Last dog watch would hit right at dinner time and the ship's mess would be fully occupied by off-duty crewmen. If he wanted to covertly add some ambiance to the storage locker, he should wait until just before the shift started. And he'd need something to carry the blanket and pillow in.
Rolling out of his bunk, he crossed over to his locker and pulled it open. "Got just the thing." He crouched and shuffled through the items in the bottom section. "Pay dirt." He withdrew a canvas duffel that should have just enough space to stuff the items he wanted in there.
Rising, he cocked his head. "And maybe a few extras…" He might not be able to pull out all the stops, but he could make an effort, right?
Showing Vixen he cared for her as more than a good lay could blow up in his face, but he liked taking risks. If he didn't, he wouldn't be having sex with his superior officer.

This story is a lot of fun. I love writing how a changing dynamic can mess with the status quo of an established relationship.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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