Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Relative Chemistry (Uncivil Revolution)

Whew! What a week. It's been something of a wild ride. My daughter starts graduate school in Athens the week of August 25, and we're still trying to figure out her financial aid. She's headed to Ontario Canada this week for a theater festival, which is what she'll be getting her master's degree in. My work inbox is overflowing! I'm so grateful for all the new projects but also a little daunted by how much I have stacked up and waiting for me to get to. My car also has an issue that we're hoping is not the computer. I'll know more on Monday. Ugh!

I didn't get much done on the viewing front. Too many things needed my focus elsewhere. Between the phone calls for school and car problems, my brain turned to mush. Bleh.

I did get an episode of Best in Paradise in. I enjoyed it again. It's fun to have the introductions from the cast members.

I also got to watch the closing episode of Death in Paradise season eight. A very interesting and twisty episode with a really cool gesture at the end from the commissioner.

And I also finished up the main draft of a holiday manuscript I've been working on for, geez, almost a year. The sages finally cooperated and threw a bunch of ideas out. I'm so happy about that.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Relative Chemistry, a novel in the Uncivil Revolution series. Or maybe the Civil Revolution. I'm not sure on the title yet.

Here's the miniblurb:

In a nation torn apart by an uncivil war, Wallis Canton is allowed to live if she keeps the men at a covert human trafficking location sated and satisfied. When Etta Morgan is brought and held for sale to the highest bidder, Wallis finds a kindred spirit and rediscovers her will to be free. When Dom Marinelli arrives on the scene to save Etta, he almost takes out the one man, Perry Norris, who didn't abuse and degrade Wallis. With Perry's help, the four escape the facility and live to fight another day, and Perry helps Wallis navigate life on the outside, showing her good men do exist and love can flourish from tragic circumstances.

And a sneaky peek…

Wallis Canton shuffled along in front of her armed escort. Her head throbbed and her muscles ached. Twelve hours with no food and barely any water sapped all of her energy. Taking care of five clients didn't help. Sex burned a lot of calories.
I'm running on empty.
The man behind her grunted. "You're home. No work tomorrow. Rest up." His mouth twisted in a sneer.
The heavy steel door opened and Perry Norris, one of the caretakers, stepped to one side. "Instructions?" He spoke to the armed escort.
Wallis itched to get inside the facility, to have a shower, and find her bed. Her rumbling stomach and parched throat would need attention first. After that, she might curl up on the nearest flat surface and crash hard.
The goon—she never remembered their names—shook his head and nudged Wallis across the threshold. Perry lifted his chin and quickly closed the door, turning the deadbolt before he put out a steadying hand.
Wallis nearly crumpled at the supportive gesture. "Need water." Her voice cracked and rasped between her dry lips.
Perry pressed a bottle into her hand. "I figured. They never think past collecting the fee and moving on to the next stop." He guided her toward the bathroom in the old high school that functioned as a makeshift dorm for the sex workers.
She twisted the cap off and slowly drank a few sips of the clear liquid. "Thanks." Her stomach gurgled and roiled … the water making her queasy, even as it quenched her thirst.
Perry reached into his shirt pocket and tore the wrapper from a protein bar. "Didn't feed you either, did they?" He handed the food over.
She gratefully took the offering and bit into the mix of granola, peanut butter, and honey. "No." She chewed and swallowed, following with another longer drink. "Not usually out as long as I was today." A yawn escaped before she could stop it.
Perry angled her toward him, his gaze sweeping over her. "You're dead on your feet. Would you rather go to your room instead of the restroom?"
She shook her head. "I want a shower. I need to get … clean." Her gaze met his. "You know?" Especially after the long sex-filled day.
Perry dipped his chin. "Yeah. I do." He led her into the cavernous former locker room and over toward the line of showers. "Finish the food and water. I'll get the water warm for you." He pointed to the bench by the stalls.
She sank down then jumped back up. "Wait! You're fully—" The spray of water drowned her voice out.
Dressed. He's fully dressed.
Sitting back down, she nibbled the protein bar and sipped the water. The infusion of calories eased the emptiness in her stomach and the water soothed her throat, but her body still ached from the overexertion of the day. She might fall asleep right here.
Perry returned, his clothes damp. "All warmed up. You're good to go." He grabbed a towel from the rack and dried his hands off.
Wallis heaved a sigh and slowly got to her feet, swaying a little.
Perry caught her elbow. "You okay?" Concern etched his features.
Wallis lifted a shoulder. "Not sure. Can't really think straight." She moved forward, pausing by the stall. "Ugh. I don't even have the energy to get undressed." Her vision swam.
Perry put his hands on her shoulders. "Look, I'm not trying to be creepy or anything, but let me help. You can't stay upright much longer."
She gave a nod and held her arms up. Perry walked behind her and lifted her shirt over her head. Then he slid her pants down until she could step out of them and her clogs. She slowly made her way into the stall and under the hot spray of water.
Perry pulled the curtain. "I'll be right outside. Call out if you need anything."
She paused, wiping the water from her face. "Can you stay? I won't be long." As much as she'd love to spend the next twelve hours under the steamy mist, she wouldn't be able to stay awake much longer.
Perry grunted his acknowledgment. "I'll stay."

I'm very excited about writing this one. I think it's the final book in a three book series and the ideas have been rolling around in my head for more than a decade.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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